Monday 9 December 2013


Jainism provides self searching through a process called ,Dyan or Krayautasarag. Krayautasarag is giving up love for body and to carry on positive thinking called Dhyan. Modern theory termed it to be mediation. One shall engage himself when ever, he finds free time preferably in morning or while going to bed. Only aim is to have calm and quite surroundings. Dhyan can lead to deep inner peace. 
Before the study, let us some introduction. We have been gifted with two eyes to see the outer world. Irony of it is that it cannot see self face without help of mirror. So it is unable to look within the soul. Hence for Dhyan, one has to close eyes and disconnect with outside.
 In Pratikaman Bhagwan specified 5th serial Pada for it. For layman it is advised to do with 4,8,12,20 and 40 Loggas Sutra. Loggas is in praise of present period's Thrithankaras from  Bharat Kheshtra. If  one is not knowing it he can use Navkar Mantra for engagement in "Dhyan". This should be the auspicious beginning for doing Dyan.
One has to sit in right posture in lonely and peaceful  place and has to concentrate on breathing in and out  and  perform the " Dhyan or
Karyautasarag" keeping silence. Time frame one can decide as per own free time which can be gradually increased. The mind shall be free, while focusing and concentrating one can imagine the posture with following or any other similar image available on social media.
You can engage your self in Chintan ( Thinking ) as following lines
 or it can be own composition based on Jainism religious study.
1- I am only soul altogether different than  present body. Soul is permanent and non perishable one. With layers of  Karmas ,I am passing through number of cycles of life and death through 8.40 millions places of birth. I have decided to cut roots of all layers of Karmas with Nirjara and good deeds and is careful to avoid new karmas with a aim to attain salvation. Salvation is my only one aim.
 Siddha Bhagwan. Arihant Bhagwan and Gurudeva -I seek your help for this mission of mine. Please help me  for correct ,Samyag ways  knowledge, faith and conduct. Due to ignorance I have committed lot of sins of 18 types and 25 Mithyatava  marked by wrong faith in all previous and present lives and I am really sorry for such bad conduct of my soul from bottom of my heart. I request all got hurt by me knowingly or not knowingly to forgive me, I also forgive all. I pray to have Sudeo,Sudharma and Sugurudeo for all next lives. Nigatham Payanam Sacham Tameva Saccham Jum Jinehim Payeim is my faith
2- I am waiting for the day when I can give up all possessiveness and follow Aparigraha leading to a very simple and honest living my life.
3- I am waiting for the day when I can become monk leaving all domestic affairs and carry out maximum efforts to know and follow Bhagwan's path. I pray for early fulfillment of my dream of Moksha.
4- I am waiting for the day when at the end of life I can take Santhara and leave current body with  peace by regretting all sins and doing Pratikaman. Siddha Siddi Mam thee Santu------------!!!
JAI JINEDRA---------!!!-------------JAI MAHAVEER---------!!!.

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