Saturday 4 May 2019


Friends .I found today's( Pakki) lecture of Gurudeo as a real and unique experience. Unique experience in the sense that it provided a
basic answer to a common question. The question is common but we do not dare to ask to other than self. In question and answer part
a devotee showed the courage and asked Gurudeo "Sir, I always hear
from you that one shall always engage in religious activities and good deeds for happiness. But from my own personal experience I 
can say that my sufferings has not ended even though I with my best ability doing all acts of Niarjara and Punya. Can you please give any reference of Bhagwan Mahaveer where he has said such things."
  No one from hall including Gurudeo have expected such question.
With his usual coolness Gurudeo started his answer covered here.
"Friends the answer will require two sessions. I will try to satisfy the
question fully. The references will be based on Bhagwatisutra 05/05
and 07/08. Before that I will require to share some basics concepts.
First, to doubt Jinwani is a sin. But to be curious and to go for cross
checking for truth finding is not a sin. As such ,I welcome your this
question. Generally most Guru are covering their lectures based on
Jinwani We just make it in simpler and common language for better
understanding. With this preface now let us turn to the question.
Most among you are commercial people. Now please tell me cash
withdrawal is simple from saving bank account or cash credit base   overdraft account. Yes, it is equally easy from both accounts. Now
if your overdraft account is in excess limit that permitted securities
then cash withdrawal is impossible till the limit is bought down to
normal limits. Same is case with life. If results of our Dharma deeds
are used to clear overburden of sins ,we cannot be happy. One become happy when sufferings ends. But since we do not know the
exact balance of  accumulated Karma balance positive or negative,
we have to be continuously engage in religion without waiting for
results. Now you can assume that unfortunately you have higher
balance waiting for repayment which require some more efforts.
Most of us connect with Jainism and Karma theory usually at later
stage of life. With clean slate since birth, we can easily review our
current life and our actions within this span. We usually mistook
current life as a single and only life. As a result we come to a very
wrong conclusion that so far I have not committed any bigger sin.
We write judgment in own favor to be a good Samaritan. We do not
count last births sins ,negative deeds and current life's sin into this
judgment. Over and above all simply we do not know the exact and
wide coverage of 18 sins. We are unaware that a tiny action of our
mind, speech and body can cause attachment of sin particles to our
soul. I sincerely believe that this initial preface will help all of you
to know that it is a wrong foundation that we all are pure saints and
free from sins. Even I agree that you all are doing Samaik and all needed one. But it can be possible that they may not be sufficient to
clear opening and new additions to sin. Now in second session I will give exact references where Bhagwan Mahaveer has covered
 this topic. It will definitely make your faith on Jaindharma and it's teaching strong."Gurudeo concluded first session.

JAI JINENDRA-------!!!-----------JAI MAHAVEER------------!!!.

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