Tuesday 18 October 2022


Friends, Diwali is the most popular festival among all Indians from centuries. This festival aims to celebrate two events. First return of Prabhu Ramchandraji to Ayodhya after fourteen years of exile and secondly attaining Moksha by Mahaveerswami. Business community added third event of Laxmipuja as Laxmi goddess might have visited earth to participate in any of two events as above. Lighting added by sweets and crackers are symbols to express joy for all those events. Same day is also marked for Guru Gatauswami attaining Kewaldyan. However a true Jain celebrate it by reciting 108 times holy Veerstuti "Puchhisunam" and "Uttaradhyansutra " in full or 36th last chapter

To enjoy108 recitation I try to give meaning of difficult words here. Shrawaks can do it up to 24h Oct.25 and 26 Oct is "Aswadhyakal." one can also recite a two liner on Veernirvan day which is as follow- "Mahaveerswami Huye Nirvan,Guatamswami Paye Kewaldyan
1-Agarino-Grihasth-human in domestic life. Anelisam- Best.            2-Dnaysuyass-Dyatputra.Ahasuyam-As you heard.
3-Jansa-sino -Successful.
4-Nichhnichehim Samikhapanne- After correct view to inform if it is temporary or permanent-Nitya or Anitya for living and nonliving.
5-Abhibhuynanee--Kewaldyan Niramgandhe - Dhieemum
 following correct and pure religion with courage.                            
6- Bhueepanne- Anantdyani Anieachari -Doing Vihar as per will. Vaeeroyaninde- Burning fire.
7-Kassav-- Bhagwan belonging to Kashyapa Gotra.
8-Pannyaa-Intelligence. Mahodahi- Swaymbhurmana ocean
9- Sudansane-Meruparvat. Suralaye-Heaven.Mudagare-Joy giving
10- Joynanam- Yojan Tikandage-3 parts. Navnayee- Ninety-nine.  Udusito- upper rising. Hetta--- Below.
11-Bhumivattaee-on earth surface. Hemavanne- as of gold color. Mahinde- Mahendra- Indra of heavens
12- Sadmahppagase- known and famous with many names. Dugge- difficult. Jaliye ya Bhome- pearls and medicines found on Meru.      13-Mahiee-earth.Naginde-Nagendra mountain. Achhimali-sun.        Bhuri-various. Vanne--colors .
14-Pavuchhaee-as told. Mahato-great. Jaee-Jaso-cast and success.  15-Neesah and Ruyaye -Nishadh and Ruchak mountain. Aayynam and Valayatan- Aayat length and  round or circle.
16-Susukkhsukkam-cystal white as moon and shell.
17-Visohatta- filtered. Sahianantpatte-Having start but no end.
18-Suvanna-Bhavanpatideo Suvarnumar.
19-Thaniyam-Cloud roar. Apadinnamahu- Kamnarahit Sadhu.
20-Tavovhani-- One among doing Tapsya.
21-Miyanam-deer. Nivvawadi- branch believing in salvation.
22-Johesu-warriors. Visaasene- Vishwasen .Khattin- Skhatriya. Dantawakke- Dantawakya. Eseen-Saint. Sette--super.
23-Anwajjam- No flawed words. 
24-Nivvansetta-Mokhsha best.
25- Sanihim-accumulated. Kunnaee-done.
26-Azzahathadosa-winning Kashay.
27.-Savvawayam-among all spiritual opinions. Uvatie-static.
28-Saraeebhatta-food after sunset. Khayattaye- for ending.
Savvam Variyam Savvawaram-He gave up sins for salvation.
29.-Aagamissanti- happens in next life.
Once readers are aware with exact meaning hopefully they can do  recitation with more dedication and sentiments.  I wish all readers to have meaningful and correct celebration of this great festival added
by reading "Uttaradhyansutra" Aagam told by Bhagwan himself.

JAI JINENDRA---------!!!----------JAI MAHAVEER----------!!!.