Friday, 13 March 2015


Gurudeo was delivering lecture in " Mahaveer Class" in Upashraya. Today's topic was 25 Bol. Gurudeo completed third bol--Kaay,16th bol--24th Dandak and 21th bol--Jiva- Rashi and it's categories being-563 living and 560 non-living one. He explained it in a simpler way.

 After completion of class 3/4 from students raised doubts over the classification. They asked Gurudeo how earth, water, fire and air (Prithikaay,Upkaay,Teukaay and Vayukaay ) can be treated as living one. They do not have doubts for remaining two Kaay seen by eye- plants. animals and o moving creatures .They requested explanation. 
 In their opinion majority of men believe them to be non living. Gurudeo told that he will clarify the doubt but before he wanted the all students to answer his question by written slip.
The question was What is the significance of celebrating birthday ?.
Out of collected 60 slips the resulting answers was declared. Being-
1--It is birth time of one particular person-----57 slips.
2--We follow tradition of majority though it is only delivery time.  Real birth time is when a soul takes birth in mother's womb approximately 9.25 months prior to delivery ---02 slips.
3-It is wrong to celebrate it as a birth time, because actual birth starts when the soul leaves the previous body with death and start his new march with a destination of mother's womb---01 slips.
 After it Gurudeo continued-" Dear friends the question and answer demo shows that majority can not tell or follow the truth all the time as evident from above sample case .It is also evident in daily
practice on day to day cases. Hence majority not always be true.
In above case our exact time of birth is not known to even our own mother who gave birth but only known to Kewaldyani ,thus so many things we do not know but can know through Jinwani only.
 If what we believe is whole truth then there is no need for new research. Each year Nobel and other similar prizes are declared.
It shows that still much more is left to reach near the truth for our modern science. So we have been left with no choice but to believe fully whatever is told by Kewaldyani Mahaveerswami Bhagwan. 

If there are no living souls in those categories how various viral diseases can be spread through air, water, earth and fire ?,What keeps burning of fire on ? If air is not powerful then how sound and picture waves are being transmitted from one place to another one ?
 Just think can a seed on rock can grow ?Why it grows  only on in fertile land- ?  Soil has souls hence it can assist seed to turn into plants. We cannot see hell or heaven but as told by  Bhagwan ,we have to believe their existence. So some time in most of our wisdom we have to follow the doctrine "Tameva Sachham Nisskham Jam Jinehim Pavehyim" (It is the only and only truth that has been told by Jinendra Bhagwan. ).Such faith makes our Samkit strong and put us on the path of salvation. It reduces our life and death cycles.

Thus knowing the truth ,we must make use of these resources to the minimum extent. Boiled water or water mixed with ash prohibit new lives creeping in. So there is minimum sin in such modified careful consumption. Thus truth cannot be same as visualized from surface
Truth is whatever is told by Bhagwan. So give up your doubts with reference to our limited knowledge and start believing teachings of Bhagwan. Soon you can have tremendous treasure of knowledge.

JAI JINENDRA----------- !!!---------- JAIMAHAVEER--------!!!.

Sunday, 22 February 2015


Gurudeo completed daily lecture. It followed by question and answer session .Devotees narrated their present sufferings and pains asked Gurudeo whom they shall blame for it. Their sufferings were full of various common categories like--illness, death of loved ones then
poverty ,disputes in courts and more or less on similar lines.
They assured Gurudeo that their present life is full of religious activities, simplicity charity and honesty but they could not relate their sufferings to any of misdeeds or known sins of current life.
Gurudeo's answer is being summarized  herewith-----"Devanupriya
let me try to answer your questions based on  Jinwani Aagams only.

1-------Please go through the answers of Mahaveer Bhagwan in holy Bhagwatisutra given to Ganadharmaharaj for better understanding of subject. The related reference is being provided herewith.
A---Shatak - 01/02--Sayaamkrita Karma and Vedana (Self deeds and sufferings,) how self related Karmas and results are related.
B---Shatak - 03/03---------Kriya and Vedana (Action and sufferings).
C---Shatak17/04-Aatmakruta Sukh add Dukh and Vedana. (sorrows, happiness and sufferings by action of  our own soul)
A-In the answer to Guruguatamswamiji- Bhagwan told that all souls of 24 categories are sufferings due to own actions which are fallen due for results now. No one suffer without same history of his soul
B-In the answer to Manditputraji Bhagwan told that first it is action and then there is result. In no case it is first result and then action.

C-.In the answer to Guruguatamswamiji Bhagwan told that soul is suffering for own actions. They cannot suffer due to actions of others or combined actions. It is applicable for all 24 categories. (For Joint actions individual portion is separated by Karma doctrine related to Samudaik bandh).Here Bhagwan bifurcated Dukkha (pain) and Vedana (sufferings) in the following two categories-.

While Dukkha is always painful ,Vedana can be positive/negative. (Satavedniya) and negative (Asata-vedaniya).Satavedniya can give good results. However Dukkha compulsorily meant for sufferings.
In the nutshell if you follow Jainism you gain courage to face the sufferings. By knowing that you are the one who sowed the seeds, you can taste the resultant fruits with a smile and brave heart.
 If you face it with a feelings that, let me repay my borrowings as fast as I can- you can have more clean soul marching on path of salvation. One can pacify himself that Karmas have not spared Great Soul like Mahaveerswami, then I am too ordinary to ask for getting exemptions from  Karma operations on their maturity time.
As a common human we cannot relate particular action and exact time of it's making since there is infinite series of our past lives and deaths. Only Kevaldyani can tell it. So be careful for your smallest action by mind, body and speech. Interestingly any action which may be done in most secret manner, cannot escape from  Karma mission.
 Now devotees are too clear that the root cause lies with them only. They are the real architect of all sorrows, pain and happiness. One has to bear with own product either good or bad.

JAI JINENDRA-----------!!!-------------JAI MAHAVEER------!!!.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015


I was curious to know how Gurudeo prays to God. One day I dared to ask him my burning curiosity. With a smile on his face he asked me if I can share my  way of prayer with him first. I told him that it is a normal and  routine one and can be summarized on follow lines.
"Mahaveer Swami -Thanks  a lot for this life you gave to me with all various luxuries. Definitely more can be added to them compared to others. Please ! - see that I and my circle live happily for a long, long period. Make it sure to keep me away from any of sufferings and the unpleasant things in life. Kindly ensure check on my enemies. May I take your leave now hoping for dreams come true. Thanks again "--!.
 Gurudeo again smiled and told he terms some part of my prayer as-- a  " Mangilal" s Prayer (Beggar's) "one. Looking to me he added
that before becoming monk his prayer was more or less on similar lines but now Jainism has changed the entire vision and attitude his  current  and routine prayer is on following lines.--------------------!
1-" Mahaveer Bhagwan thanks for the torch of correct knowledge passed on by you for me. With it ,I may remove fraction of darkness inside my soul. Without it I would have continued on the path of 18 sins and might have missed path of salvation in this life..
2-Without following your teachings I would have increased number of life and death cycles ,I sincerely fear inside my soul.
3.Without it I would have lost vision of right faith and right conduct
4-Now grant me courage to walk on the path shown by you without a fraction of deviation. Grant me the wisdom to have hundred and one percent faith that what ever told by Jinwani  and is only truth. 
5-The light shown by you taught me equality of living souls and changed my entire attitude towards them. Please grant strength to my hands so that I can pass on the torch to more hands.

6-Thanks very much for the invaluable treasure you left for us in form of 32 Aagams .Please excuse us for wrong interpretation if any .With my limited capacity I am unable to understand it fully.
7-Only a favor I ask to have last breath in current life with your name and Nankarmantra on tongue. Allow me to complete current journey in state of Santharavrata and Khamatkhamna to all with a  sense of peace and calmness on face while going for exit.

8-This can not be my last birth since lot of coverage of negative deeds are remains to be cleared off from my soul so please be with me as a guide, mentor and philosopher till I attain salvation.
I felt ashamed of my greed and ignorance and bowed to Gurudeo for a different but most correct Prayer. Really it has a fragrance of the innocence of child and is full of gratitude. I decided to replace prayer of mine with Gurudeo's version. Readers can think and decide for .

JAI NINENDRA---------!!! ----------JAI MAHAVEER--------!!!.

Monday, 26 January 2015


The questions and answers session was in progress. Gurudeo was answering questions of Shrawaks ( devotees). One question came--We never invite Karmas,then how they can come and fix to our soul just like an invited guest---------?, a devotee asked Gurudeo.
Gurudeo smiled " It is very good question but before  knowing the answer-please try to note following basic six elements for better understanding. It explain the modus operandi of Karma doctrine.
1--Eight type of Karma Particles- ( Parmanu) exists  in universe -
Oadarik. Vekriya. Aaharak. (used to builds body and shape) Tejas,
Language,breathing,mind and Karman. Known as"Karmanvargna. "
First three particles are attracted for body as per his Gati involved. Karman particles consists of eight Karmas being-explained in 3rd.
4 Ghati ( easier to clear ) and 4 Aghati Karmas (difficult to erase).
2--Five types of Kriya (action)----Kayiki (with body),Aadhikarni (with tools.organs,weapons and possessions).Pradweshiki (love and hate),Paritapaniki (giving trouble) and Pranatipatik (killing)
3-Eight types of Karma particles- knowledge,faith,Vedniya (sufferings),Mohaniya ( love and hate).Aayu ( life term or span)
Naam,Gotra (Shape caste like) and Antaray ( prohibitory).

4-Eight components of Soul--Dravya, Kashay. Yog, Upyog(use),
knowledge ,faith ,conduct and Virya ( human power).
5-Three types of Yog (tool for action)--Mind, speech and body. Yog does the job to attract and fix Karma to soul. Kashay and it's severity involved in catching it decides period and it's severity.
6-Four types of Kashay--anger ,ego, Maya (tactics) and greed.
   The universe from bottom to top ( seventh hell to Siddhasheela) is full of  above eight types of Karman particles. The same particles as of earth are also present in Siddasheela, They are not attracted by soul of Siddhabhagwan since they do not have Yog (tools for action & Kashay (negative components of soul).
Karmas have magnetic power-they are non living and visible (not to ordinary human). Soul is living and invisible. Karman particles do not  get fixed automatically to soul but it a result of own action.

Our tiny action caused by transactions of mind, speech and body mixed with various levels of feeling attract them and got fixed to soul. Wrong faith Non-Pachhakahn .Pramad.Kashay and Ashubhyog associated with particular action decides the period of continuation of such particles with soul. However with Nirjara the period can be reduced except for Nikachit (fixed frequently) Karmas.  We have to face Nikachit Karmas as built. No changes can be made into nature.
Thus one may not invite Karmas orally but your smallest action is enough to attach them to soul. Soul carry it, till their clearance.
Now it is clear they are not invited guest but just invited by us knowingly or unknowingly. Just imagine following  common actions of human being usually undertake knowingly or otherwise in practice
1-Laughing at disability of some one.
2-Scolding subordinates.
3-Becoming sad with memories of near ones.
4-Praising beauty of opposite gender.
5-Expressing joy for taste of food, quality of construction and similar situations. All emotions also attracts Karma particles. One can blame that reacting to such instances is normal human behavior but to try to control feelings is a way taught by Jainism. One must be neutral in
all circumstances to the maximum human possibilities, Such control act as a barrier to incoming Karmas saving us from future trouble..

One may think it is ordinary reaction but mind well, you are inviting  Karmas. Now you can not say Karmas are  non invited guests" with it Gurudeo concluded answer. In a nutshell and moral story of it---
Be beware of your tiniest action if you want not to attract Karmas.

JAIJINENDRA---------!!!------------ JAI MAHAVEER--------!!!.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015


I had been to Aurangabad to offer respect and to meet Gurudeo On the day Gurudeo was explaining  ninth and 20th chapter of  Aagam
Uttaradhyansutra titled as Namipravajya and Anathimuni-(no Nath).
( Mahanirganthiya )The chapter were related to helplessness of organs Gurudeo asked the listeners " Do they think their organs are under their full control ? Amidst  initial silence initially with deep
thought Most listeners answered positively. Gurudeo asked to rethink their answers with reference to future keeping following  various situations in mind. There was anxious waiting in hall for questions.
1-Will the hair will remain black for ever--------------?
2-Can eye can perform without spectacles for ever --?
3-Why a person struck by paralyses find it difficult to move certain part of body----?. The body is same and used by him frequently .
4-Why suddenly skin start to have white patches.----?
5-Why in later years one may have to carry on with less or teeth--?.
6-Why one may  advised to use hearing aids for proper listening---?
7-Why our legs in old age needs wooden stick for support ---------?.
Gurudeo further added that from above, it is clear that your organs will not be under control of  you or your brain for all times.
If one think he is master and organs will carry out his orders for ever is  totally false belief. Let us come out of this fallacy.
With ageing and various diseases organs tend to loose original vitality. Soul is creator of body using sperms of parents and other inputs in womb of mother. But with various comforts and
misconceptions over time, we make the creator slave of organs.
Thus we forget the creator in the process.
If you agree with it then just think how much your time ,money and energy, you spent for decorating your body and organs. Lavish bath- rooms. plenty of water for bath, high quality of soap .oil, added by
perfumes, rich dresses. sunglasses, skin lotions--------all you use to decorate body. Women usually give more attention to present them themselves. Just look at the end result. It must be a  an eye opener.
I leave to your imagination. If this is the fact you have to decide for what you shall care more ---body or soul. Gurudeo questioned.
Soul is utmost important than body. Body and organs can cheat you but soul will never deceive you. So do not make your soul slave of organs. Soul can ensure salvation for you. Don't make him slave.
If you are doing fast, you are controlling tongue, if you are deciding not to see movies you are controlling your eyes. 
Thus with various Pachkhans ( promise to self ) you can control various organs making them to work for soul.
With reading Aagaams, visiting Gurudeo, holy places. Samaik Poshadh one can make the soul strong leading to road of salvation.
If you can spare some time and observe Jain Sadhuji/Sadhviji you can know the real meaning of simple living with minimum possessions. Just decide to give minimum attention to body and organs and have focus on uplifting of soul. Gurudeo concluded.

JAI JINEDRA----------!!!---------------- JAI MAHAVEER------!!!.

Sunday, 4 January 2015


On the eve of saying good bye to 2014, I attended camp for youth organized by local Jainism group. The advice of Gurudeo is being shared herewith so that youngster can give it a decisive thought.

1--Best way of life is to take Diksha by becoming Jain monk. For it one has to leave home and domestic affairs. Many of you will not like this idea at this stage of life. For such reason let me discuss some other points with you. You can follow it remaining in home.
2--You all have struggled a lot in life to have better education and  opportunities of career. Such efforts rewarded you the current status.
3--With your life style you can decide your earnings methods,
spending and savings .I wish to share it's impact on you.
4--Always remember money attracts money. Rich class of society have so many model to attract your hard earned money. Basic needs like house, eating, conveyance, entertainment all are made available with a eye on your pocket. You are just a commodity which create
demand for their branded products. Big corporate houses and other
 class of society constantly working towards attracting your savings. With it they can meet their profit and return on investments targets. Hence you are their target class bear it in mind forever. 
5--You can have loan from bank or lenders with interest and opt for lavish apartment ,premium cars. eating at five star hotels ,branded clothes and shoes, entertainment in casino. brawl, pub, Hukkah Shoppe. drugs, race course, forward trading, cards etc. Once you exhaust your money you will be ignored. All electronic and electrical gadgets are waiting to add to your comforts at a price.

6--For five days you are working beyond your capacity to be in race at cost of your health. Such hard earned money you are spending to take care of your status and wrong beliefs of relief to body and brain. If money proves insufficient then manipulative ways are followed to meet the requirements. It makes one to adjust with our moral values.
It indirectly creates a guilty feeling in us and conscience. It is always better to opt for honest earning and spending within limit than to go  for show off with borrowed funds with aim to show higher standard.
7--Just note wishes are unlimited and no amount of money can quench the thirst unless you learned to be satisfied and happy with limited and honest sources. This can help you for ever in your life
8--If you are born with golden spoon in mouth then do not waste your wealth in building skyscrapers and forts. Please decide to act as trustee of society and try to return to it as much as possible. Mind well, good fortune is a result of past and present good deeds .
Take care not reduce such positive balance in  show off business.
After death people do not remember you for wealth left but how it was put to use during your life time. A smile on face on living one can offer you more peace than investing in non-living things.
9--Just have calculation ,how minimum money is required to have a reasonable life when most of essential things like air. sunlight and water are free. You can decide % for charity out of your income.
10--You are a free soul and can very much decide what is good for you. But  remember what is seen as good may not be so in a long run. It will carry repercussion for years to come. So do not follow others. give more weight age to needs of soul than body or prestige. In such ways you can create moral wealth .I t is more important.
At the end of session Gurudeo offered Manglik to welcome year The youngsters were seemed to be happy to discover correct way to live. How they change life, only time can tell.

JAI JINEDRA----------!!!----------------- JAI MAHAVEER-----!!!.