Friends, herewith I am sharing recent incidence during my visit to Gurudeo. Usually, I always see Gurudeo in cheerful and motivating
spirit. But that day. he was upset for few minutes. Since the event has
some hidden message. I try herewith to pen it down for blog readers.
At the end of lecture and Manglik, few young devotees raised some
slogans in praise of Gurudeo to read as "Xxx Gurudeo Ki Jay Ho---!.
Gurudeo tried unsuccessfully to stop them by raising his hand. After
some time when peace was restored Gurudeo asked permission for
extending the lecture for further 10 minutes. Here is the brief of it.
"Devanupriyo devotees ,I can acknowledge your respect, love and
affection towards me. But most humbly, I wish to state that, I do not
posses qualities meant for such slogans. There are numerous souls
like Siddha and Kewali Bhagwan along with Arihantbhagwan who
only deserve such victory slogans. Myself is nothing when compared
with such noble and pure souls. Myself is just a particle of sand in
a desert, drop of water in ocean and lamp before sun. As a human,
we all inherit flaws .I am trying to overcome them but so far till date
could not do it. There is a danger of personification when one put
Guru above Lord Mahaveer. It may lead to more sub- branches and
divisions labelled with name of different Gurudeo. Such partitions
will be harmful for next generations. They may not regard Jinwani
as source of all teachings, will recognize it by name of Gurudeo. The
spirit of such nature is harmful for unity of Jain community.
The branches divides religion and society. It gives birth to a habit
which tend to points fingers at others ignoring good qualities. May
it cause to sow seeds of ego in a soul who gets worshiped. As such every Jain must keep in mind that nobody is above our last 24th
Thirthankar Mahaveerbhagwan. If raising slogans is felt as a must
necessary, then only three slogans should be permitted. They are---
1-Mahaveer Bhagwan Ki Jay Ho-------------!!!.
2-Jain Dharma Ki Jay Ho----------------------!!!
3-Jai Jinendra------------------------------------!!!.
Uniform slogan can ensure everlasting unity among all Jain, I feel.
I feel you all will definitely catch my feelings. There is absolutely
no hard feeling of mine towards any of you. There is no need to stamp one particular monk or Sadhu as our Guru. Tomorrow if my
conduct or faith get even slight variation, you need not to follow me
Any one who is walking on path of Mahveerbhagwan is our Guru. Bhagwan has informed to have minimum 2000and maximum 9000
crores Sadhu in this universe at any given point of time. So please
take care to have a correct and broader vision." Gurudeo ended his lecture.There was a stunning silence in hall. Every one seemed to
agree with broader vision of Gurudeo. It's a timely noble thinking. JAI JINENDRA----------!!!-------- JAY MAHAVEER---------!!!.
spirit. But that day. he was upset for few minutes. Since the event has
some hidden message. I try herewith to pen it down for blog readers.
At the end of lecture and Manglik, few young devotees raised some
slogans in praise of Gurudeo to read as "Xxx Gurudeo Ki Jay Ho---!.
Gurudeo tried unsuccessfully to stop them by raising his hand. After
some time when peace was restored Gurudeo asked permission for
extending the lecture for further 10 minutes. Here is the brief of it.
"Devanupriyo devotees ,I can acknowledge your respect, love and
affection towards me. But most humbly, I wish to state that, I do not
posses qualities meant for such slogans. There are numerous souls
like Siddha and Kewali Bhagwan along with Arihantbhagwan who
only deserve such victory slogans. Myself is nothing when compared
with such noble and pure souls. Myself is just a particle of sand in
a desert, drop of water in ocean and lamp before sun. As a human,
we all inherit flaws .I am trying to overcome them but so far till date
could not do it. There is a danger of personification when one put
Guru above Lord Mahaveer. It may lead to more sub- branches and
divisions labelled with name of different Gurudeo. Such partitions
will be harmful for next generations. They may not regard Jinwani
as source of all teachings, will recognize it by name of Gurudeo. The
spirit of such nature is harmful for unity of Jain community.
The branches divides religion and society. It gives birth to a habit
which tend to points fingers at others ignoring good qualities. May
it cause to sow seeds of ego in a soul who gets worshiped. As such every Jain must keep in mind that nobody is above our last 24th
Thirthankar Mahaveerbhagwan. If raising slogans is felt as a must
necessary, then only three slogans should be permitted. They are---
1-Mahaveer Bhagwan Ki Jay Ho-------------!!!.
2-Jain Dharma Ki Jay Ho----------------------!!!
3-Jai Jinendra------------------------------------!!!.
Uniform slogan can ensure everlasting unity among all Jain, I feel.
I feel you all will definitely catch my feelings. There is absolutely
no hard feeling of mine towards any of you. There is no need to stamp one particular monk or Sadhu as our Guru. Tomorrow if my
conduct or faith get even slight variation, you need not to follow me
Any one who is walking on path of Mahveerbhagwan is our Guru. Bhagwan has informed to have minimum 2000and maximum 9000
crores Sadhu in this universe at any given point of time. So please
take care to have a correct and broader vision." Gurudeo ended his lecture.There was a stunning silence in hall. Every one seemed to
agree with broader vision of Gurudeo. It's a timely noble thinking. JAI JINENDRA----------!!!-------- JAY MAHAVEER---------!!!.