Friday, 2 July 2021


Friends often we hear the word |"Sayam" in Jainism's terminology. Gurudeo beautifully explained it in his question and answer session. Devotee asked "Sir what is meant by Sayam. Can only the Jain monk can practice it. Why practicing it enable getting Deologa in next life and not Moksha Here is the brief coverage of Gurudeo's explanation.

"Devanupriya, really it is nice to hear such questions. It shows your willingness to walk on the salvation path. "Sayam " simply means to controlling five organ and mind. It is not necessary that only Sadhuji can practice it. Shrawak or even a non Jain can do it easily. Since our Sadhuji have left domestic life and live hood issues they are in much
better position and more time to be in "Sayam".A soul marches to the Sayam in stages. First he hears Jinwani then he study it and gets the expert knowledge. As a result he gets to know the value of taking the Pachkhans. With such control he gains "Nirjara -cutting bad Karmas. He control his needs and lead a simple life controlling his organs and mind. Organs ear, nose ,eyes, touch are comparatively easy to control but taste and mind are much more difficult. Main reason behind it is
that from childhood we were bought up in a comfortable life style by parent. Specially we develop taste and liking for eatables and drinks.
It's a irony that for taste of tongue some people even turn to the other than vegetarian food. A survey in this regard give shocking results. A increase in Jainism knowledge will slowly change the current scene.
Secondly mind is a free "Pran tool knowing no boundaries as the air.
To control them Mahaveerswami advised fast and Dyan. "Aayambil Tap- allow the Shrawaks tasteless food avoiding 5 Vigaya. Secondly Samaik, Pratikaman and Poshad engagements help to control mind.
Engagement in religious activity can help to control organ and mind.
Bhagwan Mahaveerswami prescribed 5 Samiti and 3 Gupti to" Jain" monks to ensure "Sayam" of all actions, mind and organs. As such if you are walking on road keeping eye open to care for small insects it is a Sayam of eye, Kaya and mind. It ensure 1st Vrata non-violence. 
Hence Jain Sadhuji  never move after sunset beyond compound of a Mandir or Stanak. except urinal like needs. In rainy season as we all know that it is  must for them to stay at one Chaturmas place for the entire period of four months. It is all specified to maintain "Sayam".
Silence keeping is also a very good tool of Sayam to control tongue.  
In nine Tatvas Bhagwan said Sanwar is the closing doors of sins and  Aashrav is opening these door. Sayam can be gained by Sanwar vow.
Sayam help soul to keep away from 18 sins and 4 Kashay. Soul must keep away from " Kaam -Bhog" to maximum to ensure Sayam. Our ears and eyes invites Kaam in form of words and beauty. Balance 3 organ are tools to invite Bhog in form of smell, taste and touch. Thus avoiding five Kaam Bhog can help to limit birth cycles for our souls.
In 25 Bol we get 5 organ's 24 coverage and 240 Vikars. If one knows the coverage he can gets more help to control organs and it's demand 

Now let me turn to your second question. Why Sayam help to get a  birth in Deologa and not directly to Moksha. Sayama is of two kind. One is Sarag Sayam and second is Vitraag Sayam. Sarag mean soul with love, hate and affection. Even up to sixth stage of Sadhuji ,soul fails to give up "Raag-Dwesh".From seventh onward stages the soul march towards flawless stages. Hence seventh is called "Apra-Matta.
Unless soul win over "Rag-Dwesh with Sayam there is no salvation. 
In 29th and 30th chapter- Samkit and Tap- Mahaveer Bhagwan used word "Indriya- Pratisalinta" and "Indriya-Nigraha" for control over all organs. Pachkhan helps a Shrawak to become "Deshvirati".Monks are "Sarva-Virati" as from taking Diksha they are in Samaik 24x7.I hope you all will know the benefits of Sayam and make a slow start.
Organ and mind are too fickle. As a rider control horse by neck belt
Pachkhan and Sayam help us. Soon you can see how the controlled organs bring change and take you to a advanced stage of salvation path".Jinwani is always open to guide you. Do not form a habit to fulfill all demands of body. At last all born one has to die .Better to  live  at all possible simplicity and execution. In 18 sins 6 each sin is being done by Man, Vachan and Kaaya.  2,12,13,14,15 and 17 are for Vachan. Sayam can ensure distance from all sins. In 25 bol 9 Tatva 1
can get twenty Sayam practices. They are  Samkit, Pachkhan. giving up Kashay,  Pramad  A-Shubhav(5), Follwing 5 Mahavrata, 5 organ   and mind ,speech and body control (8) and taking all things with a almost care (2).In all  total 20.These are designed to stop 18 sins.
Whatever is possible to your ability do them "Gurudeo concluded.

JAI JINENDRA----------!!!---------JAI MAHAVEER------------!!!.

Saturday, 19 June 2021


Friends again here is a presentation based on Gurudeo's lecture from my diary. His lecture was based on 25/07 chapter of Bhagwati Sutra. It is titled as "Tap and Dhyan." Devanupriya for all souls who seek salvation Bhagwan Mahaveer swami has provided immense beautiful guideline in the chapter. Lastly I covered mediation with 12 Bhavnas

and types of Dhyan. Four Dhyan are--Aarta, Rodra, Dharma-Dhyan and Shukla- Dhyan. Unfortunately out of last 2 good Dhyan, in this "Pancham Kaal" we do not have noble Shukla-Dhyan as in this the Dhyan Moksha is most certain. It enable "Kewalibhagwan" Moksha. Here one can recollect with this Dhyan Moradevi and Gajsukumalji got Moksha. It requires tremendous pure, constant frame of mind. I also told you to make difference in Dharma and Punya. Punya can help you to get AC waiting room .Dharma can take you to home.
With this recollection let me turn to main topic that I wish to share with you. For a Jain soul who is in domestic life it is not possible to be in Samaik  for full day. I want you to check which state of mind that you are engaged for full day. Mind well- all your actions which are not covering "Shrut and Charitra Aaradhana" are "Aartadyan". How one deals with spouse, kids, customers, boss all actions matters.
Dhyan is a process to make most efficient use of mind in a positive way for Jinwani. All other activities of mind falls into either Aarta or Rodra Dhyan. Our worries ,thinking of adding to wealth, sadness for sufferings of self or others or deaths are part of Aarta-Dhyan. This do not qualify for Nirjara. Up to 6th "Gunstan" soul build Aarta-Dhyan.
 Once soul reach seventh status it does not fix next life as he enters in salvation process. If life is being fixed in such mind frame one may not get a good Gati. Rodra is to be avoided at all cost which involve cruelty and anger. Mind may turn to any Dhyan if not properly cared.
I can understand the difficulty of human in domestic life to control over feelings. One has to know the evils of Aarta-Dhyan and have a self practice to remain aloof from such homely sentiments just as a  beautiful lotus flower remain aloof even being in the muddy water.
Have a practice to chant Navkar Mantra whenever you get some free moments. Use spare time for Samaik, Pratikaman, Swadhay and Tap to the possible extent. Learn 12 bhavna by heart, It can provide you a good material for thought and  better understanding of falsely of life. Life and world will carry on as it is adding new episodes and dramas. Do not become part of it as your soul is precious. Take care of action and do not allow to burden your soul. Facing the circumstances with  calmness can make you to eascape Aarta-Dhayn Gurudeo concluded .

JAI JINENDRA------------!!!---------JAI MAHAVEER----------!!!.


Thursday, 3 June 2021


Friends the subject of Dreams is a fascinating for most of us. Dreams meet us daily in our sleep. Studies has been going on from centuries. In current era with modern tools science has established preliminary facts. Sleep said to have four stages. In fourth stage body relaxed and brain become more active. The stage is being termed as " REM being rapid eye movement. Science says dreams are nothing but activation synthesis electrical brain impulsion. In other words it is outcome of processing of memories. Jainism do not recognize separate existence

of brain or kidney, lever etc. They can be assumed as part of mind and Tejas body. Jainism approves mind as one out of soul's 10 "Pran" helping soul to live current term. Jainism provides 9 virtues of mind. They are courage, logic, memory, illusion, idea. forgiveness, good and bad determination and versatility. A thought of mind can travel with speed of 22,65120 per second as against travel of light186000. In ancient times masses believed dreams to be hint of near future and
dreams to be a connecting bridge with heaven. Jainism believes that
a soul burdened with lesser negative Karma can see dreams which is near truth. We have seen it in fourteen dreams of Thishala Mata and  10 dreams of Bhagwan Mahaveerswami before birth and Kewaldyan Bhagwan's dream were different as he was Thirthankar and pioneer. We as ordinary human see mostly dream from memories and wishes. Mostly all dreams we forget and fail to recollect on our waking up. If
we can reduce our Karma specially "Darshnavarniya",soul can learn to know & believe thing truly as they are we can see truth in dreams.
Swadhay of Aagams and Tap can help us to reduce negative Karmas
We as travelers of salvation path from Bharatskhetra need minimum two more births so as to see such dream. Let us wait for hopefully.
Herewith I share one interesting part based on 16/06 chapter of our Bhagwatisutra. It is titled as "Moksha Faldayak Swapna". In it Pujya Mahaveerswami narrated fourteen dreams a soul sees before getting salvation. Naturally it is subject to prior 16 conditions of eligibility.
Readers can visit the Blog dated 27/10/2014 to verify self eligibility.
Let us see the details. May be symbolic to win over inner enemies. Together doing of maximum "Purushartha for soul's positive Karma. A read from original text of "Aagam Bhagwatiji" can give details. 
Any one dream out of 14  before waking up can give salvation hint.
1.-Soul see line of well built horses, elephants or bullocks take ride.

 2.-A long rope fully covering ocean from east to west .Soul collect it the said rope with his own hands  and feel that he has done  it fully.
3.-A long rope touching east to west of "Lok" cut off by own hands.
4.-A bundle puzzled with black and white thread cleared by the soul.  5.-Soul see piles of iron, lead, copper, nickels, gypsum reach on top. 6.-Soul see piles of silver, gold, diamonds and precious metal Vraja. and he gets himself on top of the pile and feel the same climbing.
7.-See various piles of grass or garbage and scatter them off.
8.-See various types of pillars and cut them off from their roots. The pillars are said -Sirstmbh, Veeranstambh, Vanshi, Vallimulastambha.
9.-See big pot filled with water, Ghee honey and curd and lift it.
10-See pot of liquor, oil, fat and crack it and feel the cracking.
11.-See a most beautiful "Padmasarovar" lake and enters into it.
12.-See ocean filled with sounding waves and reached to it's bank.
13.- See luxurious house decorated with gems and enters into it.
14.-See large plane decorated with gems and ride on it.
Soul who see dreams numbered 5 or 10 need one additional life for getting salvation. Friends layers of our heavy negatives Karmas may prevent us from seeing such worthy dream. Let us not give up hope,  Jain religion based on "Jinwani" will definitely help fulfill the dream  of getting to our last dream destination at Siddhasheela and Moksha.

JAI JINENDRA------------!!!----------JAI MAHAVEER---------!!!. 


Tuesday, 25 May 2021


Friends to have a religious use of today's full moon day, herewitth a brief share of a another best lecture of Gurudeo. Pujya Gurudeo was answering to a question of a devotee. "Sir, how the logic behind all different souls can be explained. Myself is a son of Jain monk. While

my father took the Diksha and became monk, I even find it difficult to do a "Samaik ".Looking at him Gurudeo started his answer. "You are right in saying that there is difference in qualities of souls. That's the reason of having two group being Bhavi and Abhavi soul. Let me introduce all of you to basic concept of soul. There is only 2 "Draya" in entire universe one is living and 2nd is non living. Former is to be
called as "Chetan" and later is "Jad".Chetan is soul having "Upyog" as a basic feature. Upyog means to know and believe. It can be a one correct or wrong. All souls from Ekendriya to Panchedriya have this.
It is known as "Sadhnya orAdhya-Vaysay" in other than 5 indrediya.
However with different levels These 3 basic feature can be seen in all living including "Siddha Bhagwan". Each living soul is far way from any biological or D.N.A. criteria's. Relation of parents are limited to  our current birth only. All souls are permanent in nature having no beginning  or end. Pradesh of souls  beyond cut, burning or catching.
"Aatmapradesh" of each living are numerous exactly equal to a sky. You have shaped your soul all together in different manners over all of your past lives. Now let me turn to shaping of one's soul. We all know nature of eight Karma. In listed image first four Karma are too
severe or "Ghati"- Karma affects quality of soul. Rest four Karma are "Aghati".Arihant and Kewali Bhagwan have cleared all "Ghati " and they will get salvation in same life once "Aghati-Karmas get cleared.
Last 4 are body structure, birth background, term and pain related. To note that as long as body is there, there will be pain high or low, 
 All Atamapradesh of soul are being covered with numerous Karmas  of eight types. With our routine actions we continue to add to them.
Now it depends on a "Purushartha" of a particular soul whether he is adding positive Karmas and reducing bad Karmas or vice versa. Soul has 8 components. Who ever use more Kashay Aatma attracts more layers of Karma than others. Naturally his positives virtues get more reduced. For outer world good actions from him become absent.
If a soul doing Swadhay he is reducing bad "Dyanavarniya" while if he is doing Samaik , taking "Pachkhan" he is adding  good Karma of Mohniya Karma. Reducing any bad Karma and adding good Karma process is called "Kshayo-Pasham. These results are the main reason behind different interests and actions of various souls. As such monk father of yours can take "Diksha" due to reduced character covering Karmas. A soul who has cut off  knowledge covering Karma will be naturally inclined to do more and more study of Jinwani. We term such a soul as "Halukarmi".He is constantly aware to absent from 18 sins and utilize maximum time for "Dharma-Aaradhana. The soul
who is just  opposite to is "Bharikarmi",He is not bothered for sins or "Mitthyatva" or such negative Karma. He enjoys doing as own likes. This difference behavior cannot be marked as a permanent for any soul. With "Punyoday",the soul may get by coincidence a chance to get to know a pure soul by rise of a cause or event. Company of such noble soul can bring a radical change into him and can be made to know the strength of Aagamwani. As such one need not to give up all
hopes and victim of disappointment .Try to read Jinwani with given reference of miseries of life. The truth of it can do wonders for you, Gurudeo concluded his lecture .If lecture changed the devotee or not- only future can tell the facts. Let's wait and watch future hopefully.   

JAIJINENDRA-----------!!!----------JAI MAHAVEER----------!!!.



Thursday, 13 May 2021


Dear Readers this Blog aims to assist Bhavi souls to walk on Moksha path based on "Jinwani".We know that most difficult to win over in this journey is "Mohniya Karma" and wrong faith being "Mittyatav". Mohniya means not only love and hate it is more than that. Herewith I share Guru Deo's lecture from my diary. It is based on Jain Aagam- 

the chapter 33 of "Uttaradhyansutra "titled as "Karma Prakurti".Only if we know exact scope of this Karma then only soul can engage to overcome them. "Deavanupriya, I appreciate your eagerness to know the hurdles in the path of salvation. Today in brief I will share them. Mohniyakarma can be classified in 2 broad categories .They are as-- A.-Darshan Mohniya-Soul's inability to see and believe correctly is termed Dmk. They are of 3 types. Samkvatya, Mitthatva and Mishra Mohniya. As you know 25 Mitthyatava and 14 Gunsthan, I do not repeat them. Kash means to suffer. The main reason for our  soul's suffering is birth, Opening the gate of  all  our sufferings is Kashay.
B- Charitra Mohniya-They are of 2 types. Kashay and No-Kashay.
Kashaya Mohniya are of following 16 types-4x4. Out of it four main categories are 1.-Anger.2-Maan.3-Maaya.4. Greed or Lobh. Out of it last one greed or Lobh is most difficult to win. Each of them is being more four sub categories making total sixteen. They are as follow---. 1.-Anantanubandhi.2.-Aprathyakhan.3.-Pratyakhan.4-Swajalaan.         No- Kashaya is of 9 types-Hasya (laughter),Rati-liking or disliking, Shok (grief),Bhaay (fear),Jugupsa (disliking or allergy, hate against  any living or non living matters.) Now we can study Kashay 16 type.
1-Krodh-We all are familiar with it. Anger, irritation, aggravation, provocation, annoy all comes from Krodh. When things do not turns as per own wishes, or hearing unpleasant reactions for us we get it. Souls in hell are being dominated by this type of Kashay-Anger.
2.-Maan-Self esteem or superior complex for self creates it and gave unreasonable expectation from relatives and others creates this. Pride can be for caste, religion, status, knowledge, Tapasaya like reasons.
3.-Maya-Manipulation,trickery,deceit,fraud intention creates it.
4.-Lobh- expectations  without justification with greed creates it. The souls in heaven are being dominated by it. The Lobh can be for name, fame and money. Even few monks cannot free self from it All of these four main bad quality further divided into similar four sub categories based on degree of sentiments at time of Karma building.
A.- Anantanubandhi--Deep ill feeling lasting till last breath. Thus the revenge feeling of Somil Braman towards Gajsulumalji. Unless this type of Kashay get cleared, balance 15 Kahay cannot be cleared. Jainism introduced "Khamat-Khamna, forgiveness to get rid of it.
B.Apratyakhanvaran-It prevents even a slight Desh Virati Pachkan.
C.-Pratyakhanvaran-It prevent to become monk and go for full 12 Mahavrata. It prevents from Saayam and full Charitra Aaradhna.
D.-Swajalan-It prevents Kewaldyan and  Yathakhyat Charitrya. It is not long lasting. The lighter soul can clears once  has got Samkit.       All Kashay play dominant role to fix "Anubhag Bandh" of Karmas built, "Anubhag" means the severity of results when Karma rises.
To know the seriousness of Kashay all present  Sharawaks must read the warning of Mahaveerswami in 12/01 chapter of  Bhagwatiji to Shanka Shrawak Kashay. Bhagwan said Kashay causes turning of
short term suffering into long term, makes Karma binding gets into deeper, small Pradesh are being turned into larger one. Thus it make the soul to travel through long ending forest of lives and deaths, Mind well path of salvation is not a bed of roses. One has to clear all the obstacles one by one. I hope you will understand it and try to do
needful at earliest .Take care to see that our case do not become as a lamp of mud who aims to be like sun without correcting darkness at bottom. This Kashay is darkness for us" Gurudeo concluded lecture.

JAI JINENDRA---------!!!------------JAI MAHAVEER----------!!!.