Saturday, 16 September 2023

JAINISM---BHADRAPADA SHUKLA PANCHAMI------------SAWASTARI----------19/09/2023.-----------!!!.

 Friends, fix seat belts and get ready for  most awaited day for Jains. Sawastari in India for 23 will be celebrated on Tuesday 19/09/2023. One how may be busy keep this day full free for religious activities.

This is  most auspicious day of year for Jains. It has significance and importance as it may be The day for next life fixation for majority of uncovered souls. A good thing of year most branches are following "Sawastari" on this day." Adhik Maas made it earlier also for some.
One can plan his activities based on his location and surroundings. If one is fortunate to be in Jain locality having availability of Gurudeo, Mandir, Stanak then it can be easy. If one is outside India for job or education they then need to locate for center in his area .One can use social media for it. Freshers can take this year as a trial and get them
fully prepared for next year. One will need Samaik tools together the with 3 books-Samaik, Aaloyana and Pratikaman, Minimum learning  is of Navkar Mantra, Loggas and Namothunam. One can also learn names of 24 Thirthankars which can be recited with Mala. One shall take suitable Pachkhan from Navkarshi, Porshi, Ekasan, Aayambil or
Vaas. One shall  have basics prescribed food for Tap Parna next day. One Samaik is for 48 minutes. One can try for maximum Samaik, In evening one need to do 2 Pratikamans- 1 before sunset and 2nd after it. Second Pratikaman needs Kaussag of 40 Loggas. Kamatkhamna is
a must after second Pratikaman. It aims  to clear all  bitter memories accumulated over souls. Soul need to clear all enemy feelings layers over it against all living souls.  One can get brief from parents for more acivities that can be undertaken. Eating " Sachit" vegetables or fruits must be avoided, Better if one use boiled or ash mixed water called as "Dhovan Pani . It's matter of one day but is too important.  Next life's Gati is based on  state of mind and soul at the particular point of time  of the day which is unknown. It is like examination of souls by it's accumulated Karma layers over soul. Wish all of you a  good luck  and best possible circumstances to do  "Aaradhana. One can refer this blog for Aaloyana if he do not have it's printed book,
Today everywhere last chapter of Antagarhasutra being completed. For freshers giving minimum 18 Paap Pratikaman and 84 lac Jivyoni Khamatkhamna with Navkarshi and Porshi Pachkan in images,Must have reading and following them for this great auspicious day----!!!. 

 JAI JINENDRA---------------!!!---------JAI MAHAVEER-------!!!.

Sunday, 27 August 2023


Friends here sharing of some thought out of my hearing and reading. All major religions believe God's or his ambassador's to be a human. It means they may be special from birth in human form or God status might have been acquired subsequently by them through self efforts in human's particular birth. Point is earth is a birth place for all such noble souls. As at Aug.2023 approximate world population is-- 8.04 billions. It could not be same since its beginning. Just assume initial population of  only 100 number It suggests that few out of them gave

thoughts for cause of existence and tried to relate births and related issues based on ongoing life. Point is God is human discovery .This can be said to be initial process to search reasons for our existence. It may have different purpose like self security, confidence care peace.  After unknown subsequent years and numbers of thinkers the results  that may have stood up as is a religion covering birth, human control,
and happenings after his death. Universe was being created and some unknown force control it- belief emerged as on of one part and world is forever without beginning or end and nobody control is a second theory for . Beside them there can be more theories. These all related theories took form of different religions with different founders for it
 It introduced worship places, symbols different literatures  Human
used his communication skills to spread own theories to increasing population from centuries. Today whatever we witness in the form of different religions is a latest version. Now let us examine message of Jainism. Own theory of Jainism's is being universe being without it's beginning or end without any creator. Similarly no one is controlling
human life except his own actions till liberation through chains of numerous cycles of lives and deaths in different forms of four Gati. God means souls free from 4/8 Karma. Jainism differs living and non
living and says Lok operates through 6 Dravyas. Jainism message can be seen with it's theory of Ahinasa and 18 sins. Message is clear it is better to practice any religion limited to own class. Religion is a matter of faith and must confine to oneself. Basic purposes of all religion is to show ways of happiness and peace. When one attempts to establish how superior his religion and  try to expand and impose 
his followings on others then all evils begin. He forgets all  of good things and slowly engage into hate .This jealousy can even get turned into wars. One can verify the reasons behind all wars in human lives history. Majority wars were fought out of  hate for different faiths. It could have been avoided if there was respect for each other's faith. Purpose of my essays on Jainism through this Blog is to explain the contents of it in simple term in English for young generation. As I feel they should not miss a treasure of knowledge legacy left over by Mahaveer Bhagwan.  I never tried to criticize other faiths. All Soul must be free to carry on his faiths, his rituals and related practices
without any disturbances is my belief. Even I avoided to comment on inter-branches faiths. After all soul reaches to nearest to the final truth after his so many efforts to get correct knowledge and faith.
Hope it will help to reduce hate for other faiths and live in harmony.

JAI JINENDRA-----------!!!----------JAI MAHAVEERA--------!!!.



Wednesday, 23 August 2023

JAINISM------DYAN AND MIND----------!!!.

Friends, here is a recap from my recent reading of Jain literature. All of us know that mind is too complex to study. Bhagwan Mahaveer in Bhagwati Sutra chapter 13/7--"Bhasha-Jiva or Ajiva" explained three components-language, mind and Kaya. Bhagwan given features of it. They are-Mind is not soul but other than it. It is Rupi as an air. It is Achit. Mind is available only to living souls. It is non living. Mind exist only while active neither exists prior nor post. It get vanishes- ( Bhedan) once it's engagement over. It is of four types. They are true, 

false mix or practical(Vavahar).In 25 Bol mind is taken as one of tool out of ten Prans. Prans are tools used to live current life. It is form of "Pudgal". It is generated out of "Prayapti".We get details of  Prayapti in 25 Bol. Prayaties are special power of a soul. They help to live life as specified by six parts of Ayushyabandh and accumulated Karmas.  Particles or tiny and "Bahu-Pradeshi" Parmanu of mind are present in Lok. Man Prayati power helps a soul to attract them and to use it. For each living soul it is different. Original Manan power get shape with so many factors. They can be kid's caste, creed, his nationality
upbringing circumstances, culture, religion, schooling, professional
or business engagements. This can explain one's liking for food and clothing's. Hence for any parents it is most important to take care of their kid's upbringing and manners as it will be a deciding factor for his decision power. Good company, good literature reading, Guru's Darshan all can shape mind. Even when all factors are same mind's activation cannot be same even in a family co- brothers. It explains 
inherent virtues of soul and difference in 8 Aatma of any living soul.
As a result one brother may be sober in dealing while other can be an aggressive. Kashay of each soul also shape his mind. We can see the transformation of a soul after his engagement with religious actions and Guru's teachings. Mind covers major memories, experience, fear, anxiety, learning ,thinking planning. Mind is available only to "Sanni Panchendriaya". Mind study is being undertaken by branches like---Psychology, neurology and spirituality. Now let us study Dhyan.  We know "Dyan" is thinking of a subject with concentration.25 Bol give us 4 types of Dyan. First two Dyan are negative while last two are
positive. Last one "Shukladyan" is not available in current era. In the Shukladyan only soul gets unique "Kewaldyan and Kewaldarshan". In present era only "Dharmadyan" is available Modern theories now advocate to concentrate on breathing. Aim behind it is to clear slate of mind and it's routine backup. kid has crystal clear mind slate as it has not been shaped by various factors yet and is in  pure innocent
state. In "Uttaradhyana Sutra" 26th chapter titled as "Samachari"
Bhagwan has asked Jain monks to do Dhyan twice in 24 hours. Thus mind and Dyan both are most powerful tools to create positivity and get free from negativity, jealousy like bad points and taking soul to a right path of knowledge and Moksha. One can start it with asking a simple question like "Who I am" then can switch slowly to nature of "Panch Parmesti , soul, eight Karmas, Nirjara and last aim Moksha. Similarly adding twelve Bhavna to the Dhyan can bring good results. If it is found difficult one can use Navkar and Loggas with meaning. Hopefully friends will use this material for betterment of current life.
A concentrated deep Dhayn can be a useful tool to look into soul. It can provide disconnections with outer chaos and offer inner peace.

JAI JINENDRA---------!!!---------JAI MAHAVEER----------!!!.



Wednesday, 2 August 2023


Friends here is the next coverage in KYJ series for kids by Gurudeo. "Devanupriya we have covered most important part of Jainism being Karma and it's eight types and four type of it's Bandha. To recap it Bandha is of 4 type 1 Prakruti Bandh-( which type out of 8 Karmas). 

2-Stithi Bandh-(It's period of attachment) 3.-Anubhag Bandh-It is the severity of soul while attracting Karma.4.-Pradesh Bandh-Quantity. We have also seen resultant virtue as a result of clearance of  Karma.
Soul become "Sidha when it clear all 8 Karma positive/negative. As given in 30th chapter of "Uttaradhayan Sutra" titled as "Tapomarg- I will explain the type of severity with which- Karma are being fixed. 1.-Badhaa-Lighter can be cleared with sorry like grass bundle fixed. 2- Srupshta-Tight need "Pratikaman or "Tapsya" like fixing by rope.  3.-Nidhhatta-Tighter fixed with more efforts. Needs more efforts. 
4.-Nikachit--All possible maximum efforts are involved in fixing it.
Such karma cannot be changed even slightly and need to face as it is For examples nails are kept in fire then hammered strongly to fix. Do
you remember Bhagwan Mahaveer had built " Nikachit Karma" ? when he fixed nails in ears of a" Gwala" (Herder) in his 18th birth as "Tripushta Vaudeo". Bhagwan was fond of hearing music till he went to sleep. Then the servant was to stop music. One day on waking up Bhagwan found the music going on as the servant forget to stop and slept. King ordered to fill ear of servant with lead. In this way he had built "Nikachit Karma. Those karma found their rise in birth in last life as Mahaveer. Now  I will tell you how Karmas turns into nature
of  Nikachit.  Attraction of Karma is due to action and efforts called "Yoga"( use of mind ,speech and body).It's period and severity being decided by "Kashay".Kashaya is the frame and feelings while one is  building those Karma. If one tells everyone with pride and joy look the result of my revenge--now  victim's 7 generations will not dare to come in front of me .In a second example one is saying nobody in
town can match my preparation of non vegetarian food. He does not has a feeling of regret to cut innocent animals. Of course as Jain you will not go for it entire life long I am sure. Just remember not to go for any of 18 Sin .If happen  check your feeling and go for apology. Anger or Krodh within soul is the main responsible factor to fuel any actions. Just see basic nature of water is coolness. If kept on fire and allowed to get boiled then original nature of it will turn into hotness.
More you boil more severe will be result. Similarly Kashay addition will make the action bitter and bitter.over a point it may turn into the nature of Nikachit Karma Bandh.In moments of anger soul looses his conscience or "Vivek ".Most times he looses control over his power to select correct or wrong and does things in hurry. So always take a
care to control your actions. Keep reminding soul my original nature is Dhyan, Dharshan and coolness. I need to give up all Kashay as I have to return to mine original nature while attaining moksha. This

lecture if acted sincerely can save one from lot of sufferings. Karma spares none-even he was Bhagwan Mahaveerswami .You can try a short poster in drawing room for a "No Anger Zone" signboard" Gurudeo concluded his today's lecture organized for kid's gathering .

JAI JINENDRA----------!!!----------JAI MAHAVEER-----------!!!.



Thursday, 27 July 2023


Friends here is covering of next lecture in kid's series KYJ--- (Know Your Jinwani).Sharing it as I feel it can also be of use for senior also  " Dewanupriya you may have studied in your school opposite words in grammar. They are used to denote different nature and directions. such pairs of it can be like---- happiness/sorrow, good/bad, saint/evil construction/destruction, positive/negative so many examples can be quoted. In reality slowly and for you life will unfold actual and harsh

experience of both sets to most of us. Each, every experience will be creating a mark in your heart and memory for the resultant feeling. If one is being molded with "Jinwani" upbringing he can realize that there is more happiness in construction than destruction. Our  world is full of all two sets of people like good/bad ,saint/evil, Punya /sin. At no time in this world there will be a moment when only and only good things will be around every where. One may hate theft, killings,
rape or war but they will be always around. With such a background  the "Jinwani" aims to have majority of humans who believe in good values for life. As long as the balance is in favor of good Globe- will be feeling positive vibes. A Mahaveer can show light of Ahimsa to whole world while a Hitler can be there to kill masses As a student of Jinwani you will notice that saving  tiny life make you more happy.
Similarly if you try to forgive someone for his misbehavior his then attitude for you will change. A timely help to a close needy will be a life long positive memory for him. With your own feelings you can notice that there is more joy in giving's rather than snatching things. A so called intelligent chap by tactics of forgery and cheating makes a relative or banker to waive or write off his and his all companies' 
huge loan. Do you think the land of law or cheater's conscience mind will be allowing him or his successors to enjoy cheated funds ? Have a look at any of recent big scams in India either in share market or in banks. You will notice the results and agony. All contents of Jinwani are designed to see that you walk on a simple path saving lot of sins and show business. Naturally only birth in Jains cannot assure need to have full faith on it and conduct accordingly by heart.18 sins
make you aware of it and staying away from it. Nine Punya motivate
you to part with sources and reduce possessions. Karma theory of it make you answerable for own actions and make you dependent. You give up asking mercy of some unseen superpower & start to believe in yourself and your human efforts. More and more you study Jain--
Aagams you can discover new concepts of soul, layer over the soul,
reasons for it and measures to cut those layers. You can know value of Pachkhan and staying away from 15 Karmadaan and 25 Mityatva. Once you grow you are free to study contributions of few people to welfare of masses. One example I was told in my childhood I share herewith. In west in the year 1955 Mr. Jonas Salk a doctor and good scientist modified earlier vaccinne methods and had successfully 
presented Polio vaccination. Surprisingly refused to get it patented. As a result he missed huge accumulation of wealth but gained smiles of countless kids and parents. On the other hand you will also find the people who pioneered world war first and second depriving much crores of people normal life. Believe me- Jainism will open gates of immense inner pleasures for all of you. You may not find it easy as you move forward in study. To clear such doubts you can approach any of us. Basically you need to develop observation skills to note
what is going around. Roses spreading fragrance, moonlight sharing coolness, Monsoon spreading lives. Similarly try to add beauty and comfort of Globe" Gurudeo concluded his lecture in KYJ series.

JAI JINENDRA-----------!!!---------JAI MAHAVEERA---------!!!.


Wednesday, 19 July 2023

JAINISM-------JAIN UNIVERSE-----------!!!.

Friends here is a brief coverage of Gurudeo's Sunday lecture for kid.  "Devanupriya I hope you all are finding the various topics discussed under "Know Your Jinwani." Today I am introducing in a short the basic of universe called as "Lok. The subject can not be completed in a full month. My aim to make you aware of it's basic concepts.

 Entire 3 "Aagams " explain it. They are Jambudiwpapranapti. Suryapranapti and Chandrapranapti. My aim is to share basics of it. Universe is mainly of 3 parts. Added by "Siddhasheela" can be  four.
1-Siddhasheela.2-Deolog3-Tirchalog and last one 4.-Hell- when we start from top to bottom. These 4 parts in totality called "Lok". Area out of "Lok" is called "Alok". The difference is due to presence of 6
Asthikaay in Lok as given in 25 Bol. In "Alok only sky is present. In absence of it no living or non living thing is- present there. Alok is too vast than Lok. Siddha Bhagwan's souls cannot cross Lok limit as there is absence of "Dharmastikaay" Total area of Lok is 14 Rajju. It can not be expressed in measurement. In book you will find example of 1000 iron balls, Bhagwan said each of us took birth in each place.  1-Deologa -is consist of 2 parts. First part is called as "Kalpopannak Second part called "Kalpatit".In former all Devta are equal while in
second part "Indra or Ahmindra" is senior followed by various ranks. First part have 3 classes--1-Anuttara-5.-2,Anudesh-9.3-Graveyak-9.
Second part has 1 to twelve Deologa. Souls going to higher with and good deeds, Tap, Sanwar. Jyotishideo sun, moon are in upper part.
The two namely Bhuvanpati and Vyanvantar Deo are in lower part.   2.-Manushya Lok.-- Area of 45 lacs Yojan is Manushyalog and is called as "Jambudwipa" a dot like area at surface.It is situated at the surface called "Ratnaprabha Pruthvi" It covers following 5 Category.
A.-Jambudwipa 1 lac Yojan having 3 Karmabhumi 1-Bharatkhetra-  2.Eravaatkhetra x1.3-Mahavidhehakhetra x 1.It has 6 Akarmabhumi.
B-Ghatakikhand-8 lac Yojan having 6 Karma +12 Akarmabhumi. It has 2 each Bharat, Eirawat and Mahavideha- Khetra. 
C- Ardhapushkar Dwipa-16 lac Yojan- 6 Karma+12 Akarmabhumi D-Lawan-Samudra-4 lac Yojan.                                                            E-Kalodhadhisamudra-16 Lac Yojan.1+8+16+4+16-Total 45 L yojan
F. In Jambudwipa there are total fifty-six- Antardwipa (inner island)
In all 5 Mahavideha there is always same cycle of time and always have salvation of human. In Bharat and Eirawat there is rotation of cycle known as Awasarpini and Utsarpini having six cycles each. Let me tell you about Akarmabhumi. Here humans need to get engage in
agricultural or trading or weapons to live life. For it ten types of  Kalpavruksha are available. They take birth jointly as "Yugalik".In center of Jambudiwpa highest mountain exist called" Meru Parvat". It's length is 1 lac Yojan. Devta celebrate all Kalyanaks here.
3.-Naraki---Lower part is hell having 7 Naraki. At end of it there is

Nigod--Ghanodhadhivat--Ghanawat- Tanuwat and lastly- sky. Kids,
 Bhagwan in 9/33 chapter of Bhagwatiji --told that universe was, is
and will be there as it is permanent and without end and beginning.
External it will be same ,internal changes may happen due to natural calamities like earthquake, fire, volcano, hurricane ,storm. landslide, like or manmade like forest cutting or roads, bridge construction. It  is Druva, Nitya, Shashwat and Akshay. This provides you the basics. With age gain you can have more reading of Jain Aagam to gain more and more knowledge''Gurudeo concluded his today's lecture.

JAI JINENDRA------------!!!------------JAI MAHAVEER--------!!!.