Monday 27 October 2014


Majority of us desires salvation and are constantly working towards it by following ways shown by Jainism under guidance of Gurudeo and Aagams. In nine Tatvas of book "Mokshamarg" following 16 
conditions are specified to attain salvation. Let us do the home work based on it. With it at least we can know thise basic requirements.
It can help to check if we miss any conditions for getting liberated.
1-Only humans are capable for salvation.
2-He shall be Tras-kaay (moving) soul.
3-Shall be from five organs category-Panchedriya.
4-Shall be Sanni (with mind ).
5-Only Bhavi souls-(eligible for salvation).Giving up wrong faith.
6-Only Shuklapakshik. Means he touched "Samkit" at any point.
7-Parimit Sansari ( limited domestic lives ),He entered this zone.
   We are doing many lives due to sins. To enter in mostly cut zone.
8-Only Kshayik-samkiti.(permanent correct-knowledge, faith and conduct). He will never return to wrong faith in any circumstances.
9-Only Avedi ( free from three Ved or gender sextual desire )
10-No-Kashayi ( free from all  four Kashay- Akashayi).
11-Yathakhyat Chatityi.- ( Mohniya Karma--silent or nominal).Soul takes Diksha and becomes monk/Sadhu with 6th Gunastana. Y.C. Gunastana is obtained after 10th Gunastana.
12-Only Kevaldyani.- Means having complete  correct knowledge.
13-Only Kevaldarshini. Who can see all things of all time correctly.
14-Only Anaaaharak-( No food  in-taker).
15-Only Ayogi (Shaileshi--No action of mind, speech and body).
16-Only Aleshi (free from Leshya  or emotion)
Thus we can see that we are  moving human with mind and five organs. We can assume with our interest in Jainism that we are Bhavi. Thus we have met first  five conditions out of sixteen one.
With maximum human efforts we can aim at  next 11 conditions to have salvation. With salvation our soul can find permanent place  "Siddhasheela " for ever resting in internal peace and free from life and death cycle .Good Luck to all salvation seekers.

JAI JINEDRA--------------!!!------ JAI MAHAVEER--------!!!.

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