Friday 7 August 2015


Current year's Chaturmas is in a full swing. Gurudeo daily conducts Mahaveer College in early morning to impart Jainism training. During the session one devotee stood up and said "Gurudeo ,Karma theory is pillar of Jainism but it is too difficult for a lay man like me to understand, Will you please explain it to us in a most simple manner so that we can understand this important doctrine----------?.
Gurudeo instantly agreed and said  "Yes-of course but to know  it in a better way note following main concepts from the book with you , called 25 Bol and 9 Tatvas. Please take it as  basic homework.
. The organizers provided the books to all of us,which contained brief discussion of  all basic concepts of Jainism summarized here.
1--8. Types of Karmas-Dyanavarniya to Antaray. 4 affecting quality and 4 affecting personality of soul. First category is Ghati-serious.
2--8. Components of soul----Dravaya Atma to Veerya Atama. Differential power of each component of soul.Ref earlier blog-soul.
3-18, Sins from Pranatipaat to Mithyadarshan ( bad deeds ).
4--9 Types of Punnya-Annapunya to Namaskarpunya-(good deeds).
5.-4 Kashay-Krodh (anger),Lobh (greed),Maan (pride) +(cheating).
6-.6 Leshya---Krishnaleshaya to Shuklaleshya. Manner in which action is being done-Aura--sentiments-emotion. ref earlier blog. The Karma theory explained by Gurudeo with above 6 basic elements is being summarized herewith briefly. Hopefully it can serve purpose.
Karma particles (Pudgaals) are every where in Universe. Each soul has one active component called as Upayoga-Atma. It means action done- using mind,body and speech. Just imagine Karma particles as colorless balloons form as per following given image.
Each individual soul puts color in it by his action corresponding to with different emotions and sentiments.One particular Karma may be done by two different souls differently. Those emotions are being defined by above six Leshya. These balloons becomes part of related soul's Kaarman body. It accompany the soul till it is being cleared. Thus our actions attract Karma.A dead body or a piece of wood do not attract Karma.Siddhanhagwan is a living soul but they are free
from action so they do not attach any new Karma, This attachment is being made in following four stages while fixing to soul.
A-Prakritibandh-Type of Karma for which particular action is done.
B- Stitibandh------Lasting period of  particular action's particle.
C- Abhubhagbandh---Consequent experience of similar nature.
D- Pradeshbandh-----Quantity of Karma particles accumulated.
 It.depends how a particular action is being repeated by the soul.
    Second example we can study for a man who applied oil on body
and slept on beach for sun bath.Now with this action sand particles
will get attached to his body and remain- unless they are cleared. 

 Thus Karman body and Tejas body ( body providing heat aura and digestion power ) act as seeds for life and death cycles for soul
When soul is free by these two bodies it gets salvation. It simply
mean that in every life and death , one is being constantly followed by these two bodies and it's fruits and results-mild or severe.
 For example one person murder another individual. Secondly  a patient dies while a Doctor operates him. In both cases the result is a loss of life of the victim or deceased. But the Karma attached to doers differ as per intentions involved in both cases. The departed soul will take revenge differently for similar action and the doers will  be haunted by this Karma till it is being nullified. Doctor may not
be facing bad results as his intentions were to cure the patient.
Gurudeo ended the topic saying that there are so many other points  and dimensions to this vast theory but is sufficient for a beginner to understand it .The karma theory explain Law of nature. It always operates automatically and unknowingly. In a nutshell all action of
positive Karmas give happiness and bring soul near to salvation and negative Karmas bring sufferings and more time and cycles for liberalization. So much depends upon our actions and intentions,
      I left the venue with much satisfaction .I was glad to know that the result of each tiny action has effects of attaching or nullifying the Karmas attached to soul. With it now be more careful for actions

JAI JINENDRA---------!!!------------ JAIMAHAVEER-------!!!.


  1. Hi,
    Thanks for this blog. Very informative.
    Where can I find puchhisunam stotra.
    Can you please tell me the book.


    1. Thanks for your nice words. You can get the book. Can ask for "Mangal-Sadhna" @ Indore -M.P. contact no.0731-4053080+2450430+2450063 Or you can contact Samyagdarshan Beawar rajasthan @ 08290300502 /01462 251216/
      Puchhisunam is being covered by 6th chapter of Aagam Suyagadang/Sutrkrutang. Cost is nominal
