Friday 18 December 2015


I consider myself to be very fortunate for having been present in the session covered by this blog. One devotee who has recently lost his beloved parents raised one question to Gurudeo. He seemed to be very much emotionally disturbed. It was evident from  appearance.
He said "Sir, living life in present situation is a deep mystery. You don't know what will happen next and where your loved once have disappear suddenly. Our destiny is being controlled more by invisible forces than visible forces. Very little remains in our hand, I feel.
Otherwise how it is possible to loose someone so suddenly. All of a sudden one is being diagnosed with some incurable disease .Even a small mosquito of dengue or swine flue can pose death threat. I am very puzzled for such odds of life. May I request you to guide me in my those sad hours "The devotee took his seat and started listening
Gurudeo satisfied him with his answer being summarized herewith.
Gurudeo started the conversation. "It is really a difficult question.
But let us discuss the issue with a hope for finding revealed answer.
He told that unless one have full faith in Karma theory the events are beyond understanding. We all are part and parcel of wheel of Time. Unless we jump out of this cycle of time by attaining Moksh ,we all 
and everyone has to face challenges of time willing or unwillingly.    To mourn any death is only in our hand. Beyond it we all are not capable to bring back the departed soul. If we know the basic truth that every one come with a fixed life span and no one can alter it-then only we can avoid disturbance of mind and face reality of birth.

Please note Universe was there, is there and will be there. Same is case with soul, both are permanent though different in form.
The universe is operating on set of rules. Interestingly nobody is there to monitor it or change it. For example- Sun will rise in east. Two atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen will always transform in water, Baby will take 9.25 months time to enter the new world, Particular blood. matching particular blood group and with various  features.Numerous examples can be given to prove such set of rules.
Only Kewaldyani Bhagwan- Mahaveerswami and others can tell full set of rules for living and non living. Guru who have studied the holy Aagams can tell part of it. The known rules set is being called to be science. The set only tells what action can fetch what results.
Rest is lies with our own soul who is superpower in itself. Only one thing which cannot be changed is Bhavi or Abhavi nature of a soul. Otherwise the power of a soul is capable of changing wheels of fortune. A soul engaged in deep sins can change and shape his newer destiny accordingly. The outcome may take time as per Karma built.
Thus individual action is architecture of our life. Action once done is done permanently. Of course it can be changed to some extent by Aalochana (self regret), saying sorry (Micchami Dukhdam), fast and other tools of Nirjara, Choice is ours's. The outcome is not in our hand The results are to be faced bravely believing Jinwani  Aagam, 
No human logic can explain it since Karma theory runs through invisible series of results of numerous cycles of life and death. We have to live with faith on Karma theory . The accumulated Karma accompany us through number of Avasarpini and Utasarpini Kaal.      The path is difficult but we have torch in form of Jinawani. So keep on walking overcoming sufferings with coolness in head so that at least you are avoiding new Karma. It is only but difficult way out.
Thus any death cannot be the the end of a road for a soul, it is just a diversion taken to start a new journey. Your bondage with the departed soul was limited. On completion of period it ended."
 I looked at the devotee, there were tears in his eyes. Hardly I can imagine the reasons behind them.
JAI JINENDRA-------!!!------------ JAIMAHAVEER-----------!!!.

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