On 15 Th November 2016 ,I was accompanying Gurudeo while leaving the main place where he lived for four months period of Chaturms. The march is termed as "Vihar" in Jain terminology.
The next destination was a place in suburb around five kilo meter distance. We like minded Shrawaks are with Gurudeo in Vihar.
While we were walking a premium luxury car stopped and a person stepped down and offered greetings to Gurudeo. He asked for his permission to have 10 minutes to discuss problems and guidance Gurudeo expressed his inability to grant it, Since he is not allowed, to talk while walking, as it may involve crushing of small creatures unknowingly beside accident possibilities. He asked him to meet in Sthanak and asked me to coordinate with him sharing stay details. I shared location of new destination and asked him to attend venue after 10 a.m. when the lecture ends. I was curious to know about his problems and solutions offered by Gurudeo. So I attended the venue The topic is being shared with my readers ,so any one can have transformation attempt if needed by circumstances.
"Sir, the person started conversation. I am the great sinner. Not a single sin, I can claim not to have committed. I belongs to a rich family. From the age of 25 years till current age of 50 ,I enjoyed life to the fullest without knowledge of my family. In the process, I tasted all things in the world- to name a few-cheating .breaching trust ,smuggling, drugs. food, drinks, tobacco .gambling and female relationships. I am ashamed to name all of it.I am really sorry for it.
But now a days a sudden fear surrounds my mind which is causing
depression. I fear my organs liver ,kidneys, lungs may cause me trouble. I also sense that with such a vagabond life style, I may go to hell, I am afraid of a disturbed death. Now .I want to change ,is it possible now or it is too late ? "and the person started weeping and sat down. Sir, please give me your blessings"!.Gurudeo looked at him with sympathy and stated "Sorry I can not give blessings A Jain monk is supposed not to offer blessings as
blessings without back up of receiver's good deeds will not fetch any result. As a outcome faith on Jainism will be shaken. So I can only give you advice based on Jinwani for a correct path. However my best wishes will be always and for ever with you.
You came here with sense of regret ,this is basically too good thing for you. It is not possible for majority of sinners. Transformation may be difficult but not impossible if attempted rigorously.Life always gives second chance. Body is temple of soul. Unfortunately you misused it due to wrong choices and company.
While committing sins mind. speech and body acts serially. While giving up it is in reverse order i.e. body, speech and mind needs to accept it. Bearing this fundamentals one has to start new journey.If your mind is strong then with determination your body can bear the shock of giving up addictions. I do not know whether your organs are affected by alcohol, smoking and other bad intakes.
Clinical tests can tell you that. But one thing is sure giving up will not add more harm to them. Secondly, I do not know whether you will go to hell or not since it depends on whether the one time unique
"Aayushyabandh" process is completed for you or not as of now.But one thing is sure that your all those deeds have already formed part of your "Karman "body. As such you owe debts for it, repayable at due time. You have established enemy ship bond with all innocent animals who rested in your stomach while quenching your taste for non-veg food and drinks. So just think how will they can forgive you ? When the role reverse in next life they will take the revenge based on severity of your current actions. Just have a thought for it.Secondly fearing uncontrollable event is meaningless. For example one is grinding water and other is grinding butter milk with curd. The result in first case is nil while it is butter in second case.
Just like it give up the death fear and engage yourself in good noble activities like reading Aagaams .doing mediation. meeting religious people and similar positive activities to keep mind active. Any confession of sins have those eight remedies. Transformation is possible with it. But of course it require determination and vigorous follow up-Let me to explain it one by one.
1-Michhami Dukadam-- It is saying sorry immediately after you realize that you have committed sin and wish to be apologetic.
2-Pratikaman---It is to be done with due process in Samaik for expressing regret for past misdeeds done knowingly or otherwise.
3-Pratyakhan--Means taking vow not to repeat the mistake again ( Pachkhan). You may be biding by some restrictions.
4-Aalochna- Revealing sins in front of Gurudeo
5-Ninda-------With soul as witness expressing guilty for himself for committing misdeeds with a regret feeling from bottom of heart.
6-Garhami- Expressing wrong deeds with sense of guilty in front of Gurudeo. With out any filter, to tell every mistake
7-Prayachhit-It is acceptance of atonement suggested by Gurudeo and to follow it. Guru will award it as per nature of mistake.
8-Forgiveness-To ask for forgiveness from living souls who might have been hurt by you in either way knowingly or unknowingly.Those eight steps will not nullify your sins but it's density will be brought to mild voltage from high voltage" Gurudeo concluded.
With a pause he added " My child, see you are not alone. So many souls are walking on wrong path. It is normal for them to live with mask. But you are unique to realize it and ask for remedies. Try to read story of serial killer Arjun Mali from Jain literature. It can be assure that accepting own misdeeds requires lion's heart. You have it- go on right path soon you will find peace ultimately. Mind is a unique gift to mankind ,nothing is impossible for it."
I looked at the face of questioner, I failed to read it but his eyes seemed to have found new glory. Hopefully he will be on right track,
JAI JINENDRA-------------!!!---------JAI MAHAVEER----------!!!.
It was 14/11/2016 full moon day and last day of this current year's Chaturmas. We all gathered to say thanks and goodbye to Gurudeo for his four months preaching. We could not request him to extend stay since in no case monk can extend stay beyond four months as per guidelines of Mahaveerswami. Monks have to obey the guidanceThis is essential to avoid negative points of too much familiarity. It is based on theory that moving water of river remains fresh while water in pond get polluted with mud and dust.Hence moving is necessary.
First time three prominent Shravaks spoke to express their delight and achievements in spiritual terms as a effect of Chaturmas. They wished fair and safe onward journey of Gurudeo and requested him for his last message. His last message covers topic of this blog to motivate blog readers. Hope it will serve the purpose.
"Acquiring right knowledge is first step towards salvation road." Gurudeo started his message. We all were carefully listened
With it correct faith follows leading to last step of correct character. So to impart Jainism knowledge from childhood it is need of hour to have schools for kids similar to concept of Gurukul as in ancient age.We can give material inheritance in form of wealth to our kids in traditional ways. Unfortunately it will not accompany him for ever. Similarly professional education may solve his bread and butter needs. It can make him smart and scholar but to make him simple and honest- Jainism study is essential and must to add kid's bringing.His spiritual thirst will not be quenched without Jinwani. So our aim should be to give him ever lasting gift in form of correct knowledge so his base and foundation will be strong till last breath. If possible we shall aim to have school, teachers, books and mode of transport to arrange Jainsm education of kids. It can bring a healthy change.
Not to dream all big in first instance. With full devotion, efforts and
determination, let us proceed in correct directions for achieving it.
One can start it by offering place in own flat for two days in a week-Saturday and Sunday. It can be with rotation options with like minded group members .If the group arrange free pick up and drop it can add more students. More and more incentives can be thought of.Knowledge available through Jainism's Aagam They are now a days is limited since main 12th Aagam "Drishtivaad" got vanished after 1000 years of last Bhagwan Pujya ShreeMahaveerswami.However other books are available easily. In a great efforts to preserve it in Pune Katraj Aagam Jain temple all books are being carved in brass plates on all four large surrounding walls of temple. Really it is most appreciated and welcome human efforts. It is a pride and delight moment to watch the correct carvings on metal plates. Many Jain Educational Boards provides syllabus and various levels of examinations. One can have affiliation with such institutions.3 to 5 age group can cover up to nursery with syllabus from Navkar Mantra to Samaik and 20 onward group can have Aagam literature. Seniors knowing the Bhagwan's teaching can spare time to educate such students. Such "Dharamprabhavana" can help them to build our tremendous positive Karmas. Soon the moment can spread to whole world. I am not advocating conversion or forcefully imparting of Jinwani. But a born Jain or one interested in it must have opportunity to know what really Bhagwan has told for all of us. Only then he can vouch greatness and correctness of Bhagwan's Jinwani.
As per order of Lord Mahaveer ,we have to carry forward the torch of our religion to 21000 years from salvation of Bhagwan. Unless we take care to educate our kids the task assigned to us may not be called as completed" Gurudeo concluded for a while.
Lastly he added you must be happy for my departure for two reasons. First I am following order of Bhagwan and secondly that others at various locations can get benefit of hearing Jinwani. Be engage yourselves in reducing bad Karma till I come back. Hope our soul gets more cleaner when we meet next time, KhamatkhamnaWe all stood up to show respect to him offered "Tikutto" Pranam and left the venue. I was nervous with a thought when in future will get such chance. But agreed for leaving to respect his thoughts.
JAI MAHAVEER------!!!-----------!!!---------- JAI JINENDRA.
Friends the topic needs no introduction, since every one from rich to poor in India is being touched by this subject. Few listeners briefed Gurudeo the latest developments in this regard and requested him to share his views on it. Just to relieve from shock was the purpose.
His thoughts are being covered herewith to facilitate review for us.
"Jainism has no direct literature on this topic, But indirectly it's Truth and Non-possessiveness theory out of five vows-5 Mahavrata). can be related to it" Gurudeo started the discussion on above subject.The incidence has given you lot of material to review your actions to create wealth. It is but natural to have a life time shock when one fine morning, one finds that the currency that he loved so much is of zero worth. He starts to run here and there to see if he can restore some value to it. No doubt to law biding citizen it can not be a shock. But unfortunately the figures with Government do not show a very comfort zone between number of tax payers and people who have been apparently enjoyed wealth lavishly prima facie.Now whatever is done cannot be undone. But one can take this is as opportunity to decide how to live life hence forth. One can decide it by asking following few related questions in this regard.
1) What is quantum of money required to live a simple life ?
2) Whether corruption or non fair practices is really worth and essentially required to earn money at loss of peace?
3) Can one curtail non essential expenses on show business like weddings, birthday, get together, anniversary parties and lavish purchases by curtailing wrong earnings. Thus both wrong tools can be stopped. Let us prefer legitimate transactions.
One has now little time to decide. Yesterday it was high value notes, today it is gold, tomorrow it can be land, flats or any other form of property owned. Similarly today it is in India tomorrow it can be in another country since money and related problems are every where in the world. So immediate review is called for urgently.
So sooner you decide to have limited earnings, limited expenditure it is better. It can relive you from- health hazards, unnecessary tensions and fear. Tension free mind can abolish need to have pill for sleeping and one can enjoy sound sleep. Now you can have spare time for good spiritual doings.You can cut negative Karma in this spare time.
Accumulation of wealth by illegitimate means and greed can cause birth in hell as evident from various holy Aagam and Jain literature.
As per Jain literature Chakraworty if not taking Diksha gets birth in hell as a rule due to highest luxurious life style. (In current era out of 12 Chakravarty 3 became Arihant Bhagwan-Shantinathji. Arahnathji and Kunthunathji rest nine took birth in hell for excess possessions.). One can check with Aagam for more details and draw conclusion.
We as monk left all material wealth, so I can not know economic pros and cons of demonetization. Neither ,I can comments on fairness or otherwise of it's modalities or methods adopted. But in spiritual term if one is following Jainism principles of truth and non possessives he will be least affected by it. Similarly youth with educational degree or professional expertise are less effected than traditional business with high value like jewelry and property.
In ordinary sense we call theft as a bad virtue then how can theft of taxes can be justified.One can go for tax planning any time instead of tax evasion. I do not wish to add salt to your wound.
Please excuse me for that.One who utilized money for good causes like charity, helping others, education and medical assistance can have a sense of relief in such adversities..
One is proved right who assured to spend percentage of good earnings for better causes. If the episode can reduce one's love and greed for wrong money, we can treat it as a cost of correct knowledge, "Gurudeo concluded with a smile.
The theory was hard to digest for us but was a bitter pill.
JAI JINENDRA---------!!!--------- JAI MAHAVEER---------!!!.
Dear friends sorry for late reporting. Next day was the salvation celebration of Bhagwan Mahaveer. This Thithi is popularly known as "Pratipada" means first day of New Year. I woke up early @ 5.30 a.m. since I had to attend lecture of Gurudeo covering complete "Uttradhyansutra" (1 to 36 chapters in original- Ardhamaghdhi ). It started on 7.00 a.m. and ended on 9.30.a.m.A marathon session.
That day I could find that some time waking up early can be so beneficial for the entire balance life. So here is the coverage----.After the non-stop reading completed, for half an hour Gurudeo explained the importance of reading this Sutra on this day. Gurudeo completed the lecture and was about to leave the hall.
Suddenly a Shrawak aged approximate 55+ years stood up and said " Gurudeo I have been diagnosed with a incurable disease and want to commit suicide to end the unbearable sufferings from current pain.
Please guide me Total hall was turned in shock and sympathy mood.
Gurudeo asked the person to sit near to him and asked permission to extend the lecture by an half an hour. Here is his valuable guidance.
Gurudeo said " Who ever respect and love Bhagwan, he should not think such drastic step even in dream- think and take care for soul.
He asked all to open and read last two lines of 36th chapter of "Uttaradhyansutra" covering serial number 273 stanza. All including me opened book which we have just finished some time back today.Those two lines of 273 /36 stanza proved to be last words of Bhagwan as immediately after that He got salvation and his soul left for "Siddhagati" as reported by "Sudharmawami" in same 274/36.The stanza read as----- " Sattagahanam. Visbhakane ch. Jalaanam ch jalpavesano ya. Anayaarbhandsevi, Jammanmarnani Bandhati.The
Meaning of it+souls dying unnatural death (Baalmaran)- by use of weapon, poison, fire, jump in water, consuming prohibited items (alcohol, non vegetarian food, cigarettes drug, tobacco like ) cause numerous lives and deaths cycles as a result of unnatural killing.Gurudeo continued "Bhagwan has stated two main forms of death one Pandit Maran ( death of knowledgeable souls in calm and quite state of mind and with or without Pratikaman,Aalochana and Santara .Such souls knew that every living one gets death without exception. Second one is Baalmaran (this death is in fear and disturbed state with wish not to leave current world, possessions and relations.Bhagwan in Bhagwatisutra 02/01 also explained twelve types of the Balmaran and in thirteen/seven chapter explained five type of deaths.
So do not think that only cancer or like diseases can cause death suddenly. On fixed time for each one, death will happen irrespective
of care taken or medical aids. Since the whole process is being governed by Karma theory. Every one completes his life term as fixed at the time of "Aayshyabandh" in last birth without a change.Similarly depth of experience of sufferings (Anubhag) was also as per fixation in last birth. One has no choice than face the destiny results with passions. Mind well, life is not fully bed of roses through out. One has his share of happiness and sorrows at possible ease.Every thing cannot go as per wishes or plan. So be patient. If in good time one does not think to commit suicide, then how in bad time he is prompted for it? .One must avoid such negative thoughts bravely.You are a disciple of Mahveerswami who was a great warrior against body and mind. Cancer can defeat body but, do not let it defeat your soul. Fight it with full will power.
If one prefers to end life by unnatural death, he may feel to get permanent solution. But actually he is creating series of sufferings for a long time. It is a truth Bhagwan told and we should believe.
This is last educational warning of our respected Bhagwan Mahaveer. He knew that -we passage of time more difficult days of fifth cycle will haunt mankind. So do not even think to have such drastic steps." Gurudeo concluded his valuable advice to Sharwak.
I looked into the eyes of patient, I found them filled with sparkling rays of hope and determination. May help him to give up his plans.
JAI JINENDRA--------!!!-------- -----JAI MAHAVEER-------!!!.
Most Jain devotees follow the tradition of reciting praise of Pujya
Bhagwan Mahveerswami"Puchhisunam"108 times in the week of Dipwali festival. It is done to mark the salvation of Bhagwan on day of Kartikvadi Amaysya. Keeping this in view Gurudeo ,delivered a
lecture on sixth chapter fromAagam------- "Suyagadanang Sutra".It contains this composition composed by then fifth Gandhar of Bhagwan Pujya Sudharmaswamiji. Since the compositor is now
Siddhabhagwan ,this composition carries great importance. Basic reason being it is not composed by any human being but by Sidha Kewali Bhagwan for then Arihant Mahaveer Bhagwan. So this is regarded as most unique masterpiece in total available Jain literature.
Bhagwan belonged Kashyapa Gotra.He is also referred as Dyatputra. His father was from "Dyat " and mother was from the Videha" Gotra. He attained Kewaldyan and Kewaldarshan ( complete--- knowledge and complete vision ).Such vision covers all 3 period --past, present and future for total living and non living substances. It is the power to see all things in right and correct ways called as "Kewaldarshan".With this rare achievement Bhagwan knew sufferings of all living souls from all directions and guided them for right path to get rid of from all sufferings and sorrows. Hence Bhagwan was called to be a "Khedadnya". He used his life term for purification of own soul soul and guided masses for how to do it for them in most possible efforts.
Reciting it is treated as "Swadhaya" The composition got the name from it's starting word "Puchhisunam " which means to ask. Once some saints and top personalities asked Sudharmaswamiji, the details of founder of this great religion- "Jain Dharma"----- Pujya Bhagwan
Mahveerswami.To their reply this composition was being composed.It is also called "Veer-Stuti" because original name of Bhagwan got changed from Vardhaman to Mahaveer. Maha means great and Veer means warrior. Most difficult war among all wars is war with own soul while removing it's all negative thoughts and actions. It is too difficult and beyond reach of ordinary determination to clear soul. Only a rare great soul like Mahaveera can do it with determination.
Vardhman did war with soul vigorously, within his short life span of mere 72 years hence this composition got name Veer-Stuti .One must read it minimum once on Diwali day.108 times reading is desirable and welcome.It motivate us to follow salvation path of Bhagwan.Numerous qualities and virtues of Bhagwan are beyond words. So his qualities are being compared with following best entities of total universe covering all categories from various sections in world.
He has unique personality having blend of all features of below listed entities. There are total 29 stanza in this unique composition which highlight Bhagwan and his virtues. All virtues are being discussed as
1] Sun-Highest Brightness, Heat and biggest planet.
2] Fire-Best tool to remove darkness from all corners to the fullest .
3] Indra-Topmost God in Heaven and King of respective Deologa.
4] Sawyabhurman Ocean-Crystal clear water and largest ocean.
5] Sumeru, Nishadh and Ruchak Parvat-Top in height and round mountains in the total universe. 9 to 14 stanza describe Sumeruparvat
6] Moon and Oyster-Purity whiteness to match Bhagwan's flawless mediation ( Dhyan) technique and practices.
07] Shyamali-Topmost tree in all trees.
08] Nandanvan-Top garden in all gardens.
09] Sound of Clouds-Top sound in all sounds.
10] Moon--Top shining Star among galaxy of stars.
11] Turmeric-Chandan-Top in all Fragrance.
12] Dharnendra--Top God of Naagkumardevta category in heaven.
13] Sugarcane Juice-Best sweet taste among all juices.
14] Eravan/Erawat--Best elephant in all elephants.
15] Lion-Top in all animals. Regarded as King of animals.
16] Ganga-Top and permanent river.
17] Venudeo Eagle-Top bird.
18] Vishwasen-Top Warrior.
19] Lotus-Top in flowers.
20] Dantvakya-Top Warrior,
21] Abhaydaan-Best form of Charity to provide life assurance.
22] Not harming any one-Best form of truth.
23] Bramcharya /chastity -Best form of Tapsya.
24] Lavsaptam Deo-Best periodic position in five Anuttarviman.
25] Earth-Best shelter for all .
26] Sudharma Sabha-Best Conference and meeting hall.
This is just glimpse and preliminary introduction of it. It does not match 1% of joy and peace which one can get from reading original composition in Ardhamaghdhi language. Let this Diwali, we can do it from book and decide to lean it by next Diwali. I share message
of Gurudeo with you all. This Diwali Gurudeo gifted us this unique
lamp of 'Puchhisunam".With it let us do "Swadhya" and lit our lives. We can change our lives if we think and find answer to greatness of Bhagwan. He is greater than all the items compared in Puchisunam, The reason of His greatness lies in His "Dharma Aaradhna" for the 4 gems of Samkit being the correct knowledge faith Tap and character. .

Let us lit our life with light this noble soul shown through Jinwani
We all are fortunate to have Mahaveer Swami's teachings, human life and Jain-dharma as religion. Let us utilize the opportunity to gain salvation at earliest point of time. Only Bhagwan can guide us for it.
Please read words for caution before download
Download Puchisunam Stotra with Aswadhya details file
Swadhya Sudha Book Extract in Hindi - Click to download
Friends,I was in dual mind for sharing original composition on this
Blog.The reason is that the "Puchhisunam " is "Kaliksutra".Means it
must be read in allowed Porishi time in a clean & pure environment.
Otherwise it can be a bigger sin .Looking to increased number of
devotees for this blog, I am daring for it with a object of "Dharma-
Prabhavana".So please take utmost care and do the "Swadhya",It
also give details of other "Aswadhya" conditions .Once a devotee
learn it by heart in a 8 days. need will not arise for net use for it.
To take care to recite it avoiding "Aswyadhay period".
JAI JINENDRA--------!!!------------ JAI MAHAVEER----------!!!.