Thursday 27 December 2018


Gurudeo arrived at our place after a long gap of Chaturmas end. Unfortunately this time, his arrival was  marked by sad demise of a
very devotional lady by brain stroke. Gurudeo gave her Santara as 
per her wish after discharge from hospital.Soon, the pure soul left for her heavenly onward journey.Next day at the same place,her family
family arranged a condolence prayer and requested Gurudeo to
share his knowledge of death and causes. Here is the coverage for it.

"Dharmanuraagi Bandu, here you have gathered for a very special purpose in sad state of mind. The incidence was sad but inevitable.
 A devotee who knew Jainism and power of Aayushyabandha-will
 not feel that much deep sorrow. We know current life span was
already been fixed in last birth based on our actions. The span ,exit
time and place cannot be changed to a minute's fraction. Let us
 assume she came with 70 years life span She has to take exit on
predetermined date only. One can doubt it- if he calculate the span
from date of birth. The span starts from the second the soul left
his last span from his last Gati. Then for  nine months and seven days he remains in mothers's  womb. Then there are increase or 
decrease in days or Thithi due to adjustment of moon movements

Hence on real completion of 70 years the soul leaves current body. I will explain Bhagwatisutra 01/02 Shatak. In same chapter Pujyashri
Bhagwan Mahveerswami clarified it. Bhagwan said soul consume
the life that arises ( Udirna ).Once the happening of life arise get
stopped, the soul leaves for predetermined next location immediate.
So friend see message in her death. No panel of doctors, money,
gathered mob of friends and relatives, best hospital nothing can save
the expired term. The power of life fixation is the ultimate supreme.
From design of it,there is no escape or run. Mind well your current
action at least so that new life and it's tenure can be more better.

 In my domestic life when I was yet to become monk, my father used to tell as a rule 3 things are beyond human control. They are as one
being "Janma,Maran and Paran" ( birth. death and wedding).This
combination is controlled by doctrine of Karma theory. Death type
and facial expressions of body usually gave the signal for next life.
As feedback, she had peaceful and bright face, it is possible that she
may have got life in Vemanikdeo from 1 to 12th.Only Kewali are
able to share exact details. But Bal Pandit Maran with Santhara gives the soul this Gati only. As a pure soul , she got  peaceful death while
she was active. Brain stroke recovery might have made her fully dependent on family members so it was  a good exit time for her.
Departure of any good person is a loss but we have to face destiny.

Let us pray for her early and timely salvation. Let us give her tribute

and condolence in form of 4 Loggas,"Gurudeo concluded.

JAI JINENDRA-------------!!!-- JAI MAHAVEER--------------!!!.


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