Wednesday 30 January 2019


"Friends,today we will cover the uncovered part of earlier blog.We
have seen how Bhagwan reached Siddhagati. For making previous lecture easy, I am covering process of achieving Kewaldyan and
Kewaldarshan separately today " Gurudeo initiated current lecture.
It well be better if we quickly recap the essentials of reaching
to salvation. There are three main conditions for getting to Moksha.
1-Only Bhavi soul ( who can cut wrong faith) can be liberated.
2-In 99% cases only monk who have taken Diksha and reached the
seventh step will get it. (exception- only Marudevimata got it, in the
ordinary human dress while riding on elephant ).
3-Monk who have obtained Kewaldyan and Kewaldarshan 
( KN+KD ),will be Siddaha getting salvation. Both are compulsory.
It is being achieved in mediation only known as "Shukladhyan".For
reference please refer (01/04 of Bhagwatisutra).
 It is a ray of hope here that if we all as a followers of Bhagwan
Mahaveer are Bhavi ,then we all will get salvation definitely on  some unspecified time. Now look at the actual procedure for it.

1-KN and KD can be obtained only in first two charans of
Shukladyan. Both Charan are being termed as-"Pruthktava Vitraark
Savichari" and Ektva Vitarka Avichari. In those Chrans the pure
souls mediate concentrating on various options of Draya or matter.
With most pure incent deep thoughts the process goes on for a while.
2-While it is in progress, the pure monk detaches his soul from
countless all births of all 4 Yonis of earlier lives. They also clears  all the seed causes of next birth. Thus they get free from lives cycles.
3-Now, He engage himself to clear 16 types of Kashay within him.
They are anger, pride, cheating(Maya) and greed. There are 4 types
for 4 Kashay. They are-Anantanubandhi, Apratyakhan ,Pratyakhan
and Swajalan. The category depends on hardness to clear them.
4-At last the monk clears most difficult Karma known as "Mohniya"
5-Once Mohniya Karma cleared the monk clears 5 types of Karma
related to knowledge,nine types of Karma covering faith and 5 types
of prohibitory Karmas. (Dhyanavarniya, Darshanvarniya and last
Antraay).It clears all 4 Karmas. Now only body related 4 karmas
remains attached to soul. It's existence last as per life term span.

6-Now the soul enters a process termed as "Apuvva-Karan". It mean
a unique action done never before. Here the soul clears all dust of
Karma termed as "Kammraj Vikiranam". Once all done immediately  Bhagwan becomes "Kewali". He now possesses unique,bright and
infinite ,finest, interruption less, uncovered, boundary less ,complete
and best KEWALDYAN and KEWALDARSHAN. With it now he
can see and know all things for all period for everyone and each.
Let us hope to have it one day" Gurudeo concluded. For reference
one can study "Ashocha Kewali " chapter 09/31 of Bhagwatisutra. 


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