Thursday 26 December 2019


 "Thankfully,we do not take birth with tag of religion or nationality. Gurudeo was addressing to a joint session of all religion conference
in our city. In a rare gathering the crowd was eager to hear all saints.
Herewith the related summarized coverage for all my Blog readers.

He continued-"Even then, the 19th century era has witnessed gas chambers in Germany, use of deadly nuclear weapons in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. If one tries to find out the root cause behind it, then
the seeds of hate for various reasons gives birth to tragedies. We inherit religion or nationality from our parents and birth place.
As we grow surrounding. society, school, books and our upbringing
start shaping our likes and dislikes. Journey till this point can be said to be natural if it is confined to self. Problems starts after this one
point. Human nature allows a individual soul to spread the wings of
hate. Slowly the particular soul start to hate any faith or thinking,
which may be different from his own set of truth. Such hate covers
number of subjects which may cover religion, nationality, caste and
breed, politics, intelligence or wealth levels, food habits and likes.
Mixed with superiority complex things start getting worse. Small
flame of hate may turn into devastating volcano for mankind.

In my opinion, not a single religion on earth preaches to hate others.
I firmly believe it and all distinguished saints present on this dais
will vouch for it. In fact love, peace and affection towards all living
souls ,is the basic foundation of all religions. Still anyhow, we get
trapped in the vicious circle of hate knowingly or unknowingly.
 Jain religion categorically terms hate as sin. In total of 18 sins, hate
occupies 11th rank. Hate kills the inner peace and innocence of any
soul. The reference to sin and rank is based on Bhagwati 01/09.

Jainism approves differential thinking and adoption level. It's theory
of "Anekantvaad " establishes that truth can be reached by various
methods. With it chances of hate are reduced to minimal levels.
There is no scope of hate for other religions in Jainism. Neither are
attempts are made for religion conversion. It's main principle of
non violence nullify the mass killings .Even plants to ants are taken
care of. If an expert historian is asked to tabulate all purposes for which wars were fought or are being fought, I believe hate for the
religion or country will top the list. We have to look to future of 
our next generations and must decide if we want to continue the
same pattern. War, communal riots are certainly not a indication of a
civil society. If the world is treated as one family, we can increase our happiness while leaving the life

.Hope we will consider to live  happily for ever. To respect time schedule I take break and will carry on my next ten minutes session
session as scheduled after it . "Gurudeo concluded.

JAI JINENDRA-----------!!!------------ JAY MAHAVEER-------!!!.


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