Monday 30 March 2020


Friend 21 days lockout in India is really a testing time. In normal case. we are happy to have a single unexpected holiday. I thought to
utilize it for my favorite hobby of reading. In my home library, I can
get Jain Ramayana and Mahabharata. I picked them and read topics
of my interest. It all made me nostalgic for my childhood. When all
my friends and  elders were fans of Arjun and Ramchandraji, I was
impressed by Karan and Sita from these epics. Here with I share it.

Ramayana was in the era of our 20th Thirthankar Puj.Munisuvratji
and Mahabharat belongs to 21st Thirthankar Pujya Neminathji. The
both Karna and Sita will get salvation. As given in future Chovishi
Karna will be next 20th Thirthankar with name Shri Vijayji. Krishna
will be 12th one named Amaan.,Ramchandraji and 5 Pandavas got
salvation in same life. Sitaji, Dropadiji, Laxman and Ravan will get
salvation in near future. Ravan will be liberated as "Thirthankar".

As a rule most of people admire only winners. Looser are  never be
meant for motivation and inspirations .Karna fought with his own
destiny with full of his capacity and vigor. Loyalty towards friend
Duryodhana and inclination of charity at any cost were his best of
features. He was aware of all wrongs and negatives of Duryodhan.
Karna has never forgot obligation of Duryodhaan when- he alone
stood by him when all gathered to insult him. Duryodhan made him
King of Angaadesh to bring Karna at par with all kings. In real term
Karna was real son of king of kings nothing less than great  The Sun.

Destiny played all types of havoc with Karna. His real mother Kunti
and Guru Parshuram abandoned Karna without his fault. Indra God
arranged that he shall be deprived of shelter coats gifted by Sun.
Even knowing that it may cost him his life, Karna gifted them to the
Indra in disguise of Bramana. One self made principle Karna did not 
want to break that no one shall return empty handed from his doors.
Before the final exit. he favored his real mother by promising not
to touch any one Panadava except Arjun. This is when Karna knew
that his real mother never dared to call him her son. At last when he
saw wheels of chariot drowning inside the land and death seemed
to be inevitable the  warrior did not asked for mercy of Arjuna, He
asked him fair war ethics which Krishna never granted. Soon after
it, The Great fighter breathed his last. History cannot ignore him. He failed to get justice everywhere Dronachharya refused teaching him. Circumstances could not cloud his real personality and glory.

I remember his last wish expressed to Lord Krishna. It is as given
in my favorite book read in childhood called "Mrutununjay" by late
author Mr. Shivaji Sawant. Karna requested Shrikrishna to throw
his ashes and residual of body in a most infertile land. The reason
he told Shrikrishna that he never want another unfortunate man like
him to take birth in this world. I do not remember, how much time, I
cried while reading this book. Now book is available in English also.
Whenever I see people engaged in struggle and never gave up in life I remember the great warrior Karna. Hat's of to this warrior who has fought all offerings of destiny without compromising his principles.
In this new world where backstabbing is common the loyalty of this great warrior is unique and beyond words. An  emotional attachment with Duryodhana in a dark moment of life made him true friend of Duryodhan. Fear of loosing life, request by the great lord Shrikrishna nothing can detach his ties with his friend's obligation forever life.
When the warrior died on battlefield nobody has ever imagined his defeat or death .Destiny was not fair to him and cheating was never  been his business. The "Maharathi " conquered death while taking his last breath. Whenever human race will search for great souls in human history they will come across Karna's name in golden letters  

My second favorite is Sita Mahasati. In all odds and misfortunes, she
never compromised her dignity. She is called daughter of soil as her
real mother may have gave her up. With lot of dreams she became
queen of Ayodhya and wife of Prabhu Ramchandraji. She forced to
leave palace. To be with husband she left kingdom on the way to
forest. She never compromised with her duties as wife and never
consented to marry with Ravan to end up her prison in Lanka. She
always treated all others as brothers except Ramji out of her love.

 On her return to Ayodhya after  gap of 14 plus years Seeta's destiny
was still not showing any positive signs. She has to face exile in
forest as people were doubted on her Chasity and holiness. She most
daringly offered single parenting to lovely twins Laav and Kush. At
last to prove her purity she dared to enter in a burning fire. What a
great inner confidence and self respect, I  bow down to her whenever
I go through her sufferings which she faced in a most coolness and
calmly manner without making noise and complaints. Being a wife
of most popular King known for justice, she could not enjoy to get
real justice for herself, She watched and suffered silently within self.
Hope both of my heroes of past will  stood as role model for all of us as a noble case to fight Karmas without loosing coolness.

JAI JINENDRA-----------!!!---------JAI MAHAVEER-----------!!!.

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