Monday 6 July 2020


Friends, as soon as Chaturmas started, missing "Guruwani" created a void in all Jain devotees. I was not an exception. I started to read
noted lectures from my diary. Here is one of my  his favorite lecture.
 "Devanupriya in various lectures we have seen how to walk on the
path of salvation. One may regret that I have not taken Diksha and
became monk. How can I get salvation? It is just impossible. Dear
one, I am confident that my today's teaching can change your mind.
The lecture can provide a ray of hope to all salvation seekers.

White dress of Sadhu do not guarantee salvation. Even one may be
fortunate enough and get next birth in Mahavedeha where present
"Thirthankar" Bhagwan Simadharswami reside. Soon he may take
Dikha and become disciple of Devadhideva Arihant Bhagwan. Is it
enough to get Moksha ? No only company of Bhagwan cannot give
assurance that the soul will be liberated. The souls of Goshalak and
Jamali were too near to Bhagwan Mahaveer. They were prominent
disciples of Bhagwan. Unfortunately qualities and actions of soul
made salvation for them a distant dream by increasing life cycles.
A Sadhu can again go back to 1st step out of 14 Gunstana while a
Shrawak can touch 7th step with his noble thoughts. Let's study this.
In past we have examples in Jain history that without taking Diksha
Shrawak can get salvation only on purity of thought. Marudevimata
and Bharatchakrawarty are the best examples .We have studied the
story of Marudevimata. Today I will brief you story of King Bharat.
King Bharat was senior most son of Thirthankar Rishabhdeoswami.
He was among 63 finest human of current era. He was Chakrawarty.
63 finest human on earth are 24 Thirthankar+12 Chakrawarty and
 nine each Vasudeo, Prativasudeo and Balram. India got it's original
name "Bharat" based on this great King Bharat. Chakrawarty mean
a great universal King. He conquered the universe. Lastly he got
his brother Bahubaliji defeated. After all victory he was relaxing in
his most beautiful comfortable palace called as "Aashishi Bhawan".
The palace was decorated with high quality mirrors. The King got
woke up and saw himself in one of the mirrors. His one finger was
looking ugly as the golden ring he was wearing on finger got lost.
The incident made the King sad for a moment. But it changed life.

The event caused a deep thought process for him. He concluded that
world is calling him handsome as his body is wearing ornaments.
His father was right when he taught him that soul is the real beauty,
The body may grow old and loose it's shinning but soul is the most
beautiful thing forever a man can possess. So it is always wise to
care for soul than body. If it is the truth, then what I am doing here.?
With this process, he obtained "Kewaldyan"-omniscience. He went
to Bhagwan Rishabhdeo,took Diksha and get liberated. Thus in the
ordinary dress a Shrawak got the unique "Kewaldyan".The reason
was simply a correct thought process taking to ultimate truth.
In second session, I will discuss how to check the qualities of own soul" Gurudeo concluded first session. I  decided to stay for session.

JAI JINENDRA----------------!!!--- JAI MAHAVEER----------!!!.


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