"Jainism can be a best thing that ever can happen to you. Gurudeo was speaking at a session organized for youth. Needless to say that it needs one to spare minimum fifteen minutes each for morning and-- evening If you look around mostly there will be a alarming feedback. Individual, society, states, country, or world everywhere there is too chaos and disturbance .Bhagwan already warned us for this nature of Pancham Aara- Dukkham. In personal life you may be haunted by
storms like education and career pressures coupled with EMI burden of house car and office. A life and work balance is becoming a tight rope exercises. Unfortunately if a health issue of any family member creep in then it can a big test of mind stability. A house on fire needs water for the cooling effect same way making a 15 minutes "Dhyan" can give you inner peace and strength to stand up again bravely. You need to always remind your self five teachings of Mahaveer Swami. 1-As sowed same will reap within due course is a- Karma doctrine. 2.-Wishes are endless as sky. Running for them is making life hell. 3.-Forgiveness is a best tool to restore your own loss of peace. 4.-Every living thing loves to live life peacefully exactly as of you.5.-Anekantwaad.---All can have different views for a truth. For any situation you can evaluate event with these five to pacify yourself. It is better if you know 18 sins of Pratikaman. Avoiding all can make you to lead a simple life. In personal life if you avoid 6th Krodh,5th one of Parigraha and 4th one Bramachary it can help to reduce much of your tensions. Adjustments, let go and compromise can help you to overcome stress. Being too judgmental, logical or harsh can be a challenge to your health. With each passing year you will find that carrying duties towards office or home are getting more difficult. It may not be entirely yours's fault. Everywhere tolerance level getting more and more narrowed. In such a background you can be yours's best friend to have a real peaceful living. In case you have a working spouse then you need to take my lecture more seriously. Mind well your self well being and long term existence is precious for your family and society. Hopefully you are aware of it. In those total 30 minutes of "Dhyan" you need to revisit day's total events and your reactions for it. You can analyze if you could have dealt with them in a more cooler ways ? Such accumulations, reviews and experiences you can plan your interactions with others in more peaceful way. If you are fortunate with money still you may be facing different types of issues. Fortunate people often need more inner strengths to deal.
Be more vigilant for it. Put the end to "Dhyan " by reciting-- three Navkar,2 Loggas and Namothunam. Be thankful to---" Jinwani' for showing a helpful ways of living life. You can have a guaranteed and assured shelter in Bhagwan's teachings. It will never disappoint anyone" Gurudeo concluded his hearty guidance to youngsters.
JAI JINENDRA-----------!!!-----------JAI MAHAVEER----------!!!.
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