Gurudeo was speaking at kid's camp .It was a gathering for 10 to 18 age group. Here is a pointwise summary of it for all my Blog lovers. 1.-Strong ,tough mind and firm conduct accordingly are basic needs. 2.-"Samkit" is combined result of correct knowledge and correct faith related to existence universe and all living and non living thing.
3.-To know" Samkit" you do not need to know everything under Sun. Primary knowledge of Jainism,25 BOL 9 Tatva study can be good. 4.-Samkit is having full faith on teachings of Bhagwan Mahaveer. 5.-Samkit is pre-requisite of Mokha. Without it salvation not possible 6.-There are 2 main theories of universe and God. One is too simple.It believes in God and treat Him creator of universe and controlling all human lives. This theory is popular as it does not need any proof or logic. Innocence is the prime pillar of it. Human actions, thoughts are irrelevant and are playing a secondary inactive role in life. 7.-Second theory believes in existence of God but denies their role in universe building and active in happenings or non happening in lives of living souls. It treat universe as self creation without beginning or end. This theory mainly termed as "Jinwani gives utmost importance of Human 3 fold actions called as "Karma Doctrine". Human can be the God with their clean actions. God only guides to get "Moksha." 8.-Walking on Bhagwan Mahaveer's "Samkit" path is difficult. Here you cannot ask for domestic pleasures and removal of sufferings from your life. You have to bear them with smile knowing them all as a result of own Karma. Only "Nirjara" can give you relief,. Only you can pray to Bhagwan for giving strength to cope up with events. 9.-With growing age you will realize that journey of life is not one sided having full joy and happiness. Few occasions may test your life such as failure, illness ,passing of dear ones, money issues, strain in relationship. Samkit expect you to fight the battle and odds at your own without running to temples with folded hands.
JAI JINENRDA-----------!!!-----------JAI MAHAVEER----------!!!.