In continuation of kid's educational series Gurudeo added one more beautiful lecture. Here is a summary that symbolic lecture for readers " Dear kids-- everything around us can teach us good qualities. Basic need is to develop such a analytic eyesight within ourselves. We will discuss how all above non living things can teach us. In a desert visit have you noticed virtues of a tiny sand particle. Just see it's tolerance capacity and lightness virtue. No complaint from centuries and so on
for storms or walking of heavy feet's. We can learn to be light with minimum of sins and absence of arrogance. Any amount of wealth or power or intelligence we must be down to earth. Your nice and good behavior will be in deep memories in all individuals you dealt with. Now what we can learn from a piece of snow cube. coolness is first quality of snow. Then second is melting and mixing with it's original form being water. we must learn to keep cool in all odds. To keep the control over anger and not to allow any disturbance to peace of mind is a rarest of quality. It need a high level of break over our reaction. With practice over a long period you can master this art. In facing the selfish world only this quality can keep you fresh in life. To get one convert with original form is a most cherished dream. We need to be part of all "Siddha". Original form of our soul is pure. Over time we need to shed all our impurity so that we have a permanent seat in the Siddhasheela. Just give it a thought we will be with all Thirthankara.Let us study next subject being Sun. Sun a major source of light and energy to our planet doing a big task of removing darkness. We can adopt this great quality by adding more and more correct knowledge. Only knowledge has power to remove darkness in lives of us and the connected people. Sun carries numerous qualities in it .Punctuality is second most admired quality of Sun. Not on a single day it misses it's scheduled arrival and departure time. Similarly sun never crosses self boundaries of keeping distance. Otherwise there will be big havoc on earth. With such a power possession but still in self imposed set limitis really a great virtue. Braveness can be a good virtue of it to report. Have you observed that can Sun be covered by dark clouds forever ? Similarly we need to stand again with a temporary set back. Anytime do you wonder ever that Sun is nourishing lives of all living on earth. Most significant quality of Sun is motivation to be on top forever and doing the assigned work with full sincerity. From sea you just dream to have a broad heart and a silence. With a broad thinking one cannot engage in petty issues like my religion v/s your religion My Guru v/s your Guru It also teach us to be in limit. Sky teach us to give shelters and infinite boundaries of self, With a time constraint I could discuss only very few virtue of all of these 5 components of beautiful nature. Just try to observe all virtues of nature around you and add all or few of it to self to make our lives better. These " FIVE-S" can be a great source of personality development "Gurudeo ended his lecture.
JAI JINENDRA-----------!!!----------JAI MAHAVEER----------!!!.
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