Monday, 9 December 2013


The Kewaldyani Bhagwan Mahaveerswami pronounced this theory. To summaries it- tells the basic fact that there can be more than one view for any matter. Bhagwan given this theory to mankind-- so that entire human race can live life in harmony .The human race with this theory, can agree existence of more ways to reach near the real truth.
One can analyze post results for wars fought between two nations. It will show that no problem was being solved fully. But the result was known only after loss of lives of so many soldiers and civilians. War is usually undertaken to establish the power, greed and own strength.
When we engage ourselves in any quarrel ,we just ignore opinion of others. Individual perception differs due to so many factors like own 
intelligence levels, upbringings, cultures, surroundings and readings.
Still with sense of pride, ego and so called self respect and beliefs we opt for fighting. The theory is explained well with a story of six blind men and their opinions for nature of elephant depicted in a following image. It is a good story to understood  concept Anekantwad.           
In the picture  six blind men used to represent our half knowledge
level. Lack of knowledge term is used because knowledge is infinite like ocean and our knowledge is just like a drop of ocean's water in the mouth of a sparrow. Unfortunately, we boost to know all of it and are very proud for it. Every body, when asked how the object looked like all have different answer than one other. Now just think if they engage in fight for correctness of own opinion-whether they are Justified -?. Same theory applies in real life. Let us do fact check.
This can be the actual situation in life where we can avoid disputes.

A lady can be wife, sister, mother, aunt for others as per relations involved. Like it opinion can differ person to person, we must give it a thought before loosing our coolness. If one adopt the approach right is mine ,instead of mine is right so many problems can be solved. The theory requires to respect voice of dissent of others.
Person having different than your view should not make him your enemy. Let him has his own view. This tolerance can be achieved by this theory giving concept of unity in diversity and coexistence of all.
  If one study all major religions have more than one division though all of them is worshiping the same founder. The basic cause of all difference is interpretation of original script. But following Anekatawad theory ,they go for co-existence peacefully.
 In Jainism there is two major divisions with wearing of clothes by monks. Swetamber and Digaamber. One is going with clothes while another one is going without clothes. Again with these two, there are another divisions one worshiping statues another just going to holy place called Sthanak.

 But a common thread of Navkar mantra and Mahaveer Bhagwan keeping them together since they agree in principle theory of Anekantawad. Thus the theory reduces the conflicts to minimum.
Let us hope, world digest it for own peace and harmony. The theory
can help to have conflict less society.  

JAI JINENDRA-------------!!!-----------JAI MAHAVEER------!!!.



Jainism provides self searching through a process called ,Dyan or Krayautasarag. Krayautasarag is giving up love for body and to carry on positive thinking called Dhyan. Modern theory termed it to be mediation. One shall engage himself when ever, he finds free time preferably in morning or while going to bed. Only aim is to have calm and quite surroundings. Dhyan can lead to deep inner peace. 
Before the study, let us some introduction. We have been gifted with two eyes to see the outer world. Irony of it is that it cannot see self face without help of mirror. So it is unable to look within the soul. Hence for Dhyan, one has to close eyes and disconnect with outside.
 In Pratikaman Bhagwan specified 5th serial Pada for it. For layman it is advised to do with 4,8,12,20 and 40 Loggas Sutra. Loggas is in praise of present period's Thrithankaras from  Bharat Kheshtra. If  one is not knowing it he can use Navkar Mantra for engagement in "Dhyan". This should be the auspicious beginning for doing Dyan.
One has to sit in right posture in lonely and peaceful  place and has to concentrate on breathing in and out  and  perform the " Dhyan or
Karyautasarag" keeping silence. Time frame one can decide as per own free time which can be gradually increased. The mind shall be free, while focusing and concentrating one can imagine the posture with following or any other similar image available on social media.
You can engage your self in Chintan ( Thinking ) as following lines
 or it can be own composition based on Jainism religious study.
1- I am only soul altogether different than  present body. Soul is permanent and non perishable one. With layers of  Karmas ,I am passing through number of cycles of life and death through 8.40 millions places of birth. I have decided to cut roots of all layers of Karmas with Nirjara and good deeds and is careful to avoid new karmas with a aim to attain salvation. Salvation is my only one aim.
 Siddha Bhagwan. Arihant Bhagwan and Gurudeva -I seek your help for this mission of mine. Please help me  for correct ,Samyag ways  knowledge, faith and conduct. Due to ignorance I have committed lot of sins of 18 types and 25 Mithyatava  marked by wrong faith in all previous and present lives and I am really sorry for such bad conduct of my soul from bottom of my heart. I request all got hurt by me knowingly or not knowingly to forgive me, I also forgive all. I pray to have Sudeo,Sudharma and Sugurudeo for all next lives. Nigatham Payanam Sacham Tameva Saccham Jum Jinehim Payeim is my faith
2- I am waiting for the day when I can give up all possessiveness and follow Aparigraha leading to a very simple and honest living my life.
3- I am waiting for the day when I can become monk leaving all domestic affairs and carry out maximum efforts to know and follow Bhagwan's path. I pray for early fulfillment of my dream of Moksha.
4- I am waiting for the day when at the end of life I can take Santhara and leave current body with  peace by regretting all sins and doing Pratikaman. Siddha Siddi Mam thee Santu------------!!!
JAI JINEDRA---------!!!-------------JAI MAHAVEER---------!!!.

Sunday, 8 December 2013


Yes-!! You can do it definitely- !!-Jainism gives utmost weight- age to power of soul and it's intentions.Present life is too hectic.With so many duties assigned, one finds it difficult to find time for full time religious activities. But if you look at Jainism as a way of living you can be on correct path without disturbing your routine.  Basic requirements one need for bowing seeds of salvation are being summarized here under. It definitely deserves a try for all of us.

1-Please learn Navkar Mantra by heart-It is bowing to Virtues of noble souls irrespective of religion.Start with this auspicious name.

2-Preliminary knowledge of  Jainism-basics of Jainism's 9 Tatva and 5 principles from preliminary Jainism books.
 Majority of Jain wish for salvation. But with struggle with life ,one may have little time for it. With following, principles one can  try
to march on road to salvation with little efforts.It is a beginning--!!.
Before taking this road one shall know the difference between Punya and Nirjara. Punya is the result of all good things you do for others i.e. helping poor and needy,charity to hospitals,temples and education,helping old age homes taking care of animals and plants  This Punya is not sufficient to reduce the layers of bad karma over the soul. Punya assures favorable conditions for living. To free soul from sins one has to engage one's body and soul. Looking to time constraint one can decide to opt following small things----------!!!.
1-Start your day with minimum 3 Navkar once you woke up.
2-Non violence conduct-- Even hurting sentiments of other souls is violence, Be polite in your dealings. Just try to understand that,  every one has different level of understanding. Each one is free for own opinion. Just do not get annoyed with their actions. Have passions. Secondly just see your actions are not causing harm to others while walking,talking.sitting and sleeping. You have to care for tiny insects and small creatures having life.

3-Follow Truth-Do not engage your self in untruthful presentation. Truth has long and ever lasting effects. Just have a look at your earning.if it contains a small part of cheating.It needs rethinking on source of income.Mind well, such accumulated wealth cannot assure anyone a peaceful life.It will deprive one soul's inner peace. 
People donate some part to various causes and console soul for the wrong-earning.It is always better to live simple life by reducing needs than to opt for unfair practices, As great Abraham Lincon wrote in his famous letter to principal " Teach my child to earn by best of knowledge and muscle power but restrain him from putting tag to his soul ".It is a unique piece of advice for all of us.
4-Theft-- Keep your self away from such things. Even taking thing without permission of owner is theft. One can escape for frauds etc crimes from human Courts but just impossible to avoid Judgement of Karma court. Cheating,frauds must be avoided at any cost.
5- Bramacharya-- Do not go for illicit relation other than spouse. Be faithful to your partner.It can assure peaceful domestic life.
6- Non possessiveness-- Fix your wealth level to be achieved and decide not to have more than it. One can  always use the excess for society and noble causes.Reduce liking for material things.Treat money as tool- not aim for living current life.Satisfaction is need.

7-Pacchakhan-- Self imposed restriction on self for food and material things is called Pacchakan. As a fact we can not eat all the 24 hours of a day. Just decide after finishing meal that I will not eat till I take Navkar Mantra. Even while sleeping one can decide that. You can do it at work,travel, If possible aim to go for fast for a day.
8-Assure minimum wastage- water,electricity,fire since all these carry lives so use it to bare minimum.Try to drink boiled water or water  mixed with ash powder,It prevents repeated birth of lives within water, Go for filtered water for other than drinking purpose,
9-Plan your food correctly-- Just see if one can give up eggs,meat .fish ,roots ,drinks tobacco etc. If not fully just try to reduce it and regret own inability to give it up fully.
10- Actions- Reduce watching TV and other entertainment  modes and provide time to read religious books and meet Monk. It adds to your knowledge and purify one's faith.
11-Night Pray- Again going to bed pray with 3 Navakar mantra.
 Just remember any misdeed done for that day and  ask forgiveness  with Michhami Dukadam.
With such conduct seed of salvation will definitely be sowed within soul. Sooner one can prepare himself for more correct conduct. Best of Luck for new path. Mind well better late than never-----!!!

JAI JINENDRA------!!!-------- JAI MAHAVEER--------------!!!.


Saturday, 7 December 2013


Friends here with I share with you some Jainism quotes which can give a quick introduction to Jain principles in simple and easy way.
We should introduce them to our kids for creating Jainsm interest. 
1-Ahinsa Parmo Dharma--. Non-violence is first prime and basic religion for all.Non violence is foundation of our  Jain religion. Mean
non violence is best religion to follow. Parmo means highest in all.
2-Jiyo Aur Jine Do--! ----Live and let live--!! Life is being loved by all equally ,hence value for others lives as you love own life. Be it life of human, plant or animal. Each life is precious for them and us.

3-Mithi Me Saav Bhuhesu. Ver Na Mazj Kenai------!!--All are my friends and I am enemy of no one .Mithi means friendship forever.
4-Kadana Kamman Na Mokha Atthi-No salvation will be possible unless all deeds and Karma are nullified. Kadana means -doing done.
5-Dananam Srestham -Abhaypayanam--In all charity to assure life of others is best and top charity. Nothing can match with this basic.
6-Echhahu Aagas Sama Anatiya---.Wishes are unending like sky.
This is a  practical quote by Mahaveerswami in "Uttaradhyansutra. Ask any billionaire  he still have list of wealth to be achieved. It is against Jain principle of "Aparigraha" or non possession  above need

7-Samayam Goyama Na Pamaia-Gautam- time is precious not to waste it, utilize it fully for good deeds because, day, night, fraction of second once gone, cannot be brought back by any mean or efforts.
 8-Shrdha Param Dulha-----Faith on good teaching is too difficult.
 9-Jivo Jivyasya Jivanam- ---All love to live ,nobody wants to die.
10-Dhammo Sudassa Chhitaye- Religion stays within  a pure soul only. Non pure souls cannot get engaged in religion anyhow.
11-Tameva Saccham Nishankam, Jam Jinehim Pavehiyam-The only truth is what Thrithankar Bhagwan has preached without any doubt. I do not have sufficient  knowledge level to understand it.

12 Nigamtham Pavyanam Sachham-- It is the only truth as told by pure soul as Kewali. Such truth will prevail over all the three period.
13-Kshama Virasya Bhushanam----Only brave souls can forgive. Forgiveness is ornament of brave souls. Coward cannot offer it. They are always waiting to take the revenge by all possible opportunities.

14-Khamemi Savve Jiva ,Savve Jiva Khamntu Mi----------I seek forgiveness from all  soul for misdeeds if any committed by me ,I also forgive all of them . Thus memory for all wrongs is wiped out.
15-Michhami Dukadam-I feel sorry for doing it, pray for reduction in resulted sins. I will be for careful not to repeat them in future.
16-Siddaha Siddhi Mam Di Santu--Siddha Bhagwan please show me way to salvation and guide me to achieve it. Help me to reach it.

17-"Daya Sukani Beladi, Daya Sukhani Khan------------!!!.
     Ananta Jiv Mokhshe Gaya,Daya Tana Fal Jaan"---!!!.
18-"Hinsa Dukhni Beladi,Hinsa Dukhni Khan----------!!!.
     Ananta Jiv Narke Gaya, Hinsa Tana Faal Jaan"----!!!.
( Daya means kindness. Beladi means a chain, Faal means result ).
19-"Wa Wa Khamiyara Sagar,Marag Batayo-------------!!!.
       Maraag Batayo,Mhane Raaste Lagayo "-------------!!!.
(Many thanks to- Oh-! ocean of forgiveness ,You have shown us
the way and put us on correct path .Otherwise we would  got lost ).
20-"Aho Bhayva Jio,Thirathankarni Wanino Raas Pijiye------!!!.
Nahi Eh Samo Amrit Bijo, Jagmein Tum Sun Lijiye"---------- !!!.
(All Bhavi souls  note to taste Thirtankarwani , there is no parallel
 teachings  (Amrit- immortal liquid) on earth when compared to it.)
21.-"Kammam Ch Jaaee. Maran-sya Mulam-"--Root cause of
births and deaths is only Karmabandhan. Only Karma can keep a soul engaged in cycle of life and death unless achieved salvation. 
22-"Jai Jai Nanda! Dhamenam, Jai Jai Nanda!Tavenam, Jai Jai Nanda! Bhaddam" Soul giving joy have victory with Dharama,
Have Victory with Tap, Wish your welfare -B/S Jamali Diksha 9/33.

JAI JINENDRA----------!!!------ JAI MAHAVEER------------!!!.

Friday, 6 December 2013


 In Bhagwati Sutra Mahaveer Bhagwan answered few questions of Jayanti Shrawika relating to differences between Bhavi and Abhavi souls. Bhavi souls are eligible for attaining salvation. By no mean, this basic status can be changed. Initially all souls are similar and
marked by wrong faith, But later on, one category can, be on correct path and vision. The path being as and only one as told by Pujyashri Jineshwar Bhagwan. Those souls are able to give up wrong path and wrong faith. This category belongs to Bhavi souls can attain Moksha.
Bhavi souls have liking for Jainism and their conduct is guided by  it's principles. Only Bhavi souls will attain salvation by ending the
cycles of life and death. Abhavi souls will continue this cycle for ever, neither they like salvation nor they dislike life and death. It is a natural nature of  their soul. Even knowing it, they cannot change it.
All Bhavi souls will attain salvation though the period can not be known to other than Kevali Bhagwan, Though all such souls will attain salvation the universe will not be empty with Bhavi souls. The reason being presence of uncountable souls in universe in all 4 Gati.
Bhavi souls are of two types, One in Vavahar Rashi and other is in Avyahar Rashi. Vavahar Rasi means category which has entered into transaction zone.  It means now, they are eligible for all four Gatis leaving the Nigod ( tiny plant ) Gati .One soul comes from Avyvahar rashi to Vyavahar rashi, when  a noble soul attains or get salvation. Abhavi souls from beginning are in transaction zone doinge cycles.
Majority of Avavhahar Rashi starts their life journey from Nigod- Triyanch Gati ,where many souls are sharing one body commonly. At this stage they are called Krishnapakshi soul full of darkness of soul.

With passage of time when Punya (good or positive) Karma is being added to have favorable conditions for following Jainism and for the
reduction of bad Karmas by Nirjara the soul is on the salvation
path. When his life and death cycle is remained by less than half Pudagal transition, he enters the zone of Shuklapaksh to touch noble Samkit ( correct faith and knowledge).He becomes Samyagdrishti. Pudgal Paravartan means when a soul touch all 7 Pugals types of Odarik, Vekriya, Tejas ,Karman, mind, Vachan and breathing, Ardha Pudgal Parivartan- a period required to complete half Vekriya Pudgal Paravartan. Vekriya is available in heaven and hell it need more time.
Then he limits life cycles. It is termed as "Parittasansari". Now with 
 in ( maximum 15 lives). he will attain salvation. It can be attained only through human life. It can be from Mahavideha Kheshtra all the time. From Bharat and Eirawat Kheshtra in specified Aaraes only.
The soul meeting basic condition of Bhavsiddik nature passes four
stages of Parit-Sansari. Sulabhbodhi. Aaradhak and enters final stage of Charim which is last birth as a human, after becoming monk-  He attains salvation--------.The Last and Final Destination-------------!!!.
PS means a soul who has limited domestic lives SB means a soul who can grasp Jinwani eassily.Aaradhak means a soul leaving life as guided by Mahaveerswami  Charim means last life before Moksha. 
Bhagwan Mahaveer in Bhagwatisutra informed Gautamswami all 
those six steps in case of Shakendra and his future births. The said
period of getting salvation is minimum three lives , maximum 15.
One can refer 03/01 chapter of Bhagwatisutra for further reference.

Major chances of true followers of Bhagwan Mahveerswami is of 
Bhavi. With this confidence, let us continue our march to salvation.
Second important thing Mahaveerswami shared with Gautamswami
that all about to get liberated souls first will get "Kevaldyan and
Kevaldarshan ,only after it they will get salvation (Ref 01/04 B.S.).

JAI JINENDRA--------!!!------------ JAI MAHAVEER---------!!!.


In Bhagwati Sutra Bhagwan Mahaveer Swami has guided his First
disciple Gautamswami -steps to attain salvation.  Particular Gatha or lines are as follow. Very useful for understanding salvation.02/5.
" Savane,Nane Ya,Vinnane.-Pachhkane Ya Sanjame
   Ananhaye Tave chev , Vodane Akriya Siddhi.------."        
These lines are being reproduced in original Ardhamagdhi language. 
We can study the meaning on following lines here under in brief---.
1-Listening--or study creates knowledge. This the the first essential step in direction of salvation ,it is called-Savane. ( Shrawan hindi).
2-With listening one acquires knowledge and expert knowledge-Nane, Vidnane. Listening can be from Gurudeo or holy book aagam
3- With expert knowledge- we take Pachkan ( self imposed vows/ restrictions) and give up bad points or unnecessary consumptions. It improves character and makes one religion prone and simple living.
4- With Pachhakhans- soul follows Sayam and keep one self away from 18 sins. Sayam close doors of incoming sins keep soul clean. 
5-With Sayam soul gets Anashrav -means no new additions to
Karmas are committed. Incoming ways of sins are being closed with right and timely awareness and taking various Pachkahn.-Ananahye.
6- Result of Anashrav is Tap means Tapsya-of  twelve type.-Tave.
7- Tap is main weapon to cut accumulated Karmas known as Nirjara. Fast, Samaik, Pratikaman, Poshad Swadhya are it's various forms.
8-- With Vodane means cutting of Karmas soul becomes Akirya.It means without action of Karmabandhan .Soul's 3 Yog ( actions) of mind, speech and body became non active with.-Akriya.
9- With non action soul gets salvation.-Siddhi- the final destination.

 Samaik is also a small Pachkan. With "Karemi Bhante",we promise
Arihant Bhagwan that,for minimum 48 minutes,I will not get into
in any sort of sin and will definitely stay away from it. Thus these 
nine steps are small in number but each step is stepping towards the

salvation. We all Moksha/salvation seekers are grateful to Bhagwan Mahaveer for informing us result of each step and action in few words. As a moral of lines, we shall increase reading of Aagams,

visit Upashray to listen Jinwani, discuss Jinwani in groups of like
minded people. Naturally there can be positive change in ourselves.
The end result after few births can be at top "Siddhasheela."

JAI JINENDRA------------!!!--------- JAI MAHAVEER---------!!!.