One can analyze post results for wars fought between two nations. It will show that no problem was being solved fully. But the result was known only after loss of lives of so many soldiers and civilians. War is usually undertaken to establish the power, greed and own strength.
When we engage ourselves in any quarrel ,we just ignore opinion of others. Individual perception differs due to so many factors like own
intelligence levels, upbringings, cultures, surroundings and readings.Still with sense of pride, ego and so called self respect and beliefs we opt for fighting. The theory is explained well with a story of six blind men and their opinions for nature of elephant depicted in a following image. It is a good story to understood concept Anekantwad.
In the picture six blind men used to represent our half knowledge
level. Lack of knowledge term is used because knowledge is infinite like ocean and our knowledge is just like a drop of ocean's water in the mouth of a sparrow. Unfortunately, we boost to know all of it and are very proud for it. Every body, when asked how the object looked like all have different answer than one other. Now just think if they engage in fight for correctness of own opinion-whether they are Justified -?. Same theory applies in real life. Let us do fact check.
This can be the actual situation in life where we can avoid disputes.
A lady can be wife, sister, mother, aunt for others as per relations involved. Like it opinion can differ person to person, we must give it a thought before loosing our coolness. If one adopt the approach right is mine ,instead of mine is right so many problems can be solved. The theory requires to respect voice of dissent of others.
Person having different than your view should not make him your enemy. Let him has his own view. This tolerance can be achieved by this theory giving concept of unity in diversity and coexistence of all. If one study all major religions have more than one division though all of them is worshiping the same founder. The basic cause of all difference is interpretation of original script. But following Anekatawad theory ,they go for co-existence peacefully.
In Jainism there is two major divisions with wearing of clothes by monks. Swetamber and Digaamber. One is going with clothes while another one is going without clothes. Again with these two, there are another divisions one worshiping statues another just going to holy place called Sthanak.
But a common thread of Navkar mantra and Mahaveer Bhagwan keeping them together since they agree in principle theory of Anekantawad. Thus the theory reduces the conflicts to minimum.
Let us hope, world digest it for own peace and harmony. The theory
can help to have conflict less society.
JAI JINENDRA-------------!!!-----------JAI MAHAVEER------!!!.