In Nandisutra Bhagwan has given 5 types of knowledge-Matidyan
( inherited intelligence),Shrutdyan (hearing),Avadhidyan (knowing limited area),Maanprayadyan (knowing happening in others mind) and Kevaldyan. ( complete knowledge combines all 4 knowledges.
First two knowledge are obtained by mind and five organs. Balance three knowledge are obtained with power of soul.
Kevaldyan is highest level of knowledge which a soul can obtain. Kevaldyan as known as omniscience, covers full knowledge of universe and it's contents for all times----past, present and future. Nothing remains to be known after soul obtains Kevaldyan. Once it is obtained it remains with soul for ever. It has no barriers of time, space, matter or energy, It never vanishes once it is being achieving.
In bhagwatisutra 09/32 Bhagwan Mahaveerswami has clarified the unrestricted area of Kevaldyana to Gangeya Angar. There are total 31 types of coverage of 8 Karmas. When a soul nullify five coverage of knowledge and nine layers for faith he obtains great Kevaldyan.
Knowledge power enable to know everything and faith power enable to see every related thing for all times of all living soul of all places.
Once he clears layers four of Aayushya and five layers of Antaray-
(probationary) and eight of balance 4 Karmas soul attains liberation.
In Bhagwatisutra 08/02 Bhagwan has informed Gurugautamswami that an ordinary human cannot know following ten things. Only
Kevaldyani can know it through their power of Kewaldyan Darshan.
They are 1-Dharmastikaay 2-Adharmastikaay,3-Aakashtikaay-------
4-soul without body 5-Parmanupudgal, 6.-word.7-smell 8-----air.
9-whether the soul will end all sufferings or not and-10-whether the soul will obtain salvation Moksha or not. Kevalibhagwan see the complete universe as a lotus in hand ,termed in Hindi as " Hasta-kamalavat". Such vast ambit they get from power of Kewaldyan. Truth is always one and same, hence all Kewali's knowledge is same and uniform at any given point of time.
Modern Science has agreed the capacity of human brain. As per study so far it has been revealed that a human brain consist of one billion neurons. Each neuron forms 1000 connection with other. Such mufti-connectivity creates more than a trillion connections. It amounts to total memory storage capacity of a million gigabytes,
Still capacity of brain is to be fully established for modern science.
Even science is backing such highest level of knowledge storage in a single brain. Present human race is very smart. They have reduced burden on single brain by dividing knowledge in 3 main steams-science, arts and commerce ,Further divided it, into so many sub branches so that one can acquire expert knowledge in particular branch only without using total knowledge available. More over the acquisition of knowledge is money oriented purpose instead of soul searching one .Only Jainism by Kewali can give true knowledge.
All Jain Trithankars,Arihantbhagwan and kevalies has obtained this Kevaldyan, Obtaining Kevaldyan is a precondition for salvation.
Bhagwan Mahveerswami obtained Kevaldyana by vigorous Tap. Dyan and mediation with fast for continuous period of 12.50 years.
After getting it. He showed ways to human race to remove causes of all sufferings. If anybody wants proof of His Kevaldyana one can have deep study as a sample case from Aagam Bhagwatisutra.
He can vouch for number of subjects Bhagwan has explained from anatomy. space. spirituality, geography, physics to almost every other branch of current knowledge. Just imagine state of sources of knowledge available before approx. 2600 years ago. No books ,no universities, no guide, no library, no telescope still how Bhagwan can tell all composition of universe. It is highly impossible without power of soul .Good news to share that we all as Bhavi soul will
definitely acquire Kewaldyan.Time may differ as per our devotion.
Every follower of Jainism is proud of such great philosopher, guide and mentor in form of Mahaveer Bhagwan and other noble souls who got this unique Kewaldyan, Let us pray to have this type of knowledge soon. No doubt we have to work hard for it.
( inherited intelligence),Shrutdyan (hearing),Avadhidyan (knowing limited area),Maanprayadyan (knowing happening in others mind) and Kevaldyan. ( complete knowledge combines all 4 knowledges.
First two knowledge are obtained by mind and five organs. Balance three knowledge are obtained with power of soul.
Kevaldyan is highest level of knowledge which a soul can obtain. Kevaldyan as known as omniscience, covers full knowledge of universe and it's contents for all times----past, present and future. Nothing remains to be known after soul obtains Kevaldyan. Once it is obtained it remains with soul for ever. It has no barriers of time, space, matter or energy, It never vanishes once it is being achieving.
In bhagwatisutra 09/32 Bhagwan Mahaveerswami has clarified the unrestricted area of Kevaldyana to Gangeya Angar. There are total 31 types of coverage of 8 Karmas. When a soul nullify five coverage of knowledge and nine layers for faith he obtains great Kevaldyan.
Knowledge power enable to know everything and faith power enable to see every related thing for all times of all living soul of all places.
Once he clears layers four of Aayushya and five layers of Antaray-
(probationary) and eight of balance 4 Karmas soul attains liberation.
In Bhagwatisutra 08/02 Bhagwan has informed Gurugautamswami that an ordinary human cannot know following ten things. Only
Kevaldyani can know it through their power of Kewaldyan Darshan.
They are 1-Dharmastikaay 2-Adharmastikaay,3-Aakashtikaay-------
4-soul without body 5-Parmanupudgal, 6.-word.7-smell 8-----air.
9-whether the soul will end all sufferings or not and-10-whether the soul will obtain salvation Moksha or not. Kevalibhagwan see the complete universe as a lotus in hand ,termed in Hindi as " Hasta-kamalavat". Such vast ambit they get from power of Kewaldyan. Truth is always one and same, hence all Kewali's knowledge is same and uniform at any given point of time.
Modern Science has agreed the capacity of human brain. As per study so far it has been revealed that a human brain consist of one billion neurons. Each neuron forms 1000 connection with other. Such mufti-connectivity creates more than a trillion connections. It amounts to total memory storage capacity of a million gigabytes,
Still capacity of brain is to be fully established for modern science.
Even science is backing such highest level of knowledge storage in a single brain. Present human race is very smart. They have reduced burden on single brain by dividing knowledge in 3 main steams-science, arts and commerce ,Further divided it, into so many sub branches so that one can acquire expert knowledge in particular branch only without using total knowledge available. More over the acquisition of knowledge is money oriented purpose instead of soul searching one .Only Jainism by Kewali can give true knowledge.
All Jain Trithankars,Arihantbhagwan and kevalies has obtained this Kevaldyan, Obtaining Kevaldyan is a precondition for salvation.
Bhagwan Mahveerswami obtained Kevaldyana by vigorous Tap. Dyan and mediation with fast for continuous period of 12.50 years.
After getting it. He showed ways to human race to remove causes of all sufferings. If anybody wants proof of His Kevaldyana one can have deep study as a sample case from Aagam Bhagwatisutra.
He can vouch for number of subjects Bhagwan has explained from anatomy. space. spirituality, geography, physics to almost every other branch of current knowledge. Just imagine state of sources of knowledge available before approx. 2600 years ago. No books ,no universities, no guide, no library, no telescope still how Bhagwan can tell all composition of universe. It is highly impossible without power of soul .Good news to share that we all as Bhavi soul will
definitely acquire Kewaldyan.Time may differ as per our devotion.
Every follower of Jainism is proud of such great philosopher, guide and mentor in form of Mahaveer Bhagwan and other noble souls who got this unique Kewaldyan, Let us pray to have this type of knowledge soon. No doubt we have to work hard for it.