Monday, 14 August 2017


"Brothers and Sisters in last blog number--- 163,we have seen how Marudevimata got Moksha. Sooner or later ,we all gathered here will have to achieve it. Let us make an assumption that we all are Bhavi souls and will continue to purify our souls by engaging in Dharma- Dyan.It is better to know the steps (termed- Charan) of salvation. If one can refer 09/31,25/07 Chapters of Bhagwatisutra then it can be easy to understand. It is  brief session due to time constraint of you.
Salvation process can be studied in two parts. First 2 steps generate Kewaldyan and Kewaldarshan with clearance of 4 out of 8 Karmas. Without complete knowledge and faith, not a single soul can achieve it. It is a must precondition for getting salvation for our soul.
 After getting Kewaldyan and Kewaldarshan if current life span is in balance then such Kewali Bhagwan form Thirth if they have support of Thirthankarnaam Karma.Otherwise they advice masses how to achieve salvation by spreading Jinwani. When life span is about to complete ,then the last two steps are undertaken and Bhagwan gets Nirwan by clearing balance four Aghati Karmas .
Presently there are 20 Thirthankar Bhagwan and 2 crores Kewali Bhagwan in Mahavedeha  Shektra. Simandharswami is nearest to us.
1-First Step--Studied souls (Purvadhari) in thinking process covers all basics and their options in details. If one has not completed full study like Marudevimata ,then they undertake thinking of one basics in details. Here mind is in operation.
2-Second Step-It is continuation of first process but now basic is only one.It requires full concentration of mind.Mind must be  static similar to a flame of candle in air tight compartment. In chapter 09/31 titled as "Ashochha Kewali" Bhagwan has very beautifully explained procedure of obtaining Kewaldyan and Kewaldarshan. Such souls separate their souls from all negative deeds of all 4 Gati. They nullify sixteen Kashay and five Dyanavarniya together with
 Darshanavarniya,5 Antaray and complete Mohniya Karma.As soon as Mohniya Karma cleared the Sun of complete knowledge, faith arises. Once achieved it remains forever for all souls for all period.
When current term completion time comes in sight next two steps are undertaken by Kewali Bhagwan

3-Third Step-Complete stoppage of actions of mind and speech. Minimum body actions like breathing  and closing of eyelids are only in operation.
4-Last Fourth Step--Before getting salvation Bhagwan completely nullify all actions of mind, speech and body. It is known as "Ayogi" posture and entering into 14th Gunastana. All parts of souls form one solid, static and non moving entity as solid as rock (Termed as Apurvakaran and Shelishikaran ).Within fraction of micro second the soul in straight line (Rujugati) without touching any particle leaves current body to reside in top point of Universe forever.
Basically nature of each soul is non visible and weight less.
We gain weight and visibility due to coverage of Sin, Karma and Body. Siddha Bhagwan get rid of all of those negative and positive causes, now they have only pure form of soul which travels only in upward direction due to light form so as to reach top of world. 
Moreover Siddhasheela ends at the border of Lok. Next is area of Alok. There is only sky in Alok and absence of Dharmastikaay ( The force essential for movement ).So Bhagwan reside there It is for ever.
In Bhagwati 07/01 Bhagwan have given six reasons for transit of clear and light soul. Main is retirement from  eighteen sins 4 Kashay.

So far infinite number of souls got liberated. In fact their number is standing in second largest rank in all five categories. First position will always be occupied by plants and animals.
 As such having full faith in Bhagwan Mahaveer's teaching, if we continue our march on path of salvation we all will definitely meet at Siddhasheela , Thus  with these three parts we have completed total study of Dhyan and salvation."Gurudeo concluded.

 JAI JINENDRA--------!!!------------ JAI MAHAVEER-------!!!.

Sunday, 13 August 2017


 ------------In continuation of preceding Blog Number 162---------.

" Brothers last time we saw how Marudevimata got salvation. Today we have to study her thinking process which led her entry into best Shukladhyan finally resulting into her unique salvation or Moksha.

Marudevimata started conversation with her soul. " Am I sleeping or awake ----? If awake then whether my eyes are working correctly or they are sending wrong images to me ? My own son, part of my body neither looking at me nor talking to me. Is he the same Rishab Deo ?. Has he failed to recognize his own mother -? Is 1000 years period is too long to keep memory alive ? How it can be, I , cannot point  a single second out of all those years when I forgot him. Then how he can forget me totally? Something seems to went terribly wrong .Shall I wait or call him loudly? .She got herself surrounded by so many
options. Many unanswered questions started to knock at her mind .
Slowly she began to get recovered from her initial shock. Now her thinking process started to be positive taking note of present results.
" No, It cannot be---!, I seems to be on  totally wrong thinking lines.
Rishabhdeo ( Bhagwan ) obtained Kewaldyan and Kewaldarshan, He cannot be wrong. Complete knowledge made Him ---"Vitraagi".He
has conquered most difficult Karma called as Mohniya Karma.
hence all living souls are equal to him. Nobody is special to Him. All are same as his own soul. He conquered all human feelings of love, hate and affections and reached a point beyond all such petty things. It is really a unique stage. It is very surprising how he can control his emotions. Past memories are not hunting him anymore. Really great,

I am proud to give birth to such a noble soul. Even after giving up all possessions and disconnecting all relations, he looks to be so happy. His face became more brighter than ever internal and permanent happiness. I am sorry for my selfishness and wrong thoughts. Asking for his forgiveness is really due for me. Bhagwan please forgive me ! When the day will arise in my life when I can be "Vitraagi" just like You ? It is a pity for me, son understood but mother could not- !

 It indicates that loving own soul is real source of true and extreme joy. Only soul can be one's best friend for ever. All  other  human
relationships are false  and temporary though they may appear to provide happiness. If it is false, then why I should run after such false things ??. I must be on path of truth and only truth. We meet various people, establish relations and part ways as guided by bond and Karma theory. It is foul game of "Pudgals" ( particles) evident every where. I must be awake from it, disconnect and get rid from it.
There is no point in getting trapped by it by such false illusions. Let me free myself from all those attachment and work hard for moksha.
liberalization of my own soul. I must avoid all further cycles of life and death. Thanks Bhagwan you indirectly helped me to realize the fallacy of worldly affairs. You are my teacher, mentor, philosopher and guide." Siddha Siddhi Mum Di Santu "Guide me for Moksha.

Immediately she wrote off full layers of her Mohniya Karmas. As a result she achieved Kewaldyan and Kevaldarshan. Thus Moradevi  Mata completed first two steps of salvation.

Within fraction of seconds she entered "Ayogi" posture (zero actions of three Yogs-mind, speech and body) cleared all  balance five Karmas, completed remaining two steps and left present body reaching to highest point of universe known as "Siddhasheela"
Since the  incident is being picked up from "Grantha"  and not from "Aagam " it may not be exactly worded as it  might have happened, Gurudeo added. Let us all offer our grand salute to this noble  and pioneer soul who got salvation first in our era, before Rishabhdeoji.
She was too sensitive soul who took a slight indication with it's correct meaning" Gurudeo concluded. In next lecture, we will complete last part of this series being process of salvation.

JAI JINENDRA---------- !!!--------- JAI MAHAVEER---------!!!.

Friday, 11 August 2017


Since Gurudeo has informed subject of next day and it was related to Dhyan, I could not miss the opportunity, so here is the brief coverage of said lecture for readers.Dhyan is a tool helping to look into soul.
"Brothers yesterday we have studied types of meditation. Though at present Shukladyan is not possible, still it is very interesting to see how first Siddha of our time has gained it. The noble soul who  got Moksha first time in our time is Maru -Devi Mata, the mother of our first Thirthankar Bhagwan Rishabhdeo or Aadinath Bhagwan swami. Rishabhadeo Bhagwan is even today respectfully remembered and is worshiped by all devotees as founder of this noble Jain religion.
Rishabhdeo Bhagwan got complete knowledge and faith termed  as (Kewal-Dyan and Kewal-Darshan) first. But Marudevimata got the salvation first, with power by Shukla-Dyan. Let us see the details of this powerful tool of mind from the beginning of  this related event .
Near the end of third cycle out of current six cycles Chakra ( Aaras ), Bhagwan Rishabhdeo took birth in Ayodhya or Eshwaquebhumi. King Nabhiraja and Marudevi mata were his parents. He got married to Sumangala and Sunanda and  became father of 102 children's. Bharat, Brami, Bahubali and Sundari are prominent among them all.
After his crowning as King- the wish fulfilling trees (Kalpavriksha)
started to get diminishing. As a result for daily living the king has to taught crafts, farming, trade to people of his kingdom. After fulfilling duties of king ,he decided to leave domestic life and become a Jain Monk to gain salvation by taking Diksha .He told his plans at home.

He was very dear to his mother and masses. They tried to persuade him to change his intentions with full efforts. But he remained firm on what he has decided. Great souls possess a unique determination.

With tears in eyes and heavy heart Marudevimata bid farewell to her beloved son saying "Mhane Chod Chalya Lalji Ab Biji Mata Mat Kijoji" ( It means since you are leaving own mother, please see that anymore you do not need other mother to take rebirth next time. Let this birth be your last birth and end those vicious circles of lives and deaths.). Bhagwan took Diksha and became a Jain monk or Sadhu.

 With his rigorous efforts he got Kewaldyan and Kewaldarshan after 1000 years of Diksha. Subsequently- He happened to visit his birth city now known as Vinitanagari. The present King Bharat informed his grandma and people of kingdom about arrival of Bhagwan. The joy of mother knew no bound. She hurriedly got ready and went to meet her beloved son ,riding on an elephant with thousands of people gathered in a very long procession. Their 1000 year's wait is coming to an end. Mother was waiting to meet her most dear and loving son.
When Bhagwan came within her eye sight, Mata looked at his face continuously without closing her eyelids. Her ears were too eager to listen to a single word of her beloved son in her welcome after such a long gap. Bhagwan Rishabhdeo knowingly ignored Moradevi Mata.  Bhagwan was meant to be the reason for her salvation. Bhagwan now has crossed feeling of love, affection or hate known as "Vitragi"

With his complete knowledge Bhagwan  knew his mother's future. In his knowledge Bhagwan fully knew that her soul is pure and fit for early salvation. but her attachment, love and affection toward her son Rishabhdeo is forming hard layers of Mohniya  (attachment) Karmas with her soul ,The same burden was acting as hindrance for her early liberalization. Unless she get freed from such a layers, salvation was impossible. So Bhagwan made her to think total fallacy of human relationships by adopting such unexpected and strange behavior.

Mother Marudevi Mata looking in vain at face of Bhagwan, But with His constant ignoring her, she landed into deep thinking process. She pacified her mind that soul comes alone and goes alone. All this we believe he is my son, he is my spouse all is temporary and limited to a single life. Only soul is ours and forever. Soon entered into Shukla Dyan and got liberated within fraction of time while sitting on same
elephant. Thus she became first Siddha of this Kalchakra .Her state of pure mind showered "Bhav-Dikha"  and ultimate Moksha to her. 

As a rule principally any soul cannot get salvation in domestic dress of ordinary human being and without becoming monk. But with her powerful" Shukladyan" Marudevimata achieved it exceptionally as Gruhasth-Linga Siddha with Bhava-Diksha. A really great miracle.
Her thinking line and process of Shukladyan and salvation will be covered some other day in two sessions. Details seeker can refer the "Thirthankar Charitya-Part 1" for more details. Some Jain branches do not approve salvation in female gender, I will not comment on it but if Mallinathji is female Thirthankar then there should not be any restrictions for others ,I feel Gurudeo  tried to avoid the controversy.
However truth is what Kewali knows" Gurudeo concluded. I left the venue bowing down to this great mother of our time Marudevi Mata.

JAI JINENDRA------------!!!!-----------JAI MAHAVEER-------!!!.

Monday, 7 August 2017


It was but natural that after Gurudeo's last lecture on meditation
curiosity to know types and methods of it will arise. Accordingly a devotee asked the query and resultant answer by Gurudeo is current subject for my blog readers.Hope it can help blog readers.
  "Brothers unless one knows the types of Dhyan and it's merits and demerits one cannot get engaged in it. In Bhagwatisutra chapter 25/07 Bhagwan Mahaveer has explained  it's all types at length.
For details one has to refer it,I will explain the basics.First of all I want to clarify that those Dyan discussed herewith has nothing to do with body or  fitness.Purely it is an exercise for soul. It does not require any breathing control. However essentially it requires silence,concentration of mind and non movement of body so as to detach oneself from domestic affairs.It is looking within self's soul.
         Concentrating on one holy subject while in thinking is idea of meditation meant here.Positive Dhyan is most powerful best tool to burn accumulated burden of sins.While negative one can add more  to exiting burden of sins.Basic study of soul,reasons of birth and death,salvation can help in Dharma-Dhyan type of mediation.

  At this stage of life you may be aware of power of mind. If one is disturbed he can witness increased blood pressure,high blood sugar eyes,increased heart beats,loss of sleep and other similar negative changes in body.While if one is cool and full of positive
thoughts you can have more positive creativity and cool mind ,nice talk and good listening.One is with self disconnected with rest.
       Bhagwan has told four types of meditation detailed as follow.
1-Aartha Dyan .2-Rodra Dhyan.3-Dharma Dhyan and 4. Shukla Dhyan.Now let me share the details in brief for easy understanding.
We are unable to go for last type in present era as it requires most 
 concentrated state of mind and body.  Even present body structure is not suitable for it. "Vrajarishabhnarch" structure ( Sahanan ) is suitable to get engage in this type of difficult meditation.
This Dhyan gradually reaches stoppage of all activities of mind,
speech and body.Presently only Kewali Bhagwan in Mahavedeha Shektra does it immediately before getting salvation -Moksha. one can get complete knowledge and faith while engagement in this Dyan  only. This is importance  and power of it.
Last but one Dharma Dyan for full effect requires special position in Samaik in Sthanak,Temple or even at home but in clean, silent environment. However if one has good thoughts for others still he can gain partially even at outside such places.
First two Dyan are not desirable and does not require any such preconditions. We may be doing it knowingly or unknowingly during the day or at any given point of time. Now let me explain .
 1- When one is surrounded by sorrow, pain. real or unreal worries for not getting desired things or results, fear of death-then he is passing through first type. If you know teaching of Lord Mahaveer and his Karma theory then you can maintain coolness in most adverse situation and can avoid building of new  negative Karma from this type of Dhyan. This type needs to be avoided all the time.

2-Second one is worst type related to working of mind. Roaring bad sentiments within the mind. This Dhyan is being marked by-anger. cruelty, violence, untruthfulness, theft, forgery and cheating.
One under such influence can go to any level to harm other for self gain. Needless to add that one engaged in it increases life and death cycles and faces loss of peace forever due to the constant pinch of such act. It must be avoided at any cost. Under it's influence extreme
steps like murder or suicide may be undertaken.

3-This is  only good Dyan available in present times. This Dyan can cover following various religious activities namely----------
A.- Remembering teachings of Mahaveer and having full faith in it.
B.-Thinking for damages that had been caused to own soul by resorting to 18 sins and causing pain to other living souls in current and past lives, ways to cut such negative Karmas.
C.- Visualizing features of clean and crystal clear soul and ways to attain it. To aim for salvation in mind all the time.
D.- Specialty of soul that it always comes alone and depart alone. Nobody can be immortal so why to worry and be restless.
E.- Money, power, relations nothing is able to protect one except Jineshwara Bhagwan in adversity, Arihant and Siddha Bhagwan are only savior and place to take shelter.Let me surrender to them.
Essence to go for this good Dyan is knowing Jinwani which can  provide raw material for thinking. I hope with such thinking process you can  put your soul on salvation path. In next lecture I intend to brief story related to Shukladyan"  Gurudeo concluded.
After lecture, I met him and thanked so much for such valuable clarification on Dyan.I was fortunate to know the important details.

JAI NINENDRA----------!!!------- JAI MAHAVEERA----------!!!.

Saturday, 15 July 2017


My attendance to lectures of Gurudeo improved a little bit due to start of Chaturmas. Today Gurudeo explained why mediation is 
being (Dhayan) done in Samaik or Poshad ( Poshad means Full night Samaik and halt in Stanak or Upashray) and observing silence are of immense importance. The lecture is being summarized herewith so as to assist blog readers for advancement to salvation path for soul.
  "Dear brothers and sisters , today I will try to draw your attention to most neglected study. So far you all have excelled in traditional study of degree courses, doctorate, management, finance and other similar studies. But definitely most of us neglected self study which involve soul. It is the only required and most important study.          Bhagwan Mahaveer has quoted in Aagam "Aacharangsutra chapter 01/03/04 -If one knows his soul, he knows all and every other things in Toto. For mediation in Samaik it is necessary to have this basic knowledge of Jainism, so one can prolong thinking process in Samaik and Dhyan. We can have more questions for our being here.
This Dyan is "Karyoutsarg" means meditation by giving love for body and looking within. Not one related to modern breathing tools.
The present apparent nature of  our soul is not an original one. The
original nature of soul is a correct combination of knowledge, faith and character. Just as original nature of  water is coolness, it is sweetness for sugar and heat for fire. What today one can see for ourselves is just like boiling water. This water boiling with hate,
greed, lust, jealousy, attachments, revenge and many other too bad qualities. Over the centuries ,we forgot to clean layers of it.
Jainism terms original nature of soul as Swabhav (natural) and opposite nature as Vibhav (artificial ).When you mediate in silence and think for your self then you can march towards self discovery differentiating between own Swabhav or Vibhav gradually.
Soul is a never ending and infinite source of knowledge and a deep happiness Just as one cannot visualize a huge tree out of a tiny seed,
one cannot imagine the ocean of happiness lying beyond inner study. Brain and other organs are source of knowledge is a wrong belief .Brain is only storage tool. If one builds negative Karma affecting vision or ear, he will not be able to see or hear in spite of organs- eyes, glasses ears and hearing aid tools. Thus happiness of Siddha Bhagwan  (The body less soul) is beyond our imagination even when they have no bodies. They enjoy inner happiness and eternal peace.
 One can ask himself in mediation if still his identity can claim to possess virtues -equality, simplicity, peace. tolerance, forgiveness and satisfaction ? Today if I ask you, your identity. you can  say it by summarizing in terms of designation, accumulated wealth, relatives and their achievements, status in society and so on similar physical criteria. But to know your spiritual qualities, you have to strive hard I guess. First with reading of Aagam try to know features of soul then proceed. Now you can aware for missing virtues of own self.
 Over the centuries, we have neglected  inner study and focused on outer study. What is going on in space, moon and across the border became more important for us. As a result majority of us lost inner peace and  trapped into cold war with others. Various Cases of psychological disorders are on rising scale due to tools to seek happiness in outer world. We neglect own treasure of happiness.
World fails to have a single day when there is no dispute in any of it's corner. We are proudly on the mission to purify and clean outer body world ignoring garbage collected within. When inner portion is full of darkness, it is impossible to find light of salvation for anyone.
We all are paying heavy cost for it in form of mental disturbances and lost of peace. If current life is being wasted. next generation will in-heritage rat race of survival with zero background of spirituality.
Today we are experts to know composition of atom, atom bomb,
D.N.A. steam cell, hard disc and so many other  compositions but totally blank for own soul. Unfortunately we are walking in opposite direction of our last destination due to giving up original nature of soul Unless we are back to natural self our final goal that is salvation or permanent place in "Siddhasheela" will be delayed. Try to give up two masks and and thereby adding to pollution of soul. Please join me to have brief prayer for meditation. 
"Sidhha Bhagwan please  help me to return to my original soul and allow me to become part of your eternal light forever. Please grant me enough wisdom to know, what is really good for my soul. Be kind to forgive me for neglecting Ajar, Amar, Avinashi and Avikari (old age and disease less ,permanent, nonperishable and free of bad qualities) crystal clear soul of mine.

 " Siddha Siddhi Mamdi Santu " Gurudeo concluded his lecture.

 JAI JINENDRA---------!!!-------- JAI MAHAVEER------------!!!.