Sunday 13 August 2017


 ------------In continuation of preceding Blog Number 162---------.

" Brothers last time we saw how Marudevimata got salvation. Today we have to study her thinking process which led her entry into best Shukladhyan finally resulting into her unique salvation or Moksha.

Marudevimata started conversation with her soul. " Am I sleeping or awake ----? If awake then whether my eyes are working correctly or they are sending wrong images to me ? My own son, part of my body neither looking at me nor talking to me. Is he the same Rishab Deo ?. Has he failed to recognize his own mother -? Is 1000 years period is too long to keep memory alive ? How it can be, I , cannot point  a single second out of all those years when I forgot him. Then how he can forget me totally? Something seems to went terribly wrong .Shall I wait or call him loudly? .She got herself surrounded by so many
options. Many unanswered questions started to knock at her mind .
Slowly she began to get recovered from her initial shock. Now her thinking process started to be positive taking note of present results.
" No, It cannot be---!, I seems to be on  totally wrong thinking lines.
Rishabhdeo ( Bhagwan ) obtained Kewaldyan and Kewaldarshan, He cannot be wrong. Complete knowledge made Him ---"Vitraagi".He
has conquered most difficult Karma called as Mohniya Karma.
hence all living souls are equal to him. Nobody is special to Him. All are same as his own soul. He conquered all human feelings of love, hate and affections and reached a point beyond all such petty things. It is really a unique stage. It is very surprising how he can control his emotions. Past memories are not hunting him anymore. Really great,

I am proud to give birth to such a noble soul. Even after giving up all possessions and disconnecting all relations, he looks to be so happy. His face became more brighter than ever internal and permanent happiness. I am sorry for my selfishness and wrong thoughts. Asking for his forgiveness is really due for me. Bhagwan please forgive me ! When the day will arise in my life when I can be "Vitraagi" just like You ? It is a pity for me, son understood but mother could not- !

 It indicates that loving own soul is real source of true and extreme joy. Only soul can be one's best friend for ever. All  other  human
relationships are false  and temporary though they may appear to provide happiness. If it is false, then why I should run after such false things ??. I must be on path of truth and only truth. We meet various people, establish relations and part ways as guided by bond and Karma theory. It is foul game of "Pudgals" ( particles) evident every where. I must be awake from it, disconnect and get rid from it.
There is no point in getting trapped by it by such false illusions. Let me free myself from all those attachment and work hard for moksha.
liberalization of my own soul. I must avoid all further cycles of life and death. Thanks Bhagwan you indirectly helped me to realize the fallacy of worldly affairs. You are my teacher, mentor, philosopher and guide." Siddha Siddhi Mum Di Santu "Guide me for Moksha.

Immediately she wrote off full layers of her Mohniya Karmas. As a result she achieved Kewaldyan and Kevaldarshan. Thus Moradevi  Mata completed first two steps of salvation.

Within fraction of seconds she entered "Ayogi" posture (zero actions of three Yogs-mind, speech and body) cleared all  balance five Karmas, completed remaining two steps and left present body reaching to highest point of universe known as "Siddhasheela"
Since the  incident is being picked up from "Grantha"  and not from "Aagam " it may not be exactly worded as it  might have happened, Gurudeo added. Let us all offer our grand salute to this noble  and pioneer soul who got salvation first in our era, before Rishabhdeoji.
She was too sensitive soul who took a slight indication with it's correct meaning" Gurudeo concluded. In next lecture, we will complete last part of this series being process of salvation.

JAI JINENDRA---------- !!!--------- JAI MAHAVEER---------!!!.

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