Sunday 27 August 2017


 Friends as usual, I attended eight days lectures of Gurudeo in "Paryusan".Beside "Antagarhsutra" I was touched by his 3 days lectures on captioned subject which I cover for my blog readers.
"Brothers I seek your permission to speak on subject of falling living standards of our community with reference to way of life suggested by Bhagwan for his followers known as "Shrawak".Good character is one of 4 ways to attain salvation being combination of Samyag- Knowledge, character, Darshan (faith) and Tap. Simple living can lead to a good character and ultimately salvation Moksha.
It is is my moral duty to warn you for present evils creeping in our society in this time slowly. Otherwise with misled path, there is all possibilities to loose our grand heritage of Mahaveerswami to the western culture. Unfortunately we are under wrong impression that one  become Jain by simply taking birth in Jain family. Where as Jainism is being achieved , only by virtues specified by Bhagwan .
 With increased money flow and higher education, the society is witnessing a big deviation from our basics of Jainism. Before forty years parents thought it must to educate kids with twelve,"Vrata" of "Pratikaman". Now it has been replaced by various courses of personality development -dancing. singing. music, karate, sports, horse riding ,club, surfing, painting, craft, mobile use is a normal.

 I am not against good learning. But what happens with so many classes beside course study the kid does not have time for religious study and to participate in religion activities. Here we are the looser
The outer influence causes exposure to so many bad habits like drinking ,smoking .drug. non vegetarian food, tobacco. gambling and so on. If you can check bio data of our youth on various social networks social drinking, being eggetarian and all above are cited as living style preferences, I t is unfortunate that some Jain out of India consider egg's omelet as vegetarian. Parents need to tell them the liquid is nothing but abortion like substance of a living soul with  five organs ready to take birth. Jain must avoid it in all circumstance.

What I quote herewith is based on numerous inputs provided by your own community, since I am not permitted for such surfing and observations. Only I am putting it in mild tone. The show business you adopt in wedding ceremonies, birthday, engagement bash like musical night in marriage and all other social events is self status exhibition. We must be free from all social evils at all cost in time.

The fashions and reduced clothing by our sisters is  the issue which 
immediately require our attention. Even Mahaveerjayanti Yatra not spared. Our daughters and sister prefer road dancing, Previously the  Jain society was under control of senior most members from family ,influential leaders and society. Now scattered families, a growing
sense of equality given rise to independence. The binding connection of society is being thrown as outdated one and freedom allows to adopt things of cinema and others as per personal choice.
 Society is paying heavy cost for it in form of broken marriages engagements, running from home, divorces suicide etc. Now a days it was on an alarming increased scale. previously it was rare now it is
became common one. I am a monk and  do not have anything of interest in your domestic life but only to safeguard Bhagwan's Jain religion I have covered this subject for welfare of all of you.
 I need not to brief you more details since you must be aware of it more than me. In my time attendance to Sthanak or Derasar  and 32 Aagam books at home was compulsory. Similarly on "Sawastari "day, fast, Aaloyana and Pratikaman was almost essential. If we do   not impart such training from childhood to kids they will not know the importance of  those 8 days. But present facts you can ascertain from the current poor  attendance of kids and younger generation.
In next two days I will brief you with 3 stories from Aagam for essential of character, they being non- violence ,non truth and non theft, From it you can know the virtues of followers of Mahaveer Bhagwan. As a result you can compare yourself to them and think on the  huge gap., The word JAIN stands as symbol for simplicity and honesty. Our forefather starved hard for centuries to earn this credit. Let us respect it their foresight for our real happiness while living.
If you can study following references from Aagam you can have  more details in next lecture. Next we will discuss second part.
 1-Dyantadhrama Katha-- Dharmaruchi Angar and poisoned food.-Non violence can be learned from his sacrifice.
2-Bhagwatisutra- 08/14 Ambad Parivrajak and his 700 disciple story.
3-Upasakdasha-01/76 Gautamswami and Anand Shrawak." Gurudeo concluded. I was saddened  by the lecture but tried to calm myself telling that it is good. Some body has to tell that. Keeping silence to maintain diplomacy and ignoring reality can be bigger sin some time, It was right time Gurudeo opened the topic. 

JAI JINENDRA-----------!!!------------- JAI MAHAVEER------!!!.

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