Friends, as soon as Chaturmas started, missing "Guruwani" created a void in all Jain devotees. I was not an exception. I started to read
noted lectures from my diary. Here is one of my his favorite lecture.
"Devanupriya in various lectures we have seen how to walk on the
path of salvation. One may regret that I have not taken Diksha and
became monk. How can I get salvation? It is just impossible. Dear
one, I am confident that my today's teaching can change your mind.
The lecture can provide a ray of hope to all of salvation seekers.
White dress of Sadhu do not guarantee salvation. Even one may be
fortunate enough and get next birth in Mahavideha where present
"Thirthankar" Bhagwan Simadhar Swami reside. Soon he may take
Dikha and become disciple of Devadhideva Arihant Bhagwan. Is it
enough to get Moksha ? No only company of Bhagwan cannot give
assurance that the soul will be liberated. The souls of Goshalak and
Jamali were too near to Bhagwan Mahaveer. They were prominent
disciples of Bhagwan. Unfortunately qualities and actions of soul
made salvation for them a distant dream by increasing life cycles.
A Sadhu can again go back to 1st step out of 14 Gunstana while a
Shrawak can touch 7th step with his noble thoughts. Let's study this.
In past we have examples in Jain history that without taking Diksha
Shrawak can get salvation only on purity of thought. Marudevimata
and Bharat Chakrawarty are the best examples .We have studied the
story of Maru Devimata. Today I will brief you story of King Bharat.
King Bharat was senior most son of Thirthankar Rishabhdeo Swami.
He was among 63 finest human of current era. He was Chakrawarty.
63 finest human on earth are 24 Thirthankar+12 Chakrawarty andnine each Vasudeo, Prativasudeo and Balram. India got its original
name "Bharat" based on this great King Bharat. Chakrawarty means
a great universal King. He conquered the universe. Lastly, he got
his brother Bahubaliji defeated. After all victory he was relaxing in
his most beautiful comfortable palace called as "Aashishi Bhawan.
The palace was decorated with high quality mirrors. The King got
woke up and saw himself in one of the mirrors. His one finger was
looking ugly as the golden ring he was wearing on finger got lost.
The incident made the King sad for a moment. But it changed life.
The event caused a deep thought process for him. He concluded that
world is calling him handsome as his body is wearing ornaments.
His father was right when he taught him that soul is the real beauty,
The body may grow old and loose it's shinning but soul is the most
beautiful thing forever a man can possess. So it is always wise to
care for soul than body. If it is the truth, then what I am doing here.?
With this process, he obtained "Kewaldyan"-omniscience. He went
to Bhagwan Rishabhdeo, took Diksha and get liberated. Thus in the
ordinary dress a Shrawak got the unique "Kewaldyan".The reason
was simply a correct thought process taking him to ultimate truth.In second session, I will discuss how to check the qualities of own soul" Gurudeo concluded first session. I decided to stay for session.
JAI JINENDRA----------------!!!--- JAI MAHAVEER----------!!!.
Friends the 2020 Chaturmas is knocking the door. It will be starting from 04/07/2020.The day is "Aashad Sudi chodas".It will end as on
29/11/2020 being "Kartik Sudi Chodas".This year the Chaturmas is
arriving in a serious circumstances dominated by Corona pandemic.
The other important dates are being shared hereunder for devotees.
1.-Paryushan start on 16/08/2020 being "Vadi Teras of Bhadrapada.
2.-Sawastari as on 23/08/2020 being "Shukla Panchmi" It is also end of Paryushan. This is as decided by "Stanakwasi" branch. For
devotees of other branches can check respective calendar to follow.
3.-Mahaveer Nirvan 14/11/2020 being "Amawasya of Vadi Kartik.
I have added the words real test to tittle due to existing conditions.
At most places "Gurudeo" reached to have "Chaturmas". Whether
they can give lectures and devotees can go to hear them in temple?,
Upashray or Sthank is quite uncertain. Looking to gravity of given
prevailing circumstances, there are restriction on public gatherings.
In such a case if we miss it,there will be absence of motivation.
I thought how I can motivate myself ? After some reading -Aagams
and meditation, I could get a clue. If all who survived the disaster of
Covid-19,can try to search the cause of their strength during period
Nov.-2019 till date ,they can get answer. Our religious practice ,our
good deeds of past and less engagement in sins supply us all a inner
confidence adding to positive energy. Such energy is a booster dose
to our inbuilt immunity system. It is not otherwise for who faced the
adverse. For them something may have failed due to misfortune.
Friends we may have to carry on the Chaturmas at home. It may be
be difficult but can teach our self some good things forever. Beside
regular Samaik,Pratikaman. 25 Bol,33Bol ,we can turn to read holy
Aagams. One can definitely add "Puchisunam" and fast as per own capacity.If nothing out of above can happen, we can practice to
lead a peaceful simple life free of Kashay. We have to carry on the
Chaturmas with whatever Gurudeo has guided us for so many years
This is a real self examination to get "Nirjara" in absence of Punjya
Guru Bhagwant. One should not miss "Antagarasutra" in eight day
of holy Paryushan. Similar is the importance of "Uttaradhyansutra"
at Veernirvan day of Dipawali. Hopefully blog readers remember
the importance of "Aayushyabandh" on holy day of" Sawastari."
On this holy day try to free soul from anger. Clear all past wrong
done to you by forgiving and asking for "Khamat-Khamna".
So friends with all the best wishes for self examination test. It will
be unwise to miss this year without adding to our Nirjara. A farmer
never misses to sow the seeds to ripe the benefits of monsoon. Four
months is a rare opportunity to clear layers of Karmas over soul by
taking it near to salvation or Moksha as soon as possible.
JAI JINENDRA--------!!!--------JAI MAHAVEER----------!!!.
Friends In last Blog we have studied 18 Bol. Here is balance 15 Bol,
A. 1.-Nineteen Dynataa-Sutra chapters-19 stories from Dyantadarma
Katha Aagam covering Megh-Kumar to Pundrik-Kandrik.
2.-Twenty- A-Samahi points-Actions of mind, speech and body
which can create discomfort and disturbance to inner peace.
Walking in hurry to accepting wrong intake of eatables.
3.-Twenty one Shabal-Means action creating defects in purity
of character from masturbation to moist hands food offering.
4.-Twenty two Parishaha-Bhagwan has cited 22 sudden causes
of difficulty or crisis we have to face in life. Monk positively
thinks that there cannot be more than it. It can range from
hunger to attractiveness but to be avoided to keep faith intact.
5.-Twenty three chapters of "Sutra-Krutang-Sutra"-16 (1)+7 (2).
6.-Twenty four Deo------24 categories of heavenly Devata-God.
7.-Twenty five Bhavna-- sentiments of 5 Mahavrata. Five each.
8.-Twenty six chapters of Dasakappavavharanam- Dashasutraksd
Brihatkalpa and Vavharsutra -3 Aagam and in all 26 chapters.
9.-Twenty seven virtues of a Jain monk-From following full five
Maha-Vrata to facing death like suffering with full coolness.
10.-Twenty eight Aayarkappehim-Guidelines for Jain monk as
given in 25-Aacharngsutra and 3-Nishithsutra.
11.-Twenty nine Pavsuyappasangehim-As given in Samyavang
Sutra 29 wrong sciences telling Fala (fruits) or future events.
12.-Thirty Maha-Mohniya points-Out of all 8 Karmas ,dangerous
is Mohniya. Out it these 30 creates a havoc in life of a soul.
13.-Thirty one virtues of Siddha Bhagwan-Bhagwan cleared 8
Karma and 31 Prakrtitee of them. It's result is 31 virtues.
14.-Thirty two Yogsangrah.-As per Samyangsutra 320 actions
can help for early Moksha-from Aalochana to Santhara.
15.-Thirty three Asayana- Asatana means disrespect. In any case
we must care to avoid it for following 19+14 entities.
A-Panch Parmesthi+Sadhviji,Sharawak and Shrawikaji - 08.
B.-Devta and Devi -- 02.
C. This and Other universes (Ehlog and Parlog) --02.
D. Religion preached by Kevalibhagwan. --01.
E. Universe where all living souls exists. --01.
F. All living souls. --01.
G. Period (Kaal). - 01.
H. Knowledge. (Shrut) - 01.
I. God of knowledge creator-Thirthakar (Shrutdevta)-------01.
J. Wachnacharya-Aacharya,Upadhya and Sadhuji.----------01.
K. 14. Atichar of knowledge ( Aagme Tivihe-----------------14.
Thus friends seems to be a bit difficult but can be a source of very
detailed source of knowledge for Jainism culture and foundation.
33 Bol can give a better understanding if read with given link. All
devotees knowing Pratikaman can easily understand the meaning.
Click here to download 33 bol
JAI JINENDRA----------!!!--------JAI MAHAVEER-----------!!!.
Friends, previously I have covered 25 Bol-- for Blog readers. It has proved to be popular and interesting among learners and readers. It
made me to dare for covering second knowledge bank from Aagam
Pratikaman Sutra. Here is the file .It can be opened by click on link.
I reproduce it with due thanks to publishers-Shri A. B.Sudharam Jain Sanskriti Rakshak Sangh. Jodhpur (Rajsthan).33Bol is being based on Thirty first chapter of "Uttaradhyan Sutra named "Charanvihi".
Above is original text. In next two parts I will try to explain content.
Pratikaman 33 BOL : Click here to download
For devotee who find Aagam reading difficult for various reason can
use this highest coverage source on lines of 25 Bol. Let's see study it.
A.1- One- A-Sayam-Means controlling actions to attract 8 Karmas.
2.-Two Bandhan-Means attachments caused by love and hate.
3.-Three Dand-Actions by mind, speech and body attract penalty.
4.-Three Gupti- 3 same above tools to protect soul from sins.
5.-Three Shalya-3 wrongs harming soul like thorn-cheating, then
Nidan (asking favor) and Mittatva-wrong faith and conduct.
6.-Three Gaurav-Means points of pride-Being well to do, taste-
happy to get tasty things and Sata-good health and apparels.
7.-Three Virahna-Disrespect for Samyag- Dyan, Darshan,Charitya
B.1-Four Kashay-Main reason of adding sorrows and increase of
life cycles-Anger. pride, cheating and greed. It delays salvation.
2-Four Sadnya-Means inner wishes of a soul .Attraction for food.
fear,sex desires and owning various possessions for living.
3-Four Vikatha-Stories of opposite gender-Strikatha, Bhakta-food
Deshkatha-likes for regional culture and Rajkatha-ruler story.
4-Four Dhyan-State of mind, Sad, violent, religious and pure last Shukla done before getting Kewaldyan .Not possible now.
C.1-Five Kriya--Actions of a soul. Body. wrong possession weapon
like jealousy, giving pain to others and killing. Overall 25 Kriya.
2.-Five Kam-Bhog-gender related bad wishes through words,
beauty or face, smell, liquid and touch causing Vishay-Vasna.
3.-Five Mahavrata-Vows to abstain from- violence, non-truth,
theft, Bramacharya or Chasity and possession of various things.
4.-Five Samiti-It means actions with almost care, walking and
talking, Gochari (asking for food, monk utensils ,and spitting care.
D. 1.-Six. Jivanikayehi-Living souls soil, water, fire, air, plants and
animals and moving (Traskaay).All are living soul undoubtedly.
2.-Six Leshya-State of soul or color meter of soul. Black, blue,the
dark blue ,yellow, snow white, pure white. Last 3 are good one.
E.1.-Seven Bhaysthan-Fear of- present location, future location, item
sudden events ,living ,death and fear of failure.
2.-Eight Mada-Means inebriate. Uncommon views for self. May
on account of caste, breed, strength ,beauty, fast, knowledge and
gain and wealth. Need to be avoided by politeness, simplicity.
3.-Nine micro details of following Brahmachaya or Chasity.
4.-Ten Shramandharma-Shraman or Shrawak are Jain devotees.
They should practice 10 virtues-forgiveness, greed free, simple,
modest, light, true, sin-cautious ,fast, sacrifice and Bramcharya.
F. Following are covered in brief nature due to space constraints.
Link for text can be referred for full details and understanding.
1.-Eleven Shrawak Pratima--11 fast and Abhgraha for Shrawaks.
2.-Twelve Bhikshu Pratima- 12 Tapsya methods for monks,12th
is most difficult for a night. It was done by Gajasukumalji.
3.-Thirteen Kriya-Avoidable actions attracting sins and misdeeds.
4.-Fourteen Bhuyagamehim-14 categories-classes of living souls.
5.-Fifteen Paramadharmik-15 types of Devata causing sufferings.
6.-Sixteen Gaaha----16 chapters of Aagam "Sutrakrutang Sutra".
7.-Seventeen-- A-Sayaam-Actions of soul adding more sins to it.
8.-Eighteen---- Abramaha-18 points spoiling Bramacharya Vrata.
Friends ,we have covered 18 Bol here. Balance fifteen in next Blog.
JAI JINENDRA--------------!!!--------JAI MAHAVEER--------!!!.
Friends, the havoc caused by the corona virus pandemic prompted
me to take up this subject I do not qualify to write on this subject.
As I lack knowledge and qualification for it. The sadness caused by
millions of deaths and positive cases made me to take it up for now.
We know that full non-violence is basic of Jainism. It has 3 classes.
1- Non-violence against human being single and at large.
2.-Non-violence against animals, birds. trees and plant.
3.-Non violence against environment air, water fire and land. This is
complete full non-violence. Jainism accept it fully. Almost world's
all major religion approve first category. There is no full consent to
approve balance two classes of non-violence for different opinions.
We must thank Lord Mahaveer for explaining full non-violence to
us. Sooner or later world has to acknowledge his contribution.
Experts and scientist all over the world are busy in finding the root cause of transmission of such deadly virus to human beings.
Preliminary study available on net suggests-wild birds food might
have caused such disaster. Research reports suggests that birds
like bat require some agent to carry the virus to human. The bird's
meat or saliva or half eaten fruits get such carrier through another wild birds like pangolin to do the job. The immune system this bird
enjoy is too high and transfer such new high risk virus to human.
Once it is passed to human next transmission becomes too easy.
Human can take care of ordinary known viruses by his ordinary
and usual immune system but find it difficult to cope with this new
danger incomer. As a result, we are witnessing the horrible scene.
However with positive energy ,early symptoms, proper care and due medical treatment increasing recovered cases day by day. If the
masses near hot spot take care major spread can be checked in time.
It is an established fact by study, research and experience that any
creature will not cause harm to human. Their all revenge actions are
for self defense, as every living soul wants to live own life as do we
ourselves want. In our uncontrolled greed for money ,more space
and land we encroached their living space by cutting trees and main
forests. We as human grabbed coast and whatever is possible to us.
We are not allowing them their space and doing wild life trading. If
we will them to pass on,they will not come in our ways to disturb.
As a results of few people, majority of innocent masses over the
entire world are suffering by disease and threat to life. Beside it so
many poor people are facing bread and butter hunger. Loss of jobs,
loss of business is felt every where. Is it enough to act as eye opener
for all of us-- ?.Our generation or our ancestors may not have taken
required care of environment and all other living creatures other than human. History cannot forgive us. Now entire hope center is
new generation. They are well read and educated. Let us hope they
definitely will force law makers and rulers all over the world to
correct basic human mistakes. They will have to provide maximum
coexistence for all living souls unconditionally at earliest.
For Jain- the time has come to explain the real meaning of full
non-violence. Nature repeat the pandemic once in a century. Let us
hope whoever is fortunate to see life after 100 years will not face such disaster. They will blessed to see a happy world free of fear. Let us hope some good long term benefits may come out of sufferings.
JAI JINENDRA--------------!!! ------JAI MAHAVEER--------!!!.
Friend in this part we have to study reasons to believe Aagams. In a separate blog earlier, I have explained names of 32 Aagams and it's
divisions into 5 parts and how they were composed by disciples of
Bhagwan Mahveer and senior Aacharyaji. Disciples of Bhagwan
are called as Ganadhar. Mahaveerswami had eleven Gandhar. All
of them got salvation. Present Aagam are credited to fifth Gandhar.
Sudharmaswamiji .Before getting salvation all Kewalibhagwan get complete correct knowledge and vision known as Kewaldyan and
Kewaldarshan. All Kewalis are " Vitraag ". Vitraagi are free from
all human faults such as selfishness or looking for self interest, love,
hate.They have conquered total negativity. With a single object to guide living souls to end their own sufferings from centuries and
to come out of cycles of life and death, they compose Aagams.
Only with this concern they preach the masses through Jinwani.
Samkit is correct knowledge that shows tools for soul uplifting.
Now we will check limitations of human, his vision and his average
knowledge. Some believe on eyes only and approve what exists and be seen with eyes. If we go by this theory, they will not approve air.
Similarly a man who has not visited India and seen Mount Everest,
he will simply deny the existence of such highest mountain. Hence
we have to accept the existence of all things that could not be seen
with eyes. Even eye power to view get changed with ages. A young
normal person can view better than elderly one. With spectacles we
can improve vision. But to look for bacteria in a water drop, one
has to use microscopic devices. Thus we agree that human vision is
not same for all and even things can be invisible still existent. For a
birth- blind man to know how the full moon looks like is difficult.
He has to trust a man with eyes to have idea how moon look like.
We all are human are living with a common thread of life but with
having difference in our organ capacities. A goat cannot eat a full
watermelon, but same is an easy food for an elephant. For guidance
human who conquered limitation ,acquired knowledge needed as a
guide Secondly now let us check limitations of our knowledge.
Human history is hardly may be around 2600 years. Let us our have
limitations-we have divided knowledge in broad four divisions. They
are science, engineering, commerce and arts, There are various sub-
branches and various experts past and existing. Very few genius can be traced out to be expert in all branches. Even for any expert his known knowledge is less than unknown one.It shows that the ambit
of real and total knowledge is too vast.Surprisingly there is no any
branch to study soul.Few spiritual study is available. With study one
can definitely conclude that 32 Aagams covers all five branches of
knowledge including soul .it's sufferings and finally liberation.
there is no consent on form of soul or God. Nobody has ever seen any of these two things but each religion has own theory. Resultant
scene is too confusing for a lay man, Now we have only two options left after reality facts checking. Either we can have own theory or
we can seek advice from Gurudeo who can be trusted and clearly free from wrong intentions of exploiting devotees to earn money.
If one can have Jain monk as Guru,he can suggest Aagams. There
cannot be better and correct knowledge bank than Aagams.
Even one can check founders of each religion on 5 Anuvrata tests.
With all tests cleared fully, one can easily be devotee of Jainism, A
precious heritage and legacy we inherited from Bhagwan Mahaveer
and his eleven principal Gandhars lead by Guru Gautamswami.
Before it one may need to test the data before taking recourse to it.
As a sample case one can pick up 25 Bol from Aagam. Nobody
can prove any wrong or false statement therein.I don't think that
there remain any need to check balance sets of Aagam. So friends
just believe Bhagwan's preaching to be total truth.With such faith
one can touch Samkit. To know preliminary knowledge try learning
18 sins.09,Punya,09 Tatva and 25 Mithyathva. One can have idea
what is Jainism is all about and power of Kewaldyan and Darshan.
After getting the real source, one can his best for maximum use.
Samkit does not require anyone to promote Jain religion and hate
other religion. Only once touched, he must stick to it forever. Friends
very fortunate bhavi people can touch Samkit who have cut balance
of "Mohniyakarma ,69SKK out of total 70 Sagropam Kodakodi yrs.
Jain living abroad or in cosmopolitan culture needs to be very much
careful to keep Jaintva intact from other cultural impact.This is summary of what I gathered from reading for Samkit. Now
I have another task to simplify it for my lovely granddaughter,
JAI JINENDRA----------------!!! ------JAI MAHAVEER------!!!.