Monday 22 July 2024


In first lecture of  current Chaturmas by Gurudeo two lines made me to think and express it through this Blog. He said irrespective of---- what we believe level of current  human knowledge is too low. It is

just as a drop of water in beak of a sparrow. While" Kewaldyan " is capable to know each and every minute details of living or non living covering all of the three period. As such Kewaldyan is a tool of hope

for who are anxious to know mystery of  human lives and existence. I have no doubt about both of his these two statements. I just started to chalk out things we do not know and wish to know, While giving it a thought, I felt ashamed for limitation of knowledge, If I exclude from it my superficial knowledge obtained through study of Jainism -then the result are too poor. Souls in Maha-Vidheha Khetra are too fortunate and luckyto have always opportunity to obtain Kewaldyan. 
We in Bharat and Eirawat get such chances only in third and fourth
Aaras .I just though to list out things I wish to know. In general we as human are so preoccupied with our routine duties and activities few of us can be able to give it a thought. Looking back to my point I am trilled with mysteries of galaxies and universe. The never ending sky deep oceans and seas .mountains, snow clad mountains, forests.
deserts. I wish to know about biggest surprise sun ,moon and stars.
Rains, clouds rainbows, volcano ,earthquake also rose my curiosity to know. A small ant, colors of peacock and butterfly, the cuckoo's voice. all birds and animal together with beautiful roses continue to carry on my anxiety. Miracles of human body power of seed to turn into huge tree all are so fascinating Overall great mystery behind all life and death, difference in IQ levels of human I wish I could know. 
Mahaveerswami assured salvation to all Bhavi souls. Moksha can be possible only after getting Kewaldyan and Kewaldarshan. As such as Gurudeo said there is hope let us wait for the golden day for all of us when we can be blessed with the unique treasure of Kewaldyan. For
it no doubt the road is difficult and hard. It needs absolute faith on Jinwani, Dikha, fast Nirjara and Sayam. Let us all aim and do it.  

JAI JINENDRA----------!!!----------JAI MAHAVEER------------!!!.

Tuesday 16 July 2024

JAINISM-----HOLY CHATURMAS-----2024----!!!.

The great period which assist us to accumulate Punya and cut off the bad Karmas is arriving . Here's the timetable for Jain Chaturmas 2024. 1- Holy Chaturmas starts on --20/07/2024 to 15-11-2024. This table is for Stankaswasi. Please adjust as per own branch.).

1.-Paryushan starts on 01/09/2024 ends on  day 08-09-2024
2.-Sawastari falls due on Paryurshan end day being 08/09/2024 
3.-Mahaveer Bhagwan Nirwan day and Dipwali due on 01/11/2024. Shrawaks can plan so many things to do and learn, Even main aim can be to impart basic Jainism knowledge to Jain kids to ensure a strong foundation for them. Learning Samaik, Pratikaman, Puchisunam and .taking various Pachkhans reading 32 Aagams can
be planned. Getting Jainism "Sankars "to kids can ensure sin free future life for them. It can help all of them to shape up Conscience or "Vivek" which can prevent them from entry to sins world. In eight days of "Paryusan Parva" one need not to miss "Antagarhasutra"
the stories of 90 noble souls who attamed Moksha. There you will meet Gajsukumal ji, Arjun Mali, Shrikrishna and Evantakumar. At the same time Fast, Aalochana. Pratikaman and Khamatkhamna on day of "Sawastari is must for every Jain Bhagwan has underlined the
relation of Sawastari day and "Aayushya-Bandha" chances for next life. All of these four months offer maximum opportunity of Karma Nirjara and Sanwar for our soul. Wish all of us shall use it wisely. One can also offer his services for wellbeing of Sant and Satiyaji who are residing in their area together with devotees for Darshan. All such deeds are tools of Dharma -Prabhavana and  great Punya.Four months gives us a chance to make our Samkit---- pure and strong by Dhrma-Shrawan with attending Gurudeo's lecture at a location of our
choice.We all knew Samkit is a precondition for getting salvation. To check degree of Samkit one need to make  a self review whenever possible. Just ask self--  If my fear for sins and Mittyatva reduced ? -If my faith in Arihant and Siddha Bhagwan has shaken as they do not offer me domestic help and material pleasure ?If my faith started to bend toward other God and so called semi God or saints. With  such constant review of self conduct during Chaturmas we all can restore our Samkit if shaken anyway. Chaturmas help for such correction.

JAI JINENDRA--------!!!----------JAI MAHAVEER--------------!!!.

Thursday 9 May 2024


 Friends' tomorrow will be marked as "Akshay-Tritiya". It is a most auspicious day for Jains. Lacs of Jain devotees will be--- completing their alternate day Varshitap fast of Vaas, Aayabil or Ekasan. The day

"Vaishak Sudi Trutiya carry a significant importance. On the same day our first  "Thirthankar Bhagwan Rishabh Deo" has done his first "Parna" with cane juice offered by grandson "Shreyansh Kumarji".

To respect his great Tap and offer "Anumodana" for his unique and noble deed. A huge gathering for "Parna" of Tapasviji and their well-wishers can be seen at " Palitana" and other holy places of worship. "Anumodana" is a unique way to support the Tap. It implies that- I appreciate from my the bottom of heart your Tap . Certainly, it is as
per guidance of Bhagwan and certainly will cut your Karmas and put you on fast track of Mokha. I wish-- I could gather courage like you and can able to win over my Rasnendriy to do similar tap in the near future. In 12 tools of "Nirjara" fast is a most powerful and effective
tool. It can burn major misdeeds as fire burns bundles of-- dry grass. Tap help us to shed our body related affection and love. It also shows us that soul with its determination can give up food. drinks and--- all other material pleasure tools considered to be unavoidable. It helps to
establish that soul is a real master. With good Guru Vachan it can be motivated to undertake most difficult Tap as those Varshitaps. To go for Pachkhan of Varshitap needs a strong willpower. Full 13 months following diet regulations for all alternate days is not a simple task.
Only souls who have cut substantial layers of Charitrya-- Mohniya
Karma can dare and do such vigorous Tap.  It can be undertaken only by brave souls. At least we can offer all such souls a big and heartfelt Anumodana. Please join me for our most needed religious duty. Say Anumodana--Anumodana Barmabar-------Anumodana--Barmbar-!!!.

JAI JINEDRA----------!!!------JAI AADINATHDADA-----------!!!.

Saturday 13 April 2024


 Friends for any Jain devotee charity is a familiar duty. Here is a summary of Guru Deo's lecture on it which provide more details for.  'Devanupriya you all are mostly aware with nine causes of Punya. Here I would like to share with you a small charity which helped the

donor to build "Thirthankar Gotra". The incident is from-- Bhagwan Mahaveer Swami's life. Goshalak used-- "Tejoleshaya" to burn Lord  Mahveer. It was too powerful to burn 16 countries. Bhagwan faced it in a most cooled manner. It caused Bhagwan heavy internal burning. To cool it as per Bhagwan's advice Sinha Angar got the "Bijorapaak"
medicine from Rewati Shrawika. With this "Supatra Daan" the lady built "Thirthankar" Gotra. One can refer 15/01 Shatak of Bhagwatiji. Second story of Supatra Dan is of Puj Rishabhdeo Bhagwan our first Thirthkar. He had fast of 6 months. With aim to have Parna-- he went for Gochari. Masses were not used for eligible Gochari. They offered him gold, diamond etc. As a result, for next 6 months Bhagwan could not get Gochari. Lastly on day of Vaishakshukla Tritiya called 
Akshay Trutiya Bhagwan arrived at kingdom of grandson Somyash being Hastinapur. Prince Shreyanshkumar offered him Ekshuras. Bhagwan took it and done Parna to end his long fast. With this background let us see present available options herewith- In first place it can be to Jain Monks, 2nd option can be for society. All of you know Jain monks do not have home or kitchen. They go to home to home for Gochari. Bhagwan has explained serial importance of Gochari to them as per simplicity-----1-Food is easier to get in states.
which are vegetarian.2.-Comapratively water is difficult as monks takes only boiled or ash mixed water.3-Staying place, clothes ,need based medicines as in cities extra living spaces are too rare secondly monk cannot buy medicines or clothes.4-Most difficult is to get son or girls as Bhiksha with permission to become monk to carry out the legacy of Bhagwan Mahaveer.5.-Last one is "Abhigraha Gochari". In
second part charity can be for society for good causes, to name a few, ----it can be for mass welfare such as religious, health and education.
One may arrange to make arrangements for Chaturmas of Jain monk, or one can take responsibility to run Mahaveer school or Gurukul. A
stall for drinking water to public Goshala for cattle. Vihar Bhavan or Chowihar houses, pigeon shelters all are examples of good charity. A charity can be a Supatra Daan when the donee uses it with which the
intentions donors have offered it. It means charity for most deserving purpose. By grace of destiny majority of Jain community has a good disposable surplus for charity. As charity is a tool to reduce Parigraha we must think of suitable options for it "Gurudeo concluded lecture.

JAI JINENDRA-----------!!!----------JAI MAHAVEER----------!!!.

Sunday 7 April 2024


Friends,21st April 2024 will be Bhagwan's 2623rd birth anniversary.  Entire human race owes a huge debt to him for showing way to live a peaceful life and discovering way to get Moksha. We all are aware of his guidance and preaching. Let us know his individual details with names of nearest relatives, soul who helped him to clear deep Karma 


1-Birth at Kundapur (Bihar) in 599BC. His Chawan day from 10th
   Deologa-Pranat was Ashwan Krisha Teras.                                       2.Parents-King Siddartha and Mata Trishala Devi.                                3.-Real parents--Sati Devananda and Rishabhdatta.                              4.-Kul and Vansh--Ekshvashu. Dyant. Kashyapa.                                5.-Elder brother- Nandivardhan.                                                          6-Wife--Yashoda-Daughter-Priyadarshini- Son in law-Jamali.             7.-First disciples- Guru Gautamswami and Sati -Chandanbala.
8-Diksha -The day was Margshirsha Vadi Dashmi. 

Kewaldyan Kevaldarshan--After 12.5 years of difficult Tap and "Aatma-Sadhna"- he achieved it on Vaishak Shulkla Dashmi. 
10-Moksha-At the age of 72 years at Pawapuri, It was the day of Kartik Vadi Amawasya. In his honor the day is called as Dipawali.    11-Goshalak,Sagamdeo, Gwala helped him to cut Karmas. 
  12.--He helped Arjunmali, Chandkaushik Sarpa to cut Karmas. 
His various qualities as per" Puchisunam Sotra " are as follow.--We

all are too fortunate to have him as our guide and philosopher. Let us use this great day to bow to Him as a token of our deepest respect.

JAI JINENDRA-----------!!!-----------JAI MAHAVEER---------!!! .


Saturday 23 March 2024


Friends Gurudeo is in city for tomorrow's "Holi Chaturmas". Here is  a summary of his questions session with youngsters. His one young devotee asked for permission and put a question. " -Sir you often tell without giving up Mithatva and gaining Samkit Moksha or salvation is not possible. Can you please explain it.  " Yes, I confirm Samkit is a precondition for Moksha Gurudeo started answer. Once you give--

up wrong faiths and start to believe Bhagwan Mahaveer's teachings you gain Samkit. With new tools of propaganda unless you are too alert one can also fall from Samkit. There are number of religions. You may have gone through teachings of its founders. Ignoring all of it to have full faith on Jinwani is samkit. More material you can get--
25 Bol and 9 Tatva. A combination of right knowledge, right faith and right character is Samkit. Few examples can be listed here with.
1.-Ekentiya to four organs categories are nonliving like water, air etc. 2.-Univese was being created by God and run as per his plan wishes.  3.-Human beings are also being created by God and taken care of.      4.-God can be pleased by his praise and devotion towards him.
5.-This is the only life and then we will be merged with sender lastly  6.-Nonexistence of soul,karma or chain of lives. This is a single life. 
7.-We can kill animals and offer to him to please him in our favor.
8.-Earth is moving while Sun and Moon are non moving.
Hen, fish, goat and similar others are made for using as human food.  Soul who desire to touch Samkit needs to full faith on following. It's
meaning is known for first two line. Meaning of remaining is follow.
Param is "Moksha"-Santho is praising. Sevan is doing. Wavanna is  to keep away from who left Sankit for wrong faith. Darshan is to see things as it is means to see them in "True" sense. True sense is as per Bhagwan Mahaveer told through Aagams and Jinwani. To doubt the
Jinwani, eagerness to meet and praise other faith's representative and doubting gains of following Jainism can also be negative for Samkit. Samkit is not advocated forcefully at gun point to believe it truth as told by Bhagwan Mahaveer. Any one is welcome to verify with logic and research all of Aagams with any other philosophy and conclude
his findings. I have not a slight doubt for Jinwani coming out with a flying color as Truth always winner in last Gurudeo concluded.

JAI JINENDRA-------------!!!-----------JAI MAHAVEER--------!!!.