Saturday, 25 January 2025


 "Jainism can be a best thing that ever can happen to you. Gurudeo was speaking at a session organized for youth. Needless to say that it needs one to spare minimum fifteen minutes each for morning and-- evening If you look around mostly there will be a alarming feedback. Individual, society, states, country, or world everywhere there is too chaos and disturbance .Bhagwan already warned us for this nature of Pancham Aara- Dukkham.  In personal life you may be haunted by

storms like education and career pressures coupled with EMI burden of house car and office. A life and work balance is becoming a tight rope exercises. Unfortunately if a health issue of any family member creep in then it can a big test of mind stability. A house on fire needs water for the cooling effect same way making a  15 minutes "Dhyan"
can give you inner peace and strength to stand up again bravely. You need to always remind your self five teachings of Mahaveer Swami. 1-As sowed same will reap within due course is a- Karma doctrine.    2.-Wishes are endless as sky. Running for them is making life hell.    3.-Forgiveness is a best tool to restore your own loss of peace.            4.-Every living thing loves to live life peacefully exactly as of you.
5.-Anekantwaad.---All can have different views for a truth. For any situation you can evaluate event with these five to pacify yourself. It
is better if you know 18 sins of  Pratikaman. Avoiding all can make you to lead a simple life. In personal life if you avoid 6th Krodh,5th one of Parigraha and 4th one Bramachary it can help to reduce much
of your tensions. Adjustments, let go and compromise can help you to overcome stress. Being too judgmental, logical or harsh can be a challenge to your health. With each passing year you will find that carrying duties towards office or home are getting more difficult. It may not be entirely yours's fault. Everywhere tolerance level getting more and more narrowed. In such a background you can be yours's best friend to have  a real peaceful living. In case you have a working
spouse then you need to take my lecture more seriously. Mind well  your self well being and long term existence is precious for your family and society. Hopefully you are aware of it. In those total 30 minutes of "Dhyan" you need to revisit day's total events and your reactions for it. You can analyze if you could have dealt with them in a more cooler ways ? Such accumulations, reviews and experiences 
you can plan your interactions with others in more peaceful way. If you are fortunate with money still you may be facing different types of issues. Fortunate people often need more inner strengths to deal.
Be more vigilant for it. Put the end to "Dhyan " by reciting-- three Navkar,2 Loggas and Namothunam. Be thankful to---" Jinwani' for showing a helpful ways of living life. You can have a guaranteed and  assured shelter in Bhagwan's teachings. It will never disappoint anyone" Gurudeo concluded his hearty guidance to youngsters. 

JAI JINENDRA-----------!!!-----------JAI MAHAVEER----------!!!.




Friday, 17 January 2025


Friends---- here is a helpful guidelines based on my discussion with Gurudeo. We know it is a composition by Pujya Sudharmaswami for Bhagwan Mahaveer Swami. Said recitation is amounts to 'Swadhaya  Devotees should be filled with utmost appreciation and respect for

Bhagwan. In mind he should have feelings that Oh I am admiring the qualities of a great soul who showed this universe light of Moksha. Inside of me I am aware that my praising is not to please him or seek his favors for me. Reasons being that Bhagwan is now "Siddha and beyond all the feelings of love and hate. I am sure my pure prayer for him will be a tool of  my Nirjara and definitely offer me inner peace. Sole  reason behind my little attempt to worship him is only to show my admiration for his numerous virtue. His disciple Sudharmaswami
will not compare his qualities without experiencing and witnessing them. He has compared Bhagwan's qualities will all best things in the universe. Like fragrance of sandalwood. river Ganga, Arvind flower.
Eirawat elephant ,Eagle, He also termed him "Khedanya" knowing his concern for suffering of living souls. Moreover he termed him as Tree Shyamali, Moon, Abhaydaan, Bramacharya ,Sayambhu ocean,
Luvsaptam Gods, Sudharma Sabha and voice of thunder. In short he was so overwhelmed with qualities of this noble soul that he used all  topmost phases to describe him. We learn it by heart. Then it should not be a daily mechanical activity to recite it. Each day with all heart felt feelings for that great source of inner joy and devotion we should
sing it. We certainly can explain it essentially to our family members and add them to recite in a group. One can try to add and teach new  members .It can be a great Dahrma-- Prabhavana . We should end it with a request to have our birth in Jain religion as long as our birth
and death cycle continue. To put it to end we should  wish to end our  birth cycle as soon as possible. Deep in heart we must have faith that walking on Bhagwan's Moksha-Marg soon we will achieve salvation.
With folded hands we should pray" Siddha Siddhi Mam Di Santu. In
a proper Dhyan after recitation we should add feeling. Oh-Lord  you are my role model for ever. Please grant wisdom not to deviate from your path. Grant me strong mind, body, speech so--- I can keep away from 18 sins and 25 Mitthatav. Be with me till I achieve salvation.
Any religious activity done with pure thoughts and feelings can add more "Nirjara" to your attempts.  "Aho -Bhav in prayers can be more useful Once in a while devotee should read meaning of it in Hindi. It can purify feelings "Gurudeo has concluded his guidance for feeling.

JAI JINENDRA----------!!!------------JAI MAHAVEER---------!!!.



Monday, 11 November 2024


Friends- this lecture delivered by Gurudeo in Sunday's kids camp.      "Devanupriya, as kids like stories today I will share with you a story which is of symbolic nature. Long ago there was a king ruling over a small kingdom. King was very kind, religious and protector of truth,  and justice. Naturally was very popular and loved by public. He was

blessed with two sons. Elder was a hard working scholar while the younger was full of youth and a happy go lucky type of guy. Mostly  wanted to enjoy all things available with money having a large circle of friends. With passage of time the king was not keeping his health well. As a visionary the king decided to seek his successor. He made consultation with his senior officials. Being a justice lover king do
not wanted the younger son to loose his claim only due to his nature  and youngness. King announced a public test for  both of his sons by giving each an amount to Rs.100 value money. King asked both of his sons to listen him carefully as test will result in selection of his successor. Task was looking simple but carrying a mysterious nature 
to fill two halls using the allocated fund of Rs 100 each in maximum one day. Elder son took some time to decide various option available. Younger son was at first annoyed with the limit of Rs100 for given test. He said to himself how a big kingdom can run out of money to
allow a mere sum of Rs 100 to spend. Moreover dad warned to fill the entire room with this small amount. In a hurry he called garbage depo and asked to dump garbage into given hall and gave the money and went out with friends to party with residual money. Elder prince after proper thought bought lighting, a lamp and decorated the room. He added scented sticks on walls of room.Both requested judges to visit rooms and pronounce their good judgement. Judges opened the younger son's room as they cannot bear the smell immediately closed
the door and came outside. They got the idea of inner material. Then they moved to other room was open and elder son was present with both folded hands to welcome them. The look of room was giving a feeling of pleasant, pure clean surroundings. Naturally the elder son
was selected as king's successor. Now let me explain the symbol. The 100 Rs is maximum precious human life. Prince represent birth in a higher class. Lighting is teachings of Jinwani and garbage is living with bad habits. Now choice is yours's. If one is a worthy successor of Bhagwan Mahaveer's great legacy naturally will choose the path of elder prince. Selection of younger son's path will be a unfortunate. and will lead to waste a precious human life. This unique human life
one can use for so many good things ,to have Nirjara and add good deeds to our Karman Sharir. Hope all of you will lighten your life with lamp and light of Mahaveer Swami. With light of Jainism you can become monk and walk on path of moksha. As you grow life
will throw at you various options and different teachers. Your future entire life shaped by your selection. So be careful and avoid to fall into any trap arranged by vested groups" Gurudeo concluded story. 

JAI JINENDRA-----------!!!---------JAI MAHAVEER--------!!!.


Monday, 4 November 2024


Friends, few days are left to complete Chaturmas of 2024. Whatever pearls- I could collect from "Guruwani" I tried to share with you in a summarized simple ways. Here is the sharing with similar intentions.

Gurudeo was answering a question of a devotee. His question was       "Sir, you have told that "Pratikaman" clears all committed sins. Then what is their impact on soul. If soul gets total freedom from that sin.? "Devanupriya this small question is good enough for all of us. Let us try to study it. You all know nature and names of 18 type of sins. Let me briefly define Paap and Punya. An act of " Paap  may offer doer a brief so called happiness. Once the peak period of it ends, soul feel a guilt inside. The said act kill sanity of mind and conscious and then
it starts haunting the doer for a longer period. A sensitive soul most probably Bhavi soul does "Aalochana, Nindana and Grahana".He takes "Praychhit " as suggested by Guru deo. While a thick skinned soul get disturbed for a while then again he does same things. On the other hand an act of "Punya" may need few sacrifices on part of the
doer in terms of  money and time. But from completion of  act the doer is being filled with lot of peace, true happiness and pride. Sins might have cleared with "Pratikaman" if it was an one time act. It's repetition creates an impression on soul and it gets carried on for several next births. Soul become habitual of such natured sins. A  soul turns all those sins into deep everlasting embedded impression
is being created on soul. It may need tremendous effort to rub it from the layers of soul. Let us study a kids behavior. No one teaches kid to get angry. Kid may be a new born but his soul is a habitual of all sins of nature called "Krodh".The small kid also know tactics as crying to convey his needs to his mother. To conclude all souls are habitual in doing all types of 18 sins. One blessed with Jinwani" only able to cut
off chains of such negative habits. I invite your attention to chart of 18 sin. Your inner voice can tell you which sin had been long history of association with your soul. Forgetting past we can concentrate on
which sin cycle needs to be immediate correction. Human life is the most appropriate form to correct such negatives of our soul. To err is human. Wise devotees should not allow sin's seed to develop inside
soul as of climber. May have committed sins but see that they do not form part as routine habit, Hope you all will try in this direction with Jinwani and be free of unwanted sins." Gurudeo concluded lecture. 

 JAI JINENDRA------------!!!----------JAI MAHAVEER--------!!!


Tuesday, 22 October 2024


Friends in India, for majority souls Dipawali is a king of festivals. In this festival of lights citizen gift each other sweets and wishes to add

to happiness of all. For all of Jains this is also a auspicious festival as our last Thirthankar Bhagwan Mahaveer got salvation at Pawapuri.  We cannot neglect our soul on this great day as soul can alone take us to Siddha Sheela where our respected Siddhas reside. Herewith- I will discuss the ways to gift our souls on this noble day of our lives.
First of all take Pachkkan to complete 108 numbers of Veer-Stuti or popularly known as Puchisunam. In this series of Blogs one can find  text of it in Ardhamaghdi, Hindi or English languages. A one Strotra needs three minutes time for completion. One can choose a language of his choice. If one can learn it then can serve his life long purpose.  In second way one can do fast as per his physical ability. Many souls  do "Tela with Poshad on a yearly basis. One can do even a smallest Tap like "Navkarshi "to mark respect for  Veer Bhagwan's Moksha.
In third category I can suggest one more Mala recitation at midnight.  Mahaveerswami Huva Nirwan,Gautamswami Payo Kewaldyan. As a forth tool decide to celebrate Diwali in a most simple manner. It should be with Nil firecrackers and minimum lightings. All the tiny creatures, birds cannot bear noise pollution at night. Our such action can make them to pass night in a easy and fearless night. A burning
lamp with filled oil attracts so many insects, we need to avoid all of it. Mind well Dipawali reminds us all that Moksha is possible with example of Mahaveer Bhagwan. We should try to follow his path.
As a 5th measure one can read and do "Swadhaya" of "Uttaradhyan. Bhagwan got salvation while reciting last 36th chapter of it. All of those five tools we can repay a smallest part of huge obligations of this great personality of centuries. Let us salute the noble soul who showed this world path of co existence with non violence and truth.

 JAI JINENDRA----------!!!---------JAI MAHAVEER----------!!!.


Friday, 4 October 2024


 Friends, this lecture I take as a eye opener from Gurudeo so sharing.   "Devanupriya, As our current birth is as a Jain- we may or may not have an idea for a rare achievement unknowingly. Once you listen it carefully you can come to know the precious gift to you by your own accumulated good deeds. A Kaal-- Chakra of two sections is made of

total 20 Koda Kodi years each of 10 K .K. You will be surprised to- know that out of this huge and huge period a large portion of 18K.K. don't have Jain religion. In the left portion of image first two Aara of 7/10 KK there is no Jain religion. People are living with the help of Kalpa-Vrukha. After a large portion of 3rd Aara lapse and only small 84 Lac Purva period remains then a soul gets birth who will be a first Thirthnkar. In our time He was Rushabh Deo Bhagwan On achieving Kewal Dyan Bhagwan form thirth and  launch Jainism philosophy.
Thus Jain religion starts. Jain religion will last till 21000 years of 5th Aara after salvation of last 24th Thirthankar. In this time it was Pujya Bhagwan Mahaveer in 527Bc that is 2596 years ago from this 2024.
So from first Thirthankar Rishabhdeo Bhagwan to 21000 years post
last 24thThirthankar's Moksha is available period of Jain religion. As a result small portion of 3rd Aara and end of 4th Aara is much golden period when Thirthankar Bhagwan physically available with the Jain religion. You may recollect all of their  names for current time cycle.
After Mahaveer Bhagwan's Nirvaan Jain Dharma will exist for only  for 21000years.In 6th Aara there will be no Jain religion. It is same case with Eirawat region. However in Maha -Videha Khetra there is- always presence of Jain religion and Thirthankar Bhagwan. With this details just imagine how much long period we all live without a most noble ,valuable and precious Jain religion. Almost 90% of time cycle we live without Jainism. In such a period we were always there. Just imagine the large scale of sins committed by us in such period in the
absence of Jainism and Gurudeo. At last we got it now. It becomes our moral duty to make use of Jainism's preaching's most of time. As a option we can increase our Nirjara and Punayee to a highest level so we can take birth in Maha-Videha in presence of Thirthankar Bhagwan. As of now twenty Viharmaan Bhagwan are present there. Out of them Simandhar Swami is also our guiding Arihant Bhagwan  As a Suguru, I personally carry a moral duty to warn followers of Jain religion not to take birth in  next 2 x 6th Aara to keep us safe
from disaster of this too bad period. For it you have time only now to have maximum Pachkhan and religious activities so as to take birth in 1st to 12 Vemanik Deologa as a Vrati Shrawaks "Gurudeo ended his lecture. We all were much thankful to him for his timely warning

JAI JINENDRA-----------!!!-----------JAI MAHAVEER--------!!!.