Thursday 28 November 2013

JAINISM--A MUST STUDY---- 9 TATVAS-------------!!!

 Friends--Nine Tatvas ( principles ) is master piece of Jainism. It's  detailed study can give surprised results for any research. Any one  who aim to study Jainism, start the study with knowing 9 Tatvas .It finds combined study at a place. This blog  shall be taken as initial
  study. Detailed interesting study can be done from Aagams.
1-Jiva Tatva-It explains all living things having knowledge, faith and life. Interestingly earth, water, fire. air and plants together with animals are classified as living objects.-It has forteen sub categories.
2-Ajiva Tatva-- Non living things-Two main types-visible and non visible-14 sub categories .Non living is just opposite of living. At own they cannot do any action. Soul is missing element here.
3-Punya Tatva--Nine categories-Good deeds done through charity of food, water, space, bed, clothes, best wishes and deeds by mind, speech, body and bowing down to virtues forms this category.
4-Paap Tatva-Eighteen categories of bad deeds which create sins.

5-Aasrava Tatva-20 in coming ways through which sins attach to soul. Study of it can tell it's prevention tools can enable us to avoid.
6-Sanwar Tatva--20 ways to prohibit sins to become part of soul.
7-Bandha Tatva-4 category of fixation of good or bad Karmas to soul-nature, time, power and quantum. (Prakriti,Sthithi,Anubhag and Pradesh). Each action of living soul causes such attachment.
8-Nirjara Tatva- 12 ways to nullify  bad karma other than special karma known as 'Nikachit Karma. Nikachit Karma are to be faced in  same or with more severity as built. Nothing can change them.
9-Moksha-4 ways to attain salvation--correct knowledge, correct faith, correct conduct and correct Tap or Sadhana. Salvation needs cutting of all layers either good or bad from soul. It causes total eradication of root cause of  taking births and going for deaths.
To get Samkit i.e. right faith and right knowledge basic thing is to know these nine Tatvas. Only then one can walk on salvation path.
Avoiding sins ,adding Punya and cutting bad Karmas leads to Moksha. The logic and rational behind all teachings of Jainism can  be known only after knowing these basic details.

JAI NINEDRA----------!!!---------- JAI MAHAVEER-------!!!.

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