Monday 17 February 2014


In present age with advanced medical treatment  most of people can believe that ,yes life span can be increased. Jainism does not support said view. Let us examine the related theory by Bhagwan Mahaveer.
 In Bhagwati Sutra in 20th Shatak bhagwan has told that life span is of two types. One is called Sopkrama life ( which can be broken with 7 reasons ) and another one is called Niruprakrama life (which can not be broken by any reason).Only souls from hell and heaven enjoy second type of life. All others belong to first category barring few exceptions. One can refer the relevant reference in Bhagwatisutra.
 As per explanation provided, there are two basic ways of putting any principal or theory for masses. They are Finite ( Nichaya Naya ) and Common or practical parlance (Vayhara Naya ). As per the first finite theory life build by any soul in previous life, can never be changed. What ever reason told to be cause of death was in fact prefixed. The Sopkrama life theory is based on common parlance. Thus even the human, animal or plants enjoy exact term. However there can be a
any attributable or apparent reason. But it is not real cause of death.
Real reason is behavior of soul in last life and life built circumstance.
The seven reasons ,causing so called deaths given in' Sthanang Sutra can be briefly summarized as  being Mental agony, result of weapon or punishment, food ,pain. falling. bite and problems of breathing created. Death can be termed as natural or by otherwise causes.

In Bhagwati Sutra 13 Shatak Bhagwan has specified twelve types of death. Main five among them are Aavichik  Maran -( each moment reduction of life Pudagals ) , Avadhi, ( Again to consume same life Pudgal )Aatyantik (not to consume such Pudagal any more) others-
.Bal-maran ( death without Pachkhan and without Samyag/correct knowledge) and Pandit-maran(death with Pachkhan,Pratikaman and Santhara  Aalochna).Shrawaks and monks can be Balpandit. Pandit

We have two case study to believe the unchangeable life span. First can be studied from 14 Shatak of Bhgwatisutra which tells story of Laavsaptamdeo. This study exactly shows importance of a fraction
of second out of  life term fixation components for death timings. 
Only if such category God could increase life span by  time in which seven grass leaves can be cut off, they would became Siddha. Due to shortage of few moments they have to take birth in high Deologa---- "Sarwarthsidhaviman" with life span of 33 Sagropam. They have to
wait for such long period due to shortage of few seconds to cut their Karmas and become Siddha. Such noble souls  are now enjoying Ekabhavaavtari (A single birth then salvation) status at present.

 Second case study is from life stories of Bhagwan Mahaveer. At the
end of his life span, when he was about to get Moksha, King of God Shakendra requested, Bhagwan to postpone his salvation by fraction seconds since on the scheduled time One planet named Bhasma was dominating the then  running Nakshtra. If Bhagwan  leave the world on that time ,it can cause deteriorating future quality of followers of Jainism. But even knowing it Bhagwan expressed his inability to do it. On prefixed time he left forever.This is power of scheduled time.

 This basic has been very well explained in Brihadaloyana one liner-    "Raee (seed of mustard ) Matra Wadhgat Nahi--------- (addition or reduction) Dekhya Kevaldyan----------------!!. It mean to say---
 (There cannot be deviation even equal to a seed of mustard in what Bhagwan has visualized for any person in his Kewaldyan.)
 Hence the followers of Jainism must remove fear of death and use available time to purify soul to his or her maximum extent

JAI JINENDRA-----!!!----------!!!---------JAI MAHAVEER----!!!.

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