Saturday 14 January 2017


One fine morning my cell phone rang with display of name  "Critic". It was my old friend on other end. I failed to change his saved name though my friend's views on Jainism melted to a great extent. He asked me to join him next day to meet Gurudeo since he has some interesting queries to discuss. He shared timings and travel details with me. I cannot refuse his call. As per plan we visited to see Pujya  Gurudeo next day. I asked for Gurudeo's time and waited for turn.
After exchanging routine where about, my friend asked permission to start conversation. This blog aims to cover it for Blog readers.
 "Sir, kindly brief me Jainism beliefs of universe creation and it's monitoring of living and non living. Friend continued discussion-
 Sir,I have read lot of religious, scientific and fiction books to know about this topic. But I could not reach to a conclusion, so I need your help to understand the subject. ".I hope to have your blessings for  really understanding the Truth and remove my confusion.
Gurudeo smiled and asked him to share his feed back in brief for various related theories he read, so he can also know it. My friend seemed to be a bit confused but carried on  put forth his observations
 " Sir it is difficult for me but in nutshell, I can summarize them as I remember out of so many theories in brief as follow
1-Explosion theory for birth of various planets including our Earth.
2-Some Superpower creating universe and monitoring it. The power is being referred as God/Nature by it's various advocators.
3-One theory based on astrology saying various planets control the universe through twelve signs. Individual is being ruled by planets.
4-One super computer theory says we are all robots controlled by mind and brain as software and finger prints as coded program. Stars are supposed to be satellites launched. It may sound like fiction story,
5-One theory claims the Creator to be a man made idea to sow seeds of fear in mankind for cultivating civic sense. It can help living life in harmony with other co existent. The fear make him to feel "Some one monitoring him" and must behave carefully in all our dealings.
6.-Last theory claims all of us to be particles of larger soul of God. Five basics (Panchmahabhut) and their combination create life and parting of a single element causes death. Those five elements are sky, air, water ,soil and sun light. The big soul has total plans for it's sub divided numerous particles. Please clear my confusion as stated.
Gurudeo looked at him with a smile" Yes I also heard them as a child but do not knew the details Neither I can tell any opinion on all of it's correctness or otherwise. But of course ,I can tell you what Jainism's beliefs on it with due references. Jainism belief can be stated as----.
1-The universe is being self created one- without beginning and without an end. It is being referred as "Anadi--Anant".
2-It was there in past, it is present now and it will there in future.(09/33 Bhagwatisutra, Jamali chapter).No change in basic structure.
3-The universe has two elements in operations-living souls and non living items. ( 25/02 Bhagwati Sutra).
4-Non living things are changed or monitored by living souls and living souls are being monitored by Karma doctrine.
 (01/06 B.S.).Rise of Karma particles give shape to life's various events for individual. Unraised portion of Karma is stored with soul.
5-Jainism accepts existence of God in two forms. One Siddha Bhagwan- only pure soul without body. They reside on top of universe. Second "Arihant and Kevali Bhagwan" pure soul with the
body. They have complete knowledge of all the time and all things.    These God status souls are not associated with creation or destruction of universe. Neither, they control living or non living ones. They only show correct path to attain salvation and free the soul to end chain of life and death cycles. They are free from love and hate and do not bless or curse the followers or non followers.
6-Jainism also recognize souls with super powers and skills than human being who gets birth in Heaven on the strength of their accumulated good deeds. They are of 4 types of deo Vyanwantardeo, Asurkumardeo, Jyotishideo and Vemanikdeo.
Former two reside near earth while later two reside in upper portion
of universe Head of each category is known as Indra.
They are 64 in number, Sun and Moon are two Indra of Jyotishideo. They are too busy to enjoy their wealth and empire. They are also not associated with universe  creation or any related activity. Some of them having correct faith may often visit Thirthankar or Kewali
Bhagwan to offer respect. They have long longevity. 
Gurudeo looked at my friend and asked him if he is satisfied and understood the it. 
"Sir, I understood it but not satisfied with it. Please excuse me for that but How it can be so simple and plain ? Such a giant scale things cannot be self created and self-monitored ? How human life can run with out intervention of super powers ? I failed to understand fully.
 " Please Let me have  a week's time to think, read and revert.
We both stood up thanked Gurudeo for explanation and left venue.
Now it became compulsory for me not to miss next round of meeting with Gurudeo. My friend seemed to be more puzzled with this new addition to his knowledge. He failed to utter a single word in car. I also preferred silence waived bye while getting out of car in front of my home. Waiting for next meet I closed door and entered home. One good thing was that I have no doubts on Gurudeo.

JAI JINENDRA-----------!!!--------- JAI MAHAVEER---------!!!.

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