Saturday 27 July 2024


Friends all of eight Karmas lay foundation of our next life. It is being affirmed by Bhagwan Mahaveer in Bhagwatiji. Out of 148  different Karma Prakrurti 93 sections are of "Naam Karma. A soul's personality is being decided by it. To become "Kewali" is a distant dream of all of Jain devotees. On top of it if one can build the unique "Thirthankar" Naam Karma it can be soul's rarest of it's achievement

then nothing in the universe can match this. Both these status possess "Kewaldyan and Kewaldarchan. Thirthankar Bhagwan got additional chance to form "Thirth" with four pillars. It is too unique position to be in only 24 Thirthankar in a single Aara in Bharat and Eirawat and 160 or 170 in all Dhaidwipa. Jain Aagams set out 20 tool to build it.
We will study them briefly in this Blog. Let us see if we can practice 1- Following orders ,Chitan and Puja of virtues ofArihant Bhagwan.  Navkar, Loggas, Namostunam and Puchisunam are best for praise. 2.-Praising Siddha Bhagwan and Dyan ,Chintain for their virtues.
3.-Keeping constant touch with Jinwani in form of 32.Aagams.          4.-Respect,Bhakti and Sewa of Gurudeo caring for their Gochari.
5.-Respecting 3 types of Sadhuji- Jaati, Shrut and Prawajya Swatvir.
6.-Respecting Sadhuji who are "Bahushrut" with expert knowledge.
7.-Bhakti of "Tapasvi" Sant and Satiyaji.                                              8.-Constant study of Jinwani and Aagam Dyan.                                    9.-Following "Samkit" with minute details from bottom of heart.        10.-Offering respect politeness to souls with Ratnya Tray Samkit.      11-Doing" Pratikaman" both time with relevant sentiments feelings.   We will study balance tools from 12 to 20 in next Blog.

JAI JINENDRA-----------!!!-----------JAY MAHAVVER-------!!!.

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