In the questions and answers session an old widower devotee who could not stand properly stood up and asked Gurudeo a query-----.
"Maharaj, why I am being constantly harassed and neglected by my son and his wife ? I have not expected such treatment to me even in my wildest dream "he said with a choke up voice and sat down.
Gurudeo looked at him sympathetically and said." Yes I will try to answer your question but before that let all of us have a look at those various situations in day today's life around us :-----------. 1.Parent taking care of their only mentally retarded son.
2.A house wife serving her husband suffering from paralysis since long period immediately after wedding.
3. A husband drinking alcohol and beating his wife on a regular basis. In absence of drink he is too good and normal.
4. Real brothers are fighting in legal battle over property disputes since decades immediately after demise of father.
5. A person donating his accumulated wealth to uplift lives of many unknown people of other countries.
6. Various organizations working to save animals and plants. A nurse serving patient without any motive.
7.A lady loving her pet dog just like kids giving her full attention.
Do you think all such incidents happens without any reason---- ?
As a rule there is a unique thread creating those above cited and another similar complexities of relationships among living souls driven by Karma Theory.It is created out of our love or hate felings.
Jainism provides the reasons of such actions, one has to refer and study following Aagaams for better understanding.
1. Chapter 18/03 of Bhagwatisutra Dravya ( actual) and Bhav---- (emotional) Bandhan (bondage). It shall be read with sub sections Prayogbandha (action) and Vistrthabandh ( natural).
"Maharaj, why I am being constantly harassed and neglected by my son and his wife ? I have not expected such treatment to me even in my wildest dream "he said with a choke up voice and sat down.
Gurudeo looked at him sympathetically and said." Yes I will try to answer your question but before that let all of us have a look at those various situations in day today's life around us :-----------. 1.Parent taking care of their only mentally retarded son.
2.A house wife serving her husband suffering from paralysis since long period immediately after wedding.
3. A husband drinking alcohol and beating his wife on a regular basis. In absence of drink he is too good and normal.
4. Real brothers are fighting in legal battle over property disputes since decades immediately after demise of father.
5. A person donating his accumulated wealth to uplift lives of many unknown people of other countries.
6. Various organizations working to save animals and plants. A nurse serving patient without any motive.
7.A lady loving her pet dog just like kids giving her full attention.
Do you think all such incidents happens without any reason---- ?
As a rule there is a unique thread creating those above cited and another similar complexities of relationships among living souls driven by Karma Theory.It is created out of our love or hate felings.
Jainism provides the reasons of such actions, one has to refer and study following Aagaams for better understanding.
1. Chapter 18/03 of Bhagwatisutra Dravya ( actual) and Bhav---- (emotional) Bandhan (bondage). It shall be read with sub sections Prayogbandha (action) and Vistrthabandh ( natural).
In former, the actions of a particular soul creates good or bad connections with other soul out of love or hate .As a rule one has to clear all such deeds before his soul gets salvation. For example love and respect Guru Gautamswami carried for Mahaveer Bhagwan was proving a cause of former not getting salvation earlier.Similar is the case between 22nd Thirthankar ShriNeminathji and Rajimatijitiji. The later was carrying her love for him for nine life cycles. At last on clarification by Bhagwan ,she gave up marriage plans and became monk and got salvation.
Such continuous relationships are termed in Hindi Language as "Rhunanubandh" to meant inner connections between various soul.
2. Chapter 12/07 of Bhagwatisutra explains numerous relations of a soul. It explains that each soul has been son, daughter, father, mother, friend and enemy for all other souls in the universe.
In current life if we protect a life we became his parent. On other hand we kill it or harass him we create negative bonding with him.
3. 30 types of actions and reasons of building Mahahohniya Karma. All such actions give same or severe than original action as per mechanism of boomerang. They are termed as Saatavedniya (good) and Asatavedniya Karma. ( bad ).Hence as per teachings of Jainism we have to conquer love and or hate for other living souls. Even in Pratikaman Raagbandhan (attachment by love) and Dweshbandhan (hate connections) are advised to be avoided. We have seen the rise of Karma and the consequences" Gajsukuuumalmuni" faced.
Thus there is no reason to feel sorry for the present state. No one can stop the natural process of operation of Karma results.
If one decides to forgive the opponent and suffer the result silently then only new cycle of tit for tat and hate will not be generated,
It is my advice in good faith to adopt a let go approach and repay the old dues " Gurudeo concluded.
I looked at the face of that old person, there were tears in his eyes. He might have understood his own actions of past life and regretted. He bowed down and sat with some helping hands.
Such continuous relationships are termed in Hindi Language as "Rhunanubandh" to meant inner connections between various soul.
2. Chapter 12/07 of Bhagwatisutra explains numerous relations of a soul. It explains that each soul has been son, daughter, father, mother, friend and enemy for all other souls in the universe.
In current life if we protect a life we became his parent. On other hand we kill it or harass him we create negative bonding with him.
If one decides to forgive the opponent and suffer the result silently then only new cycle of tit for tat and hate will not be generated,
It is my advice in good faith to adopt a let go approach and repay the old dues " Gurudeo concluded.
I looked at the face of that old person, there were tears in his eyes. He might have understood his own actions of past life and regretted. He bowed down and sat with some helping hands.