Friday 9 August 2024


Friends, here is Gurudeo's  lecture delivered in kid's .camp yesterday. "Dear kids we all set target of reaching to "Siddhasheela" as it is said always aim for high in life. Object is being set but there is no time line defined. Reason being that it all depends upon soul's maximum human effort with a firm and true faith on Jinwani. Human capacity

 varies from person to person depending upon determination and his power to pursue. We will discuss target in 3 section for easy grasp.
A-BENEFITS-Let me discuss the results and it's benefits as follow.
1.-Soul achieve ever lasting Kewal Dyan and Kewal Darshan.            2.-Soul getting free from all subsequent cycles of births and deaths.  3.-Soul getting free from body, organ and related issue and suffering.

 4.-Soul getting free from all wishes, Kashay, Punya. and sins.        5.-Soul getting free from human relationship, meetings and partings.  6.-Soul remains at constant place forever at top of universe forever.

7.-Soul gets back to original form remains in peace with 8 virtues.    B--CONDITIONS- We need to check that we desirous for this high post qualify and meet following basic  summarized ten conditions.    1-Human,Traskaay,Panchedriya,Saadnyi,Bhavi,Shuklapakshik,soul who has limited Sansar, Skhayik Samkit, Avedi and Akashayi. soul
having Yathakyat Charitya, Kewal Dyan ,Kewal Darshan ,Anaharak,  Ayogi and Aleshi. Birth in the specified Aaras and specified Khetra.  C-.WAYS TO ACHIEVE IT.--We all need to do our best for below.  1.-Give up Mitthatva and achieve Samkit.Become Shrawak and go for various Pachkhans, Samaik, Pratikaman to achieve Nirjara.
2.-Walk on path of Jinwani as a true a Shravak.                           
3.-Go for a Jain Bhagwati Diksha and become--- a strict Jain monk.

4.-Walk on path of Sayam as shown by Bhagwan Mahaveera. Have deep study of Jainism with Swadhya of 32 Aagams.                   
Hope you all will be successful in your mission in a short time. One need not to doubt about reaching destination as Bhagwan has assured that all Bhavi souls will attain salvation who reached Samkit
Guru Deo has concluded his today's lectures. Organizer thanked all. 

JAI JINENDRA----------!!!----------JAI MAHAVEERA-----!!!. 


Monday 5 August 2024


Friends, I present herewith Guru Deo's lecture. He was addressing at a kid's camp organized for them to learn Puchisunam Stotra. He paused to explain the word "Khedanay" in second stanza. It means a

soul who deeply feels the pain for others, In related process he thinks ways which can remove their root cause of sufferings. Mahaveer Swamiji was such a  great and noble soul. We all are proud of our leader.

He used his 'Kewaldyan " to preach conduct ways which has power to remove all all of sufferings of living souls. He concluded that birth-- is basic root cause of all the sufferings. Once we are able to burn seeds of birth then we all can automatically remove sufferings of life and death. As a result the free soul can reach top world and stay there forever. It is but
natural when a Bhavi  and soft hearted soul happen to see killing of hen or ship at a butcher shop and feel pain and sorry for them. But just imagine a  high quality of a soul when he feel pain for smallest living soul like ant, flower, a drop of water or plant.
Mahaveer was name of such kind and soft hearted noble soul. Out of immense respect and affection of all living soul-He came out of his unique theory of Non-violence. He insisted that violence can be even
by mind or speech also together with physical body. He realized that no one like to be troubled or  to get hurt only because he/ she is weak or less fortunate.
In the universe being dominated by self centered or selfish masses. He pioneered theory of Live and let live and told with a harmony with all species we all can live happy and peaceful life. Sadly we witness
a sad state of worldly affairs where the weaker are being subjected to all evil by mighty rulers. We can do little about it as majority may not be in mood to listen to Bhagwan's teachings as it may not bring them immediate material gains. But as a Jain you as a young bearer of Bhagwan's legacy try to spread
his message to the possible extent. Puchisunam is composed by present siddha "Sudharmaswami" in praise of Bhagwan. Stotra's learning and frequent recitation will offer you immense joy and happiness throughout your life  "Gurudeo ended his lecture. A small booklet of "Puchisunam" was distributed by organizers to help kids for learning. Let us learn it. 


Tuesday 30 July 2024


 Friends in last two Blogs, we have seen 20 tools to build most unique "Thirthankar Naam Karma." One needs to get himself ready for it with two different status. They are first "Shrawak and second being Sadhu.

For true Shrawak it is much easier to take "Diksha" and become sadhu. As it is ongoing Chaturmas, I thought to add this subject to my Blog. It can facilitate Jain devotees to practice and adopt virtues of Shrawaks.  Aagam "Upasakdasha" covers life of 10 Shrawaks of Mahaveerswami Shrawaks can be "Ekbhavatari" as given in above "Upasakdasha." Bhagan has so many high quality Shrawaks like-Aanand,Kamdev and Puniya shrawak
Let us study these 21 virtues in brief and one by one in brief.    1- He (Shravak) has knowledge of  9 Tatva and 25 Kriya.  
2.-He don't expect any assistance from others religious activity.  3.-He remain firm on his religion and cannot be shaken his faith.  4.-Has no doubt in Jinwani or results don't desire for other faith.  5.-By all means He try to learn and know Aagam.

                                                                                                         6.-He does extensive study of Aagams reaching all body parts.     7.-He believes and express Jinwani is the only savior and true,   8.-Free from malpractices He has simple spotless living style.     9.-For help and charity His doors are always open.                       10.-He practice "Poshad" on 8+14+15 Thithi in 15 days .     Balance 11 virtues are as next  following lines.                             11-Are full with manners and etiquettes beyond any doubt,           12-Strict in following taken "Pachkhans". 
13.-Offering prescribed "Gochari" to Sadhuji and Satiyaji.          14.-Tries to spread Jainism and adds literature, lectures for it.      15.-Controls greed with lowest wishes to have material things.    16.-With limited "Aarambh".                                                          17.-Daily chant three "Manorath".

18.-Appreciate Saadhji and other 3 pillars for quality.                    19.-Do "Pratikaman" twice as prescribed.                                      20.-Offer assistance to needy Jain brothers and sisters.                  21.-Do daily " Samaik" and listen" Jinwani" by Gurudeo.                  

JAI JINENDRA--------------!!!-----JAI MAHAVEER-------!!!.


Saturday 27 July 2024


 Friends let us continue  previous Blog of Thirthankar Naam Karma.    12.-Following total 12 Mulguna and Uttarguna Vrata strictly.              13.-Constantly keeping "Saveg" Shubhbhav. 

  14.-Doing maximum possible "Tapsya".                                              15.-Offering "Supatra Daan" with necessary feelings.

 16.-"Vaiyavrut-Seva to Aacharji and noble 10 souls.                           17.-Self in constant "Samadhi Bhav" with sweet conversations.         18.-Constant looking for new knowledge of Jainism and studying it.   19.-Respecting and praising "Shrut Dyan."                                           20-Dharma and Pravachan Prabhavna.

All noble souls who constantly practice above 20 tools can build the Thirthankar Naam Karma. When said Karma reaches to rise status. 

 JAI JINENDRA-------!!!----------JAI MAHAVEER-------!!!.





Friends all of eight Karmas lay foundation of our next life. It is being affirmed by Bhagwan Mahaveer in Bhagwatiji. Out of 148  different Karma Prakrurti 93 sections are of "Naam Karma. A soul's personality is being decided by it. To become "Kewali" is a distant dream of all of Jain devotees. On top of it if one can build the unique "Thirthankar" Naam Karma it can be soul's rarest of it's achievement

then nothing in the universe can match this. Both these status possess "Kewaldyan and Kewaldarchan. Thirthankar Bhagwan got additional chance to form "Thirth" with four pillars. It is too unique position to be in only 24 Thirthankar in a single Aara in Bharat and Eirawat and 160 or 170 in all Dhaidwipa. Jain Aagams set out 20 tool to build it.
We will study them briefly in this Blog. Let us see if we can practice 1- Following orders ,Chitan and Puja of virtues ofArihant Bhagwan.  Navkar, Loggas, Namostunam and Puchisunam are best for praise. 2.-Praising Siddha Bhagwan and Dyan ,Chintain for their virtues.
3.-Keeping constant touch with Jinwani in form of 32.Aagams.          4.-Respect,Bhakti and Sewa of Gurudeo caring for their Gochari.
5.-Respecting 3 types of Sadhuji- Jaati, Shrut and Prawajya Swatvir.
6.-Respecting Sadhuji who are "Bahushrut" with expert knowledge.
7.-Bhakti of "Tapasvi" Sant and Satiyaji.                                              8.-Constant study of Jinwani and Aagam Dyan.                                    9.-Following "Samkit" with minute details from bottom of heart.        10.-Offering respect politeness to souls with Ratnya Tray Samkit.      11-Doing" Pratikaman" both time with relevant sentiments feelings.   We will study balance tools from 12 to 20 in next Blog.

JAI JINENDRA-----------!!!-----------JAY MAHAVVER-------!!!.

Monday 22 July 2024


In first lecture of  current Chaturmas by Gurudeo two lines made me to think and express it through this Blog. He said irrespective of---- what we believe level of current  human knowledge is too low. It is

just as a drop of water in beak of a sparrow. While" Kewaldyan " is capable to know each and every minute details of living or non living covering all of the three period. As such Kewaldyan is a tool of hope

for who are anxious to know mystery of  human lives and existence. I have no doubt about both of his these two statements. I just started to chalk out things we do not know and wish to know, While giving it a thought, I felt ashamed for limitation of knowledge, If I exclude from it my superficial knowledge obtained through study of Jainism -then the result are too poor. Souls in Maha-Vidheha Khetra are too fortunate and luckyto have always opportunity to obtain Kewaldyan. 
We in Bharat and Eirawat get such chances only in third and fourth
Aaras .I just though to list out things I wish to know. In general we as human are so preoccupied with our routine duties and activities few of us can be able to give it a thought. Looking back to my point I am trilled with mysteries of galaxies and universe. The never ending sky deep oceans and seas .mountains, snow clad mountains, forests.
deserts. I wish to know about biggest surprise sun ,moon and stars.
Rains, clouds rainbows, volcano ,earthquake also rose my curiosity to know. A small ant, colors of peacock and butterfly, the cuckoo's voice. all birds and animal together with beautiful roses continue to carry on my anxiety. Miracles of human body power of seed to turn into huge tree all are so fascinating Overall great mystery behind all life and death, difference in IQ levels of human I wish I could know. 
Mahaveerswami assured salvation to all Bhavi souls. Moksha can be possible only after getting Kewaldyan and Kewaldarshan. As such as Gurudeo said there is hope let us wait for the golden day for all of us when we can be blessed with the unique treasure of Kewaldyan. For
it no doubt the road is difficult and hard. It needs absolute faith on Jinwani, Dikha, fast Nirjara and Sayam. Let us all aim and do it.  

JAI JINENDRA----------!!!----------JAI MAHAVEER------------!!!.